Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 89 Jiangnan Machinery Factory

Jiang Tian did not drive, but took Han Lin's Audi car. From Han Lin's mouth, he learned that the destination this time was Jiangnan Machinery Factory in Jiangling City, which was a state-owned enterprise. Han Lin knew one of the cadres, so Han Lin knew Once I told him about the metal box, he said they had the most advanced technology here and he could try it out.

Thirty years ago, Jiangnan Machinery Factory was a military/industrial enterprise, but now everything is oriented to the market. After reorganization, Jiangnan Machinery Factory is now a semi-military/industrial/enterprise, with several workshops set aside to produce military/unit products. Orders, and the rest are market-oriented, taking any orders as long as they can make money.

Jiangnan Machinery Factory is located in the suburbs and covers a very large area. Han Lin's friend Fang Hengde is the general assembly workshop director of the Military/Industrial Department of Jiangnan Machinery Factory. This general assembly workshop director is different from other workshop directors. This position is often arranged. The closest place after factory leaders, this is because the general assembly workshop is the process most directly related to the success or failure of the product, and it is also the place where the finished product is realized.

Fang Hengde was in his forties, and Jiang Tian always thought it was a miracle that he and Han Lin could talk together. Later, he found out that it was Fang Hengde who wanted to buy a house, and Han Lin helped him. The house cost 2 million to 1.5 million. Just took it.

Speaking of which, this was only the third time the two met.

Because he told Fang Hengde beforehand that the metal box was extremely heavy, he brought a few employees out to help carry it.

Fang Hengde led the two people in and asked, "Where did Mr. Jiang make his fortune?"

Jiang Tiandao: "Director Fang deserves the award. I just run a small business by myself. I don't want to get rich. I'm satisfied with being well-off! How can I compare to Director Fang, who is treated as a /department/level and manages a lot of people!"

Fang Hengde shook his head: "Now the military/industrial/ministerial cadres have half a year off and half a year off, barely surviving!"

It turns out that Jiangnan Machinery Factory is a company that provides ship-based weapons for the navy/military. The so-called ship-based weapons naturally produce torpedoes.

Torpedoes are an indispensable weapon in naval warfare. They can control the direction and depth after being launched. They will explode when encountering ships. They have fast sailing speed, long range, high concealment performance and strong destructive power. They can be said to be the most powerful weapon in the navy. like.

The main attack targets of torpedoes are warships and submarines/boats. They are mainly carried by ships or submarines, and sometimes can also be carried by aircraft.

It's just that torpedo technology has been changing rapidly in recent years, and because Jiangnan Machinery Factory began to focus on reorganization and marketization 10 years ago, it invested less in military/industrial technology research and development, so it now lags behind the country. Several major machinery factories with the same reputation.

Although the military/industrial/department has been directly established in the factory in recent years to be responsible for the research, development and production of military/industrial technology, the results have not been great. Therefore, in recent years, the military/industrial/subjects undertaken by Jiangnan Machinery Factory are more and more. There are fewer and fewer people coming, and they are all low-level people. In the words of the army/brigade, they are worried that Jiangnan Machinery Factory will not be able to complete the work.

In contrast to the Ministry of Military Affairs/Industry/Ministry, in the face of marketization, a marketing department was established. It has developed very well and launched many products that are popular in the market. Especially last year, it received an order for automobile engines, and its turnover doubled all of a sudden. Recently, there was even talk in the factory of merging the military/industrial/department into the marketing department. They said that the marketing department was extremely busy, but the workshop equipment of the military/industry/department was idle.

Fang Hengde took Lai Lai to a workshop and called an old employee, "Old Sun, take a look at this box and find a way to open it. Remember, don't damage the things inside!"

Lao Sun picked up a hammer and knocked on the metal box, "What kind of metal is this? It doesn't seem to be iron! It sounds like it's 10 centimeters thick. It's hard to get rid of!"

Fang Hengde said: "Old Sun, don't kid me, let alone 10 centimeters, our equipment can cut even 100 centimeters!"

Lao Sun said: "Director, you don't understand this technically. First of all, I'm not sure what kind of metal it is, what its density is, and whether the metal cutting machine in our factory can chew it. Secondly, what did you just say? I also said that for such a small suitcase, I must not damage the contents inside. This requires superb skills. Director, I can guarantee that no one in our factory can handle it except me!"

After all, this old grandson still wanted to show off his skills. Fang Hengde laughed and scolded: "You old grandson, I know, you are the most skilled in our factory, just tell me when you can get it done, my two A friend is in a hurry!"

Lao Sun muttered: "Afternoon!"

"Okay, I'll come over to pick it up at 2:30 in the afternoon. Remember, you must not damage the things inside!" Fang Hengde explained.

"Don't worry, director!" Lao Sun said, patting his chest.

At noon, Jiang Tian entertained guests. He was not very familiar with Jiangling City and had only been here once or twice. At that time, he was still just visiting his classmates to have fun. Naturally, he didn't know which restaurants in Jiangling City were famous.

But Jiang Tian didn't have to worry about this. Han Lin's car led the way, turning left and right into the alley, and finally stopped in front of a single-family house, a red and yellow tile-roofed house with three floors. There was also a dedicated building nearby. parking lot.

The three of them got out of the car, and Fang Hengde smiled and said: "Mr. Han is such an elegant man, you can find it in this place!"

Han Lin said: "I have no other hobbies in my life. I just love delicious food, but today I have to let Lao Jiang spend money!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "The key is to have fun eating. It's a pleasure to meet Director Fang!"

Fang Hengde smiled. Although he was a cadre at the department level, he was only from the factory and from the Ministry of Military Industry. He didn't have much money. In addition, he recently bought a house and almost spent all his savings. Sorry, I couldn't afford to come to this place if it wasn't for someone else's treat.

When Jiang Tian saw the name Wu Zang Temple, he was stunned for a moment. Han Lin smiled and said, "How about it? It has personality, right?"

Jiang Tian nodded: "You do have a lot of personality!"

Walking in, luckily the waiters inside were normal people. It would be a bit weird if they were all monks wearing monk robes, as Jiang Tian thought.

When ordering, Jiang Tiancai knew why Han Lin said that he had spent money today. A plate of ordinary vegetables was 208 yuan, and a plate with a little meat was more than 888 yuan.

Jiang Tian did the math and realized that since he was hiring someone to do something, he needed 8 dishes. Good guy, one meal would cost more than 10,000 yuan, not including drinks.

As for drinks, because Fang Hengde had something to do in the afternoon, he didn't drink. All three of them drank tea.

The food here is indeed very elegant and delicious. During this period, Jiang Tian went to the bathroom and found that the bathroom was even more upscale than a five-star hotel. At that level, you couldn't bear to pee.

The three of them were eating and chatting. During this period, several people dressed like officials came in to toast. Fang Hengde responded one by one with tea instead of wine. Only then did Jiang realize that the reason why Fang Hengde was able to have such a warm relationship with local officials was that It was because there was a secretary to a provincial leader in the family with a bright future. As the tide rose, people naturally came to make friends with his second uncle, the secretary.

After dinner, Jiang Tian took out a box of Maotai wine from the trunk. Of course, he said that he had recently made a batch of wine and he couldn't finish it. He wanted to share the good things together. Fang Hengde declined a little and accepted it with a smile.

53% Moutai Cordyceps Liquor Huanglong 666 Limited Collection Edition 3000ml, 5888 yuan per box, which is not very expensive, but when asking others for help, you always need to be thoughtful. This is not a matter of how much, but a matter of being a person and doing things.


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