Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 916 The Power of Heaven and Earth

Jiang Tian said: "If you let me lead the team, I have only one request, that is, the number of members can only be limited to 9 people. On the expedition to America, there are powerful monsters everywhere. The success of the operation does not depend on the number of people, but on the strength!!"

"It's more about the essence than the abundance, it makes sense!!" No. 1 nodded.

As a result, it was decided that Jiang Tian would lead the Chinese task force to the Americas. As for the specific personnel, Jiang Tian would select them himself. However, before Jiang Tian could speak, a person stood up and said, "I am willing to work with Tian." The Supreme Being will go together and do our best!!"

Jiang Tian looked at the speaker, showing slight surprise. The speaker was none other than Song Qingtian, the commander of the White Tiger Army.

"Captain Song, as the commander of the White Tiger Army, you are stationed in the west. If you go on an expedition to America," Mr. Lin frowned slightly, but Song Qingtian quickly said, "I am willing to resign as the commander of the White Tiger Army!!"

As soon as Song Qingtian said this, there was an uproar in the hall. Although the four major warrior legions of the Huaxia Kingdom were not as good as the old ones such as Dragon Head, Dragon Wings, and Dragon Breath, they were superior in numbers, just like an army. The management method made the four major legions extremely powerful in combat. On the frontal battlefield, the four major warrior legions played a greater role than the three major warrior organizations.

Everyone can't understand Song Qingtian's choice. This is a hot position. How many people in the entire Huaxia Kingdom are eyeing it. Just like Shi Yangtian, he probably dreams of becoming the commander of the White Tiger Army, otherwise he wouldn't have performed what he just did. .

Shi Yangtian also looked surprised. He couldn't figure out why Song Qingtian did this. All the forces in China were eyeing the position, so he just gave up?

No, it's definitely not that simple. There's definitely something fishy going on here.

Thinking like this, Shi Yangtian also followed up and said: "I also apply to join the special service team!"

As he spoke, he looked at Song Qingtian provocatively. He didn't know why Song Qingtian did this, but he was determined that he would fight for everything Song Qingtian wanted. Now he and Song Qingtian were not only fighting for the White Tiger Army There is no long-term grudge, but a long-term dispute.

"You can negotiate with Tian Zhizun about personnel issues. After all, he has the right to choose!!" No. 1 looked at Jiang Tian. He did not have arbitrary power and gave Jiang Tian a lot of convenience.

Jiang Tian's eyes glanced around Song Qingtian and Shi Yangtian. The former's face was as serious as water, while the latter's expression was arrogant. Jiang Tian nodded and said in a deep voice: "You want to join the special service team, yes, but there is one thing. Obey orders, I don’t care what position you held before or how high your status is, but you must obey my orders unconditionally, otherwise I have the right to punish you!!"

"I will only obey the Supreme Being!!" Song Qingtian said in a deep voice without hesitation.

Shi Yangtian said lazily: "Don't worry, I still have such a little awareness!!"

Shi Yangtian spoke perfunctorily, and obviously did not take Jiang Tian's threat to heart. If an ordinary Three Flowers Gathering powerhouse faced Jiang Tian, ​​he would definitely be respectful, but Shi Yangtian was different. The Shi family also had a Dinghai Shenzhen. , whose strength is unfathomable, so he has no unnecessary awe for the supreme power. In addition, he himself reached the peak of the Three Flowers Gathering in his early thirties, so he does not feel that the Five Qi Dynasty is so far away. And, he believed that he would one day enter such a realm.

Jiang Tian looked deeply at Shi Yangtian, but the other party was very powerful and did not refuse. He was thinking in his heart, Song Qingtian and Shi Yangtian, then adding Baghdav, Sun Yuan, Ramplin and himself, There are 6 people in total, and there are still three more to go.

After the countermeasures were finalized, the meeting ended. Everyone left and began to deploy defenses according to the strategy. If the mysterious monster broke into China by mistake, it would not be in a hurry.

Walking to the door, Song Qingtian and Shi Yangtian gave Jiang Tian a contact information respectively. Song Qingtian didn't say too much. He said "waiting for the orders of the Supreme Lord" and left, while Shi Yangtian said After a little while, I chatted with Jiang Tian. He was very curious about Huaxia Kingdom, the youngest Five Qi Chaoyuan powerhouse so far.

The God of the Shi Family planned to use a mysterious and profound method, but he was the fastest cultivator in the family. Even so, he was still in his early thirties, and he was still one step away from the five-qi power. However, Shi Yangtian was confident that even if a powerful Five Qi Dynasty master wanted to defeat him quickly, it would not be that simple. The source of his confidence was the family's skills.

The so-called magic attack is a method that is neither Taoist nor witchcraft. Successful practitioners can borrow unknown vast divine power with just a few movements of their hands. Their bodies are invulnerable, they can ward off all evil, and their arms are extremely powerful. When practiced to the extreme, they can move mountains and seas. , the magical powers borrowed from the gods can be easily displayed, which can be said to be an infinitely powerful way to sanctify the physical body. However, the art of divine fighting has always been passed down from generation to generation, and has been passed down orally to direct descendants. Although this can effectively continue the gods invited by the previous generation, with the severance of the direct bloodlines of some families, the divine fighting of this line has become more and more difficult. The martial art has been lost. Nowadays, only the Shi family can truly master this martial art. The magical martial arts of the outside world are only scratched the surface.

The reason for the rapid rise of the Shi family is that there is an ancestor within the Shi family who has practiced the art of divine attack to the second level. His cultivation level is already equivalent to that of the Five Qi Chaoyuan, and when it comes to combat power, it is extremely abnormal. At the beginning When he was just born, he fought against another Chinese Supreme in the name of sparring. The Supreme was no match at all. His own attacks were ineffective against him, while the other's attacks were extremely powerful. In the last hour, he was defeated.

"In the future, we will have to rely more on the care of Heavenly Supreme!" Shi Yangtian said to Jiang Tian with a smile.

"Easy to say!" Jiang Tian nodded and watched Shi Yangtian's leaving figure. Shi Yangtian's body was wrapped with a layer of mysterious power. The closer he got to Shi Yangtian, the more familiar Jiang Tian felt that this power was.

"Idiot, this power is the pure will power of heaven and earth!!" I don't know when, the voice of Huo Chi came!

"The power of heaven and earth?" Jiang Tian asked doubtfully. This was the first time he heard such a statement.

Huo Chi said: "According to traditional classification, there are three types of external forces in the world that can help people improve their own cultivation. Do you know?"

Jiang Tian shook his head: "I don't know!!"

Huo Chi said proudly: "Then listen carefully!" Huo Chi explained, "The first type is the common spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but today's spiritual energy of heaven and earth is just like the sea and lakes compared to the ancient cultivation period. It is impossible to compare. Because of this, there are very few people who can truly achieve Taoism. Nowadays, the five-qi Chaoyuan realm is the most powerful state. In the ancient practice period, the five-qi Chaoyuan realm was only a mere step on the road of cultivation. It’s just the first step.”

Jiang Tian nodded, he knew this, "What about the remaining two powers?" (To be continued.)


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