Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 945: Judgment of Light

I have never seen a demigod monster, whether in Atlanti or on Earth, unless I step into the vast universe. With my current strength, if I see a demigod monster, I will not be able to escape before I dare to fight the other monster. Although the powerful demigods cannot destroy a planet with one hand like the legendary gods, the power they possess cannot be guessed by the saints.

The distance between saints and demigods is like the difference between mortals and saints. Of course, there are exceptions to this, just like Jiang Tian killed the clone of the four-winged angel, and even subdued the real demigod, the purgatory plane. The demon Balibas, the former is a clone with only a trace of soul, which is at most the peak of the holy level, while the latter is unlucky that the original soul has been seriously damaged, and the remaining strength is less than one thousand percent of the real one. In addition, Shang Jiangtian can only do this because he has many secret treasures on his body.

Moreover, when reaching the realm of demigods, it is generally difficult to kill the opponent unless two or three people are surrounding them, or the difference in strength is too great. This is why many forces in the universe are unwilling to provoke strong demigods, because one blow cannot Killing, all that awaits is the endless revenge of the powerful demigod.

Therefore, Jiang Tian has no other choice but to pick up the leaks and see if there are demigod demon cores in some ancient ruins.

In less than a minute, the 5-star high-level monster Dark Demon Dragon was killed by the Earth Bear. Even the magic core was swallowed up. Many monsters in the mountains that were about to move stopped one after another.

"Huh, I'm scared to death. There are so many monsters. Unless a large-yield nuclear bomb is dropped, it will take days and nights to wait in line to kill!!" Shi Yangtian breathed a sigh of relief, but Song Qingtian was still tense. Stretched, the weapon in his hand was on guard, and he did not dare to relax at all after dealing with monsters all year round.

"Thank you for saving my life!!" Even though Ramplin was in a panic, he smiled when he saw the Dark Dragon being killed. It doesn't matter if you are strong, you might as well find a backer like yourself.

Jiang Tian ignored Ramplin, but cast his eyes deep into the mountains. There, two twin peaks with a height of 5,000 meters stood, reaching into the sky, shrouded in clouds and mist. Between the two peaks, there was a gate with a height of 500 meters. , just suspended in the air, emitting white light.

"The Gate of Space, this is the Gate of Space connecting the continent of Atlanti!!" Baghdad recognized it at a glance, "Sir, what do you want???"

"Destroy it!" Jiang Tian said decisively, "If the space gate on the earth is not destroyed, then there will be a steady stream of monsters pouring into the earth, and they will never be killed no matter how hard they are killed. Only by destroying the space gate can the earth be restored. calm!!"

"The United States will not agree!" Song Qingtian said, just like the Huaxia Kingdom. If anyone dares to destroy the space gate in Changbai Mountain, he will be the sworn enemy of the Huaxia Kingdom.

The gate of space represents endless danger, but it is also endless resources and wealth, which can give a country the opportunity to rise to hegemony.

Jiang Tian said calmly: "Not even ten American countries can stop what I want to do!!"

He was not bragging in this statement. Not to mention that all the three great saints in the United States had fallen. Even if they had not fallen, he was still confident of killing them.

"You guys are waiting here!!"

After saying that, Jiang Tian stepped into the air and walked away, as if there were stone steps under his feet, one hundred meters at a time, towards the door of space. The aura on his body increased with every step he took.


In the mountains, several huge figures suddenly rushed out, and wind, fire, thunder and lightning bombarded the river sky.

"There are actually four 5-star high-level monsters!!"

Ramplin's expression changed slightly, "They want to stop you!"

Terrifying explosions came from the air, and then, waiting for the terrifying energy storm to dissipate, Jiang Tian continued to walk in the air calmly. His Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong had entered the second level of peak, even if it was hard to shake the Saint. A single full-strength attack may not be a problem, let alone a few 5-star high-level monsters.


Jiang Tian bent his fingers into a sword, and every time he took a step, a finger light slashed out. Suddenly, a 5-star high-level magic beast was chopped into two halves, and blood rained down. At the same time, the magic core was taken into Jiang Tian's hand.

In less than a minute, all four 5-star high-ranking monsters were chopped down by Jiang Tian. Shi Yangtian was dumbfounded by this appearance: "It's like a banished immortal descended to earth, invincible in this world!!"

The monsters in the mountains were even more trembling, not daring to make the slightest move.

Under a bright moon, Jiang Tian is like an immortal ascending to the sky, stepping towards the door of space in the sky.

However, just when he was a thousand meters away from the door of space, a sudden change occurred.

"call out!!"

An extremely incandescent beam of light shot out from the door of space. Its speed almost broke through five times the sound barrier. It reached the distance of just a kilometer in an instant and collided with the river and the sky.


The entire mountain range was shaken by this terrifying force, and the sky was filled with white light, like daylight that lingered for a long time.

"grown ups!!!"

On the top of the mountain, everyone's expressions changed dramatically. The power of this kind of attack, which could destroy the world and destroy the earth, could be felt even from a few kilometers away. Needless to say, it was definitely a saint-level strongman who made the move secretly, but the Lord did not hide. If you pass, you can shake it with your flesh and blood.


A golden cudgel appeared in Sun Yuan's hand, and he was about to rush out, but the next moment, his movements stopped, and he saw a tall and straight young man stepping out leisurely in the white light, exuding a The faint golden light is like a god descending to earth.

