Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 84 Fishing on campus

This can be regarded as one of Shen Xing’s jokes. Hearing He Jing mention it, he looked a little embarrassed and stopped talking. In fact, Shen Xing had said regrets several times in the dormitory, and there was a hint in his words that he wanted to invest again. Jiang Tian had full power and no control, so it was difficult for him to say anything, and Yu Tong had no intention of agreeing. √∟

The atmosphere was a bit dull, and everyone was silently working on the steak in front of them.

"By the way, Xiao Yi, you heard from my Yu Tong that Jiang Tianfei went to Jin City to look for you. Why didn't you come back together?" Tong Xuan asked, breaking the atmosphere.

"You two are too tired. You all chased me to Jin City and even took a plane there. To be honest, are you two..." He Jing had a smirk on his face.

Su Yimo was embarrassed: "No way, what are you thinking? Jiang Tian went to Jin City to meet clients and took a look at me by the way!"

This girl obviously couldn't tell lies, her eyes were evasive, and she glanced at Jiang Tian from time to time.

Jiang Tian, ​​on the other hand, was very calm and said politely: "This time I went to Jin City to meet a friend. Of course, the main thing is to meet Xiao Yi. I miss her!"

"Oh, you're so disgusting. You don't forget to express your sincerity while eating!"

The other three people in Su Yimo's dormitory started making noises. Su Yimo's pretty face was slightly red, but she gave Jiang Tian a sweet smile. Jiang Tian knew that his last sentence was right.

"By the way, Jiang Tian, ​​I have been listening to Yu Tong talk about business all day long. How big is your business? Do you have to make millions a year?" Tong Xuan was straightforward and asked as soon as she thought of it. In fact, this question was present. Everyone wanted to know, including Su Yimo.

The reason Su Yimo didn't ask in detail was because she was afraid that Jiang Tian would think she was a materialistic girl, so she kept holding back.

Jiang Tiandao: "Not that much, just cut it in half!"

Folded in half, that would be 500,000.

Ye Xiaoman glanced at Jiang Tian in surprise. She didn't have much interaction with Jiang Tian. She only heard from Shen Xing that Jiang Tian was working outside the school. She thought he was looking for a job or working in sales. She didn't expect to earn so much money. This income is not comparable to that of a professor in a university, let alone a student.

"That's a lot. I dare say that among the tens of thousands of students in our Deep Sea University, no one can compare with you!" He Jing said, but she was envious of Su Yimo in her heart. Why didn't she find this blue chip stock?

After eating, it was not convenient to go out to play due to heavy rain and high water, so we went back to the dormitories.

When passing by the playground, Jiang Tian saw his car parked on the side of the road, and the water on the road had already covered half of the wheel. If the rain continued, he was afraid that the entire wheel would be covered tonight.

"Lao Yu, where did you park your car?" Jiang Tian asked.

Yu Tongdao: "There is a piece of high ground in our school. It has always been deserted. There is not much water there. I stopped there. I think you should park the car there quickly, otherwise it will be soaked sooner or later!"

Shen Xing and Liu Yong returned to the dormitory first, and Yu accompanied Jiang Tian to park the car. However, when they arrived at the high ground, the cars were already full and there was no space at all.

"What should I do? Why don't you ask Dean Li? You are very familiar with him. Our school has an indoor parking garage. Let him think of a solution!" Yu Tong said, sitting in the passenger seat.

Jiang Tian took out his mobile phone to contact Li Yunsheng. After listening to Jiang Tian's words, Li Yunsheng was very enthusiastic and asked Jiang Tian to drive the car directly to the garage. He had already said hello.

Yu Tong sighed: "It's true that money can make the world go round!"

How did he know that Li Yunsheng not only accepted Jiang Tian's purple clay pot, but also waited for his graduation next year and asked newspapers to report on it. The success of a college student in starting a business would definitely attract attention, and by then he would be Jiang Tian's instructor. He guided the company from its inception.

The heavy rain in Deep Sea City continued until the third day after Jiang Tian returned. On the third day, the sky gradually cleared up, and the entire Deep Sea City was almost turning into a water city. Many streets were completely flooded and impassable.

Jiang Tian was worried about the situation at home. After all, he was engaged in aquaculture. He called his parents. He heard his parents complain that part of the problem was lost. Fortunately, it was repaired in time. Jiang Tian was relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tian called Zuo Daoming again and asked about the situation of the club. Zuo Daoming said that the situation was not bad. The club was located on a slightly higher ground and there were buildings around it that were flooded. However, it would be difficult to tell if the rain was so severe.

