Super Pirate Ship

Chapter 966: Tracking Kunlun

The energy from a radius of five kilometers rushed into Dao Xingzi's hands crazily. As he formed complicated handprints, even the starlight above the nine heavens slowly descended, being introduced into his handprints by an unknown force.

"Can you actually refine the power of stars?" Jiang Tian was curious at this moment. You must know that the most violent thing in the starry sky in the universe is the power of stars. Even the top races or sects in the depths of the universe rarely refine it. The secret method of transforming the power of stars.

Dao Xingzi's face turned pale, and his figure was shaky, but his eyes were filled with madness. He stared at Jiang Tian and said word by word, "Opening the Heaven Seal is a taboo for half-immortals. Today I will not hesitate to burn my life force." If you use it, you should be lucky to see this magical power that is unparalleled in ancient times and today!"


As Dao Xingzi's words fell, a majestic and violent energy burst out from his palm, and finally poured out overwhelmingly.

"This is so powerful!!"

The Chinese warriors were horrified. They only felt a thunderous explosion resounding throughout the world, and then a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye swept wildly towards the river and sky. Wherever it passed, the trees on the mountain walls turned into powder.

"If you can still arouse my interest with the power of a half-immortal, you dare to say such nonsense even with the light of a grain of rice, you don't know whether to live or die!!"

Jiang Tian pushed it out with a flat palm, but there was no overwhelming power. Instead, the tsunami-like energy ripples suddenly stopped, as if an invisible wall blocked the way.


Jiang Tian shook his hand, and with a "rumbling" sound, the energy ripples surged back in the opposite direction.

"No, this is impossible!!"

Dao Xingzi was like a helpless drowning man. When he had time to scream, he was torn into pieces by the violent energy ripples, leaving no residue behind.

The energy ripples shattered three mountain peaks before slowly dissipating.

When everyone looked around, they saw that only half of the 500-meter peaks of the three peaks, which were a thousand meters high, were left, as if the tops of their heads had been cut off by a sword from the gods.

Such power could only be seen in ancient times.

However, these magical powers were suppressed by the actions of the people in front of them. Everyone looked at Jiang Tian, ​​with only awe in their eyes, mixed with a trace of fanaticism.


Jiang Tian seemed to be aware of it. When he turned around, he saw wisps of pure power of faith overflowing from those Chinese warriors, pouring into his own sea of ​​consciousness. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the whirlpool of faith became thicker. Jiang Tian carefully probed into it, and seemed to be gestating. What, Jiang Tian himself didn’t know.

Even though he has now entered the realm of half-immortal and half-god, Jiang Tian still cannot figure out what is going on in the whirlpool. This makes him even more curious, what is the role of this whirlpool of faith brought to him by the pirate ship?

Holding down his curiosity, Jiang Tian returned to the crowd.

"Heavenly Supreme!"

"grown ups!"

"Brother Jiang!"


Everyone's name is different, but they can't hide their excitement at all, and they can save Daxia from falling with one person's power.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Jiang Tian turned his gaze to Fang Yin high in the sky, "Master, this formation seems to be a little loose!"

Yu Xuzi smiled bitterly, "It's not just loose. After thousands of years, it has long been on the verge of collapse. If Longhu Mountain hadn't placed the Thunder Judge Seal here to suppress it, the fierce ghost war spirits below would have broken out of the formation!"

Jiang Tian is not particularly proficient in formations, and he can see that the person who set up this formation is a semi-immortal. The gods of the land are extremely complicated, and there is nothing he can do about it. But fortunately, if it is no longer destroyed, this formation will The formation will not collapse for a while.

"Brother Jiang, let's take our leave first. Some clowns dare to treason and surrender to the Kunlun Realm. They should be killed!!!" A cold murderous look appeared in the eyes of the sword god.

"Thank you everyone!!" Jiang Tian nodded. He also knew from the previous chat that Yu Xuzi and others had the final trump card, which was a nuclear bomb with an equivalent of five million tons. However, a nearby base was attacked by a group of warriors. , the person behind it is the Bloody Hand Sect that has risen in recent years.

"Tian Zhizong is so polite. Fighting for the country is the honor of our generation!!" Many Chinese warriors said quickly.

"Master, I want to go to Kunlun!!" Even though he knew that the space crack had disappeared, Jiang Tian still refused to give up and wanted to go to Kunlun Mountain to see the situation in person. The longer the delay, the more dangerous Su Yimo would be.

Yu Xuzi also learned that Su Yimo was kidnapped by people from Kunlun, and understood Jiang Tian's mood, "Okay, I will arrange for someone from Longxi to lead you to the place where the space crack once appeared!"


The person leading the way for Jiang Tian was a middle-aged man named Long Xi, a squadron leader named Zhang Hexuan. He was a warrior in the early stage of the Three Flowers Gathering. He should be practicing outer sect skills, and his muscles all over his body were bulging. He came to Jiang Tian and said respectfully: "Heaven Supreme!!"

Jiang Tian jumped up to Ramplin, who had already shown his true self, "Come up, you will show the way!!"

Rampling is a 5-star high-level monster and a bird. If he flies at full strength, he can break the sound barrier, and he can reach half the sound barrier when flying normally.

Eight hours later, a roc bird that was much larger than a fighter jet flew into the hinterland of the Kunlun Mountains. This place is sparsely populated and populated by monsters.

Although humans have the right to speak on the earth now and hunt monsters all the time, there are still a large number of monsters in many corners of the earth. They are either in the deep sea or in the mountains and old forests. Unless nuclear weapons are used, otherwise It's impossible to wipe them all out.

No, as soon as Rampling flew dozens of kilometers into the Kunlun Mountains, several flying dragons who didn't know what they were called surrounded and killed them. They thought it was a ton of delicious food. Even though Rampling was more than five times their size, they wouldn't Fear, because in number, there are 12 of them.


The flying dragons roared violently from their mouths, with sharp steel claws, hard saw teeth, and venom that gave even 5-star monsters a headache, and they attacked Rampling mercilessly.


The clear cry that penetrated the golden clouds showed Ramplin's current mood. He was simply reborn with anger. The young leader of the golden-winged Dapeng clan was reduced to a level that even several 4-star flying dragons dared to challenge.


The speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant, like a tiger descending from a mountain and breaking into a group of flying dragons. It was like a golden claw easily piercing through the seemingly steel-like scales of the flying dragon.

Suddenly, blood rained down from the air.

A shrill wail came from the flying dragon's mouth. Half of the 12 flying dragons were killed by Rampling in one encounter, leaving them unable to fight back.

The remaining flying dragons were scared. The aura bursting from Ramplin's body told them that this was a 5-star high-level monster that they could not provoke.

Suddenly, the birds and beasts dispersed.

Rampling still wanted to pursue him.

"That's enough, Rampling, move on!"

Helplessly, with an unwilling cry, Ramplin continued deep into the Kunlun Mountains.

As they go deeper into the Kunlun Mountains, everyone can sense that the level of the monsters entrenched in it is getting higher and higher. There are many 5-star monsters, and there are even several auras that can be compared to the holy level. Those are holy level monsters.

Jiang Tian didn't want to cause trouble, and the aura on his body was no longer under control. Suddenly, the powerful auras that were about to move calmed down and did not rush up to cause trouble for Ramplin.

"Tian Zhizun, ahead is the area where the space cracks were detected by satellite monitoring at that time. We dispatched several task forces, but nothing was found!"

Zhang Hexuan pointed forward.

Looking across the river, the sky was completely white, with nothing but