"Holy level monster?"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, causing the white light between heaven and earth to disperse immediately. He narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed directly in the direction of the space door.

Shi Yangtian only felt that he was exhausted. His little heart couldn't bear the stimulation. The power of the light beam was no less than the explosion of a small nuclear bomb. It was difficult for a human body to block it with flesh and blood. Could it be that the Supreme Being is a humanoid monster?

"Human, this is not a place you should set foot in. If you leave, I will not hold you accountable!!"

A strong voice came, resounding throughout the world like a big copper bell, and as soon as this voice came out, all the magical beasts in the hundreds of miles around the mountains fell to the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Jiang Tian looked around and saw a demonic beast that was a hundred meters long and fluttered its wings from the gate of space. Even though it was thousands of meters away, one could feel the terrifying pressure on it.

"Red flame light tiger?"

Jiang Tian was slightly startled, and recognized it immediately. He had read the classics of Atlanti and knew that in ancient times, this red-flame light tiger was very famous. It is said that he was the favorite of the God of Light and was born with the ability to control light. The power is comparable to that of low-level angels. In ancient times, he followed the God of Light to conquer all major planes. It is said that their leader has a high status in front of the God of Light.

"Holy level red flame tigers?" Baghdad said in surprise, "Among the same level, they have strength that is no less than that of angels."

As the mortal enemy of the light, Baghdad naturally knows the light protoss very well.

Sun Yuan's whole body was tense. He longed to fight with him, even though he knew that he was no match for him.

But Barton, the bear of the earth, is the smartest. He shrunk in an instant and regained his size of two meters. He looks honest and docile, harmless to humans and animals. It seems that this bear understands the principle of being a bear in a low-key manner. Only by being low-key can he live a long life.

"If it was a demigod, I would immediately retreat. Unfortunately, you are only a saint. It's just right to lend you your magic core!!" Jiang Tian shook his head.

"Arrogant humans!!"

The Red Flame Bright Tiger was furious, and dazzling light erupted from its body. Looking from a distance, it looked like a sun. When it opened its mouth and spat out, an energy bomb with a diameter of five meters was blasted out. It contained extremely powerful energy. Pure light power.

"Haha, I've killed a lot of birdmen, not to mention you, a bastard!!"

Jiang Tian's body shot out like a cannon. He charged directly towards the energy bomb without avoiding it or dodging it, and punched out.


The terrifying energy shock wave spread out with Jiang Tian's fist as the center. Wherever the ripple-like energy passed, rocks collapsed, and the top of the nearest mountain peak was cut off directly.

"How is it possible to use your physical body to attack my roaring bullets of light???"

Before the Red Flame Bright Tiger had time to be surprised, Jiang Tian had already arrived in front of it. The latter grinned and showed its white teeth. It seemed harmless to humans and animals, but its fists were powerful enough to destroy the world, wrapped in golden The fists inside the energy directly bombarded the Red Flame Light Tiger's body.


The chest of the Red Flame Bright Tiger suddenly sank, and an unknown number of ribs were broken, and the huge mountain-like body shot out backwards.

"Roar, human, you have angered your great Spartan Majesty, I will roast your soul under the power of light for ten thousand years!!"

The Red Flame Light Tiger turned over and stood up, with a scowl on its face, its hair standing on end, a pair of white wings flapping violently, and the depression on its chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the talent of the Light Gods. Not only is their attack power extremely powerful, but their healing ability is also extremely abnormal. Theoretically, as long as there is enough light power in the body, they will become immortal, and they can recover from even serious injuries in an instant.

"Not bad recovery ability!!" Jiang Tian praised.

The Red Flame Bright Tiger proudly said: "I have an immortal body, human beings, it's useless for you to kneel down and beg for mercy!!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, "If I tear you in half, I wonder if you can recover!!"

"Judgement of Light!!"

The Red Flame Guangming Tiger was furious and used his best skills. It is said that the Judgment of Light is a magical technique controlled by the gods of the Guangming Clan. Every time it appears in this world, it represents the beginning of a divine war.

What the Red Flame Light Tiger performs is obviously a cropped version of Light Judgment.

The white power of the Red Flame Light Tiger was seen becoming more and more intense, and finally a ten-meter-tall four-winged angel appeared behind it, holding a cross sword in both hands, and slowly slashed down toward the river.


Jiang Tian only felt that the surrounding space was like a ball of mud, making his movements abnormally slow. He could only watch helplessly as the cross sword burning with white flames slashed down from the air.

"There is no need to struggle, human being. Under the judgment of light, the space is sealed. Unless you transcend the holy level, your soul is destined to be shattered today!" The red flame bright tiger said proudly. The aura on its body has also weakened slightly. It seems that it has used this secret technique. , using up most of its power.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Baghdad and others looked nervously at the sky, fearing that something might happen to Jiang Tian. Especially Baghdad, as an undead creature that came out of the underworld, was really familiar with the judgment of light. At that time, there were 5 monarchs under the command of Hades. , but now there are only 4. The reason is because the fifth monarch provoked the Light God Clan.

That year, Baghdad had just gained sanity, but he still could not forget that scene. A crack of hundreds of kilometers was torn open in the underworld, and then a cross sword slowly slashed down, and the god's body The monarch was unable to even fight back and was burned alive.

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