Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 699 Shock

When Sun Yuan returned to the city in triumph, the thousands of troops watching the battle in the city were completely excited. They cheered wildly and resounded throughout the sky. They could not imagine that the invincible orcs would be defeated by their own side, but they would be completely defeated. The eyes that looked at Sun Yuan were filled with crazy admiration, and Sun Yuan was welcomed in as a hero.

At night, in the main tent of the Principality of Louis, Cruise was silent and had a gloomy face, while the other officers in the tent were too nervous to breathe. After a long time, Cruise finally said: "Tell us about today's events." Well, how should we deal with the enemy next?"

No one spoke, and Cruise couldn't help but said angrily: "Aren't you all very arrogant on weekdays? You call yourself the elite of the Blue Dragon Legion, why are you all mute now!!"

It took a long time before an officer with a Chinese character spoke: "Commander, how about we ask for help from the country? The local strength is beyond our expectation. Maybe with our remaining 50,000 troops, it will be difficult to capture the city of Balgiri!" "

"Or, we can temporarily withdraw our troops!"

Someone took the lead to speak, so many officers spoke one after another. The most common comment was to retreat and plan strategies.

The continuous heavy losses and the shock that Sun Yuan brought to them today have made these self-proclaimed warrior officers fearful. No one wants to fight against a strong man who can single-handedly defeat 2,000 troll cavalry. This It's just looking for abuse.

Cruise frowned, his brows furrowed very tightly. To be honest, maybe the best way now is really what they said, but Cruise couldn't retreat. The Grand Duke had high hopes for him. If he retreated, wouldn't it be It is said in several big families that if the Grand Duke does not know people well, his own future does not matter, and it would be a great sin to spoil the Grand Duke's overall plan.

Moreover, if he goes back like this, he is afraid that the family who resented his joining the Azure Dragon Legion early in the morning will probably tear him apart, and even the Grand Duke will not be able to save his life.

Therefore, Cruise will never retreat! !

"Bishop Winster, tell me!!" Cruise looked at Winster, who had been silent. If the army still has the strength to fight against the strong men in Balgiri City, it is only the magician group led by Winster, and after rest, the magicians have recovered their magic power.

Facing Cruise's hopeful eyes. Winster smiled bitterly, "Commander, I can try it tomorrow. Fortunately, that strong man is not a magician. If he is really a mage who is only half a step away from the holy level. We don't need to fight. He can do it alone." Pick me all!!”

"What can you do? What do you need me to do?" Cruz asked.

Winster said: "My subordinates and I plan to jointly cast a super magic. I believe that even if a strong man at the peak of the half-step Holy Order wants to withstand the magic of a 500-person magician group, it will be impossible unless the other party is Holy steps!”

Winster said proudly, this is the secret of magicians. On its own, it may only have 10 combat power points, but once they are combined, the strength displayed is absolutely terrifying. How powerful is the magic power of 500 magicians? . Winster believed that as long as he was under the Holy Order, everyone could resist.

"Okay, let's see the master tomorrow!!" I don't know when, but Cruise's tone towards Winster changed again, and he even used honorifics.

The next day, at dawn, 2,000 cavalrymen filed out of the main camp of the Duke of Louis. They surrounded the city in a large circle, and in the large circle. There were hundreds of soldiers working hard carrying stones and wood, looking very busy.

"What are they doing? They seem to be building a high platform?"

"Go and report to your lord!"

soon. After receiving the news, Jiang Tian walked up to the city wall. When he saw the scene a few kilometers away, he couldn't help but laugh. He remembered that the Alpha Kingdom was the same at the time. Hundreds of magicians built a magic array, and then used the built magic array. Delta achieves the purpose of delivering magic power to a person. Then release powerful magic.

But that time in Alpha, it was those magicians who did that. Otherwise, how could I have killed hundreds of meters of magicians?

"Sir, they seem to be setting up a magic formation. Do you want to lead troops to destroy it?!" As a senior undead creature, Baghdad has definitely seen a wide range of the world, so he recognized what those soldiers from the Principality of Louis were doing at a glance.

Jiang Tian shook his head, "No need, let them build it, we can just wait and see what happens!!"

Now that the adults had said so, Baghdad could only remain silent.

Jiang Tian turned to look at Sun Yuan and said, "In a moment, you will take action alone. I want you to directly destroy the opponent's formation. Can you do it?"

"Okay!" Sun Yuan replied.

As a result, thousands of defenders on the city wall quietly watched the enemy troops working in full swing below the city.

In the camp of the Principality of Louis, Cruise looked at the city wall. It was quiet. The other party seemed to be completely stupid. He knew what he was preparing, but he did not reveal his identity to destroy it. Could it be that the other party had some conspiracy? ?

Cruise raised his doubts, but Master Winter smiled calmly, "Commander, don't worry, those 2,000 cavalry are only used to prevent attacks by ordinary soldiers, but they can really protect us from intrusions and sneak attacks." it is this!!"

"A magic scroll made by a holy mage himself?" Cruise couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Master Winster take out a white scroll from his sleeve with dark golden patterns on it, which was very complicated.

Because Grand Duke Rose is the nephew of the Pope, the entire nobles of the Principality of Louis are very familiar with some things of the Light God. Cruise recognized the origin of the scroll in Master Winster's hand at a glance, "If I If your guess is correct, this magic scroll should be called Holy Protection, right?"

"The handsome man is so knowledgeable!" Master Winster praised, "This magic scroll is indeed called Holy Guardian, but its maker is not a saint-level expert, but a very old person in the monastery. Given by the cardinal, he is only one step away from the holy level. This magic scroll can ignore attacks below 5 stars, and even if a 5-star strong person keeps attacking from day to night, it will be difficult to break through this defense. In the entire continent of Atlanti, there are no more than 10 people who can break through this defensive barrier in a short period of time!!"

"This puts me at ease!"

Master Winster chuckled, "But this scroll is very precious and has a price but no market, so Marshal, see if you can do it."

Before Master West finished speaking, Cruise interrupted, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay you double the market price!"

In order to break through the city of Balgiri, it is worth paying no matter how high the price is. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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