Jiang Tian said that the road is blocked now and he would go there by himself after seeing the situation.

Jiang Tiangang hung up the phone here, and Yu Tong opened the door of the dormitory and walked in hurriedly: "Quick, quick, brothers are all walking. I heard someone caught three or four kilograms of carp in the water. Now many people Catching fish!”

It turned out that all the fish in the school's artificial lake had escaped. Following the water flow, there were fish everywhere in the school. There were also students who rode bicycles and ran over fish.

After hearing what Yu Tong said, everyone in the dormitory mobilized, picked up buckets and ran downstairs.

When I went out, I saw that there were students fishing everywhere, regardless of the cold water. In order to fish, these students worked very hard.

"Hey, we're here at the playground. You guys can come too. It's close to the lake and there are a lot of fish. Okay!"

Yu Tong hung up the phone and said, "Tong Xuan and the others are coming too!"

Soon, four girls from dormitory 206 walked over from a distance. They were all wearing short shorts, and the rain reached their knees, revealing a section of their big white legs. The upper body is a thick down jacket.

It rained heavily in December and flooded the city. This was the first time this happened in Shenhai City.

"Ah sneeze!"

Tong Xuan shuddered, "Yu Tong, if you make me catch a cold, you will be dead!"

Yu Tong said helplessly: "You are the one who insisted on coming!"

"Who asked you to tell me that there are fish here? If you don't tell me, I won't come!"

This is Tong Xuan's divine logic, and Yu Tong can only retreat.

Jiang Tian shook Su Yimo's hand and said coldly, "If it's cold, just wait for me at the door of the dormitory. I'll go alone!"

Although her face was red from the cold, Su Yimo couldn't hide her excitement, "I want to catch fish too!"

The four girls' eyes were shining brightly, and it seemed that they could not be persuaded to leave, so under the leadership of Yu Tong, a group of people set out.

Because the playground is all made of plastic or cement boards, there is no mud and the water is very clear. Sometimes you can see a big fish a few meters away slowly swaying its tail.

"Ah, I saw the fish, so big, so big, there and there!"

Tong Xuan's screams were heard not far away, and she almost jumped up and rushed towards the corner of the playground with a "swishing" sound. The water waves caused by it immediately made the carp run away in fright.

"Shen Xing, he's swimming towards you, catch him quickly!" Tong Xuan shouted.

Shen Xing got into position, with his legs slightly bent and a bucket in one hand. When the carp swam over, he immediately fished it out with the bucket.

With a "plop", half of the carp's body was placed in the bucket and it jumped vigorously. Shen Xing quickly protected it with his hands and shouted happily: "Haha, I caught it, what a big fish!"

Before he finished speaking, the big carp broke free from the bucket and fell into the water, splashing water all over Shen Xing.

"Lao Jiang, it's up to you!" Shen Xing shouted.

Jiang Tian looked intently, and saw that the big carp was swimming towards him. Jiang Tian did not use a bucket, but directly fished it into the water with both hands. "Crash", water splashed everywhere, and the big carp was firmly caught in Jiang Tian's hands.

"Xiaoyi, bucket!"

Su Yimo came over quickly, and Jiang Tian put the big carp into the bucket. Fortunately, the bucket was deep enough, so the big carp didn't jump out.

Others gathered around and marveled at the size of the carp, which weighed about four kilograms.

Now everyone's interest became even higher, and they formed a team to go out to investigate. Every time, other people found the fish and failed to catch it. Jiang Tian ran over and took action to catch the right one.

Two hours later, it was too cold, so the eight people went back in disinterest.

"What to do with these fish?" Yu Tong asked.

It took two hours to receive the goods: two large carp, one large grass carp, and four palm-sized crucian carp.

Yu Tong suggested: "How about we take the fish to the school's 'alumni' restaurant and cook it in the evening?"

This proposal has been unanimously approved by everyone. The fish caught by one's own hands always tastes better.

"I am familiar with the boss of the alumni, and I guarantee that he will only charge us a small processing fee!" Shen Xing volunteered. He was once the president of the student union and had dealt with the owner of the alumni hotel.

After the discussion, several people felt chilly and hurried back to get warm.

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