Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 73 Tang Xiaoran

ps: Thanks to "This Life Weijing", "Confidence and Self-Strength", "Kong Qiu Ming" and other children's shoes for the rewards. Thank you, okay, the flowers are falling^_^!

When he went back that night, Jiang Tian was criticized by the other two people in the dormitory. Why could Yu Tong pick him up but we couldn't? Yu Tong had a car and we had a battery car.

Shen Xing, in particular, was unforgiving. Jiang Tian could only beg for mercy, and finally took out the red wine he had not finished drinking in the restaurant. Although Liu Yong was not a good drinker, he could not bear the thought of reading so many books. Identified the true identity of the red wine: "Holy crap, it's imported from Chateau Raphael. Lao Jiang is really different from us. He has already ascended to the altar of rich, handsome and rich people!"

Liu Yong, who was numb, had already taken his own coffee cup and poured half a cup, tasted it carefully, and said, "It's really mellow, and it's not comparable to ordinary wine. Lao Jiang, this bottle costs about 3,000 yuan." Bar?"

"Roughly the same!"

Shen Xing snatched it away: "Let's share the good stuff with everyone!"

The four people in the dormitory chatted and drank all the red wine in less than half an hour.

"I asked Lao Shen, how are your civil servant preparations going? Which position are you going to apply for?" Yu Tong said.

"Shenhai City/Committee/Organization/Department, registration will begin in mid-February next year!" Shen Xing said.

"Well done to the Organization Department. If you take charge of personnel affairs, my friends will follow you from now on!" Yu Tong patted Shen Xing on the shoulder.

Shen Xing said: "I haven't even finished my horoscope yet. Lao Jiang's partner is even more awesome. He is from the Central Propaganda Department and has a medium font. His name alone can scare people to death. You might as well hug his thighs and let him blow." Blow the pillow!”

Jiang Tiandao: "I am me, Xiaoyi is Xiaoyi, I hope she doesn't pass the exam, otherwise I won't be able to do business in the future? Men with strong women are not that easy to make."

"With so many taboos, there is no high-ranking official who doesn't come out to do business, so worry about it!" Shen Xing said.

Liu Yongdao: "This shows that if you become an official in the future, you will also be a corrupt official!"

"You get out!"

The next day, the three people in the dormitory invited Jiang's father and Jiang's mother to dinner together at the school's Hunan restaurant. After the meal, Jiang Tian took the two elders to visit the school. When they heard that his son had opened a milk tea shop with Yu Tong, Store, must go and see it.

Seeing the booming business of the milk tea shop, the two elders' faces lit up with joy.

The two elders took a car back to Songshan County that afternoon. Jiang Tian originally offered to drive Yu Tong's car to see them off, but the two elders did not allow it. They asked Jiang Tian to focus on his studies. Before leaving, Jiang's mother said: It is best to take some time to bring Su Yimo back to his hometown to see him. Meet the elders!

Coming out of the bus station, Yu Tong asked: "Where to go next, Mr. Jiang?"

Yu Tong is the only one in the dormitory who knows that Jiang Tian runs a club. It's not that Jiang Tian deliberately conceals Shen Xing and Liu Yong, but Jiang Tian doesn't want money to affect the original relationship. After all, if they know that Jiang Tian is worth millions, they will only I'm afraid that there will always be some changes in my heart, and there will be inexplicable pressure in my future interactions with Jiang Tian.

Yu Tong had no choice. After all, the two of them opened a milk tea shop together, and they often couldn't hide it. For this reason, Jiang Tian bribed him with a VIP card as hush money.

Let’s talk about it after graduation!

Jiang Tiandao: "Go back to school. Why, where do you want to go?"

Yu Tongdao: "Let's go to your club to have fun. I also want to play archery. Last time was not enough!"

"It's up to you. I just have something to go to the club to take care of!" Jiang Tiandao called Lu Tingting at the same time and asked her to notify someone from Auchan Advertising to come and reconcile the accounts. The original prediction was wrong. I didn't expect that the opening of the store would be so popular, resulting in manpower shortage. It's not enough, so many aspects of promotion are completely handled by Auchan Advertising alone. Some things need to be verified.

Jiang Tian holds the position of vice president in the club, and the business he manages is finance. This is what Lin Feng insists on. He may still be worried about handing all the power to Zuo Daoming. Lin Feng himself is also in charge of a piece of business, and only Han Lin is an idle person who only holds the title of vice president.

As the general manager, Zuo Daoming is more concerned with business matters, which is what he is good at.

Soon, Yu Tong drove the car onto the road.

"Are you okay? Why do I feel like the car keeps shaking!" Jiang Tian quickly put on his seat belt.

