Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 868 The Japanese

After spending two days calmly at home with his parents, Jiang Tian began to move. First, he had to have a house in the capital. Don't worry about this. Jiang Tian now can be said to be as rich as the country, because he himself controls A country's second priority is how to safely send parents to the capital.

Although the inland is much safer than the coastal and border areas, and high-level monsters are rare, it is not that there are no monsters that have sneaked into the inland mountains. Jiang Tian had to consider this, and finally Jiang Tian decided to send Lan Pu to Lin sent them to his parents' side, firstly to protect the safety along the way, and secondly, because the capital was in deep water, it was really hard not to have a bodyguard by his side.

Although Ramplin was extremely reluctant to leave Jiang Tian's side, he had to accept this task. Of course, in order to appease this golden-winged roc to serve him better, Jiang Tian gave him a great benefit, the magic crystal. Needless to say, the key is that Jiang Tian gave him a practice method.

This technique was obtained by Jiang Tian after devouring the inner elixir of the ancient dragon ape. It is the cultivation method of the ancient dragon ape. It specializes in cultivating the physical body. It is many times better than Ramplin's family technique, but it made him extremely happy. , it was almost impossible to find the north. Jiang Tian's skills gave him hope of breaking through the current realm and even peeking into a higher realm.

After finalizing this point, the next step is transportation. In fact, the Golden-winged Dapeng is an excellent transportation method, but it is too ostentatious and is not suitable for the two elders who are just ordinary people. Finally, Jiang Tian happened to have a person through his relationship. The criticizing warriors wanted to return to the capital to report on their duties and change defenses, so Jiang Tian arranged for the two elders to return to the capital with their motorcade.

However, Jiang's mother still had a lot of complaints. They had agreed to go back to Beijing together, but in the end they said they still had missions in Hubei Province. However, after getting Jiang Tian's promise that he would definitely return to Beijing within half a month, Jiang's mother became cheerful. Get up and happily embark on the journey back to Beijing.

On the third day, Zhang Tianling, a stern man, called Jiang Tian on time. Jiang Tian answered and asked him to come directly to where he lived.

About half an hour later, Zhang Tianling knocked on the door. Jiang Tian opened the door, and Zhang Tianling respectfully shouted: "Your Majesty!"


"Your Majesty!"

In addition to Zhang Tianling, there were also Fang Tianming and Zhong Guangling. They also did not dare to make mistakes and answered respectfully, because Zhang Tianling taught them about Jiang Tian's combat power after the last incident, and he could defeat the entire West by himself. /The Southern Warcraft craze completely shocked the two of them. For the first time in China, a strong man from the Five Qi Dynasty was killed. The person involved was this very genial young man in front of them.

"Come in, the house is a bit messy. The old man has returned to Beijing and is too lazy to take care of it!" Jiang Tian casually sat on the sofa and pointed to the half bottle of red wine on the coffee table, "If you want to drink, pour it yourself!!"

How could the three of them dare? They were all sitting upright, like three good students who were listening to the teacher's teachings.

Zhang Tianling is known as the "cold-faced man" in the martial arts world. If outsiders knew that Zhang Tianling actually had such a side, they would probably be shocked.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Jiang Tian asked. He knew that something was wrong when he saw Zhang Tianling looking at him three days ago.

Zhang Tianling glanced at the two rooms next door, because he felt two auras from those two rooms that made him extremely afraid. One was as cold as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell, and the other was extremely domineering and full of In addition to aggression/sexuality, a violent and wild nature permeated the air, as if there was an ancient ferocious beast living inside.

"Those are two of my subordinates who are practicing. Let's get down to business!" Jiang Tian waved his hand, and Zhang Tianling answered: "Actually, I took the liberty to come to see the Lord because I actually have something to ask for!"

Zhang Tianling glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiang Tian motioned for him to continue. Zhang Tianling then continued: "According to our intelligence, a large number of powerful people from the Japanese country infiltrated our country half a month ago, and nine out of ten their goal is to grow up." Pinggu battlefield!!”

Jiang Tian asked: "This is Hubei Province, far away from Jin Province!"

Zhang Tianling smiled bitterly, "We once organized a manpower attack on the Japanese strongmen, and a big battle broke out. Due to the underestimation of the strength of the Japanese strongmen, we suffered heavy losses. In order to avoid us, the Japanese ambushed them on their route to Jin Province. Master, we just changed our route. Three of our members died a while ago. According to the inspection of the wounds on the corpses, it is suspected that the Japanese people did it!"

"So you guess that the group of Japanese people changed their route to Hubei Province, and then went straight to Jin Province?" Jiang Tian asked.


"Do you have any traces of Japanese people?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, otherwise Zhang Tianling wouldn't have come looking for him.

Zhang Tianling nodded solemnly, "We have found traces of the Japanese people, but the strength of the Japanese people is much stronger than we expected. Even if we gather all the elites in Hubei Province, we cannot completely annihilate them. And if we mobilize experts from other provinces, it will be very difficult to annihilate them." It is most likely that they will be discovered by the other party, after all, they also have a lot of intelligence personnel in our country."

"So you thought of me?" Jiang Tian said.

Zhang Tianling looked embarrassed and said, "I really have no choice but to trouble you now! Our province's strength cannot complete the task of encirclement and annihilation!"

Jiang Tian asked: "How strong are the Japanese people?"

Zhang Tianling said: "There are three experts who are at the top of the Three Flowers Gathering, five who are at the top of the Three Flowers Gathering, and dozens of elite experts!"

Jiang Tian asked curiously: "Why are they going to Changping Ancient Battlefield?"

Zhang Tianling shook his head: "We haven't figured this out yet, but we discovered the existence of Onmyoji among these Japanese people!"

"Onmyoji?" Jiang Tian knew about the onmyojis of the Japanese country. They were a group of existences similar to soul cultivators and had strong control over the soul. It seemed that the Changping Ancient Battlefield had something that attracted these Japanese people. What is it?

"They can summon powerful ghosts to fight for them, and their fighting methods are very strange. Many of our members died tragically at the hands of such ghosts!" When mentioning this, Zhang Tianling's face showed an expression of anger that was difficult to conceal.

"Shikigami?" Jiang Tian said.

"Yes, they are Onmyoji's puppets. Some are summoned from alien planes, and some are the souls of powerful creatures refined into unconscious combat weapons!" Zhang Tianling said, "It is precisely because of these shikigami. Their existence has caused us huge losses!"

Jiang Tian asked: "Then find out which force these Japanese people belong to? I remember that the Japanese country has been split into several forces now!" (To be continued.)

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