"Is there any shaking? No!" Yu Tongdao said, "It's a problem with this road. Alas, it's been four or five years and I still don't know how to repair it!"

"Hey, Lao Jiang, do you see that over there? There, there's a policewoman over there!" Yu Tong pointed.

"Where?" Jiang Tian looked in the direction of Yu Tong's finger. There was indeed a policeman standing in front of him near the curb. Judging from his figure, he was indeed a policewoman.

"Tsk tsk, there aren't many female traffic policemen now. Look at her figure. She's much prettier than a bunch of old men. She looks so good against the police uniform. Hey, Lao Jiang, look, she's looking over. Damn, it's so Beautiful, policewoman!"

Jiang Tian also saw clearly the appearance of the policewoman, her gentle appearance. Isn't this Hong Yu's subordinate? Last time he rescued Wang Zhen from the sea, wasn't she the one who accompanied Hong Yu? Why did she become a traffic policeman again? ?

What is it called, Tang Xiaoran!

"Stop and drive the wrong way, 3 points will be deducted and fine will be 200!!"

Yu Tong's car was stopped, and Tang Xiaoran copied the license plate and issued a ticket. Yu Tong was stunned, and then he realized that he was driving on the wrong road, "Lao Jiang, why didn't you remind me?"

"I didn't pay attention either. Who told you to keep pointing your fingers randomly?" Jiang Tian said innocently.

Looking at the fine handed over in front of him, Yu Tong grimaced: "Officer, please give me another chance to be a new person. I don't dare to do it anymore. I paid the fine, so don't deduct these points!"

"drving license!"

Tang Xiaoran had a straight face, but her slightly green face was not as intimidating as some old police officers. In addition, she was indeed very pretty and had the graceful temperament of a Jiangnan woman. This was why Yu Tong dared to pretend to be pitiful and bargain. .

Tang Xiaoran has also been depressed recently. He originally graduated from the police academy and his excellent grades were enough to be assigned to the branch's criminal police brigade as an intern. This was true at the beginning. I had only been an intern for a period of time, and I didn’t know what my family was thinking. They said they wanted to train at the lowest level, but they were assigned to the traffic police force.

"Can I use my friend's driver's license? I forgot my driver's license!" Yu Tong said.


Yu Tong gave Jiang Angel a wink and quietly typed a line on his mobile phone: My driver's license has 2 points left out of 12, which is not enough.

Well, after 3 points, all 12 points have been deducted, and you can go back and take the exam again!

Helpless, Jiang Tian had no choice but to say: "Officer Tang, hello!"

"Who are you?" Tang Xiaoran really didn't remember who Jiang Tian was, friend? I don't have a single friend in Shenhai City yet.

Jiang Tian really felt too good about himself. When he met the policewoman's blank eyes, he had to bite the bullet and explain: "Last time in the hospital, you and Captain Hong were together, and I saved someone..."

"Oh, it's you, your name is Jiang Tian!" Tang Xiaoran was very proud and thought of Jiang Tian.

"Yes, yes, officer Tang, do you think this is a show of arrogance?" Jiang Tiandao said.

Tang Xiaoran glanced at Yu Tong and said, "In that case, let's forget it this time. Be careful when driving next time. If you hit someone, you will be more responsible!" He returned the driver's license to Yu Tong.

Yu Tong quickly thanked: "Thank you, thank you!"

Jiang Tianye said: "Thank you very much, Officer Tang. I'll treat you to dinner next time!"

"Okay, let's go!"

This is the case in Greater China. Favors are everywhere. Sometimes, even if we have only met once, it is much more convenient than others to do things. This is why many people are keen on socializing at dinner parties and are proficient in this art.

In the car, Yu Tong was amnesty and at the same time admired Jiang Tian: "Lao Jiang, my admiration for you now is like the water of the Yangtze River. It's out of control. How can you be such a beautiful policewoman? Do you know him?"

"I've dealt with him before, I heard he just graduated from the police academy!"

When they arrived at the LaCrosse Club, Yu Tong was taken to play archery by someone else, while Jiang Tian accompanied the financial manager Zhang Bijun to receive people from Auchan Advertising, Lin Ruoxi and her financial staff.

Zhang Bijun is a talent that Lin Feng poached from a foreign company. She is about 33 years old, with fair skin, a pointed chin and an oval face, and a womanly look.

She is dressed in light-colored professional attire, lined with a white shirt, and the uniform tightly wraps her body. She has short black hair that reaches her ears without any decorations. She exudes a strong aura and is even more meticulous in doing things. Sometimes, Zuo Daoming, the general manager, will be annoyed by her professionalism, because she will call you at 2 or 2 in the morning for work, and will not hang up the phone until she comes up with a plan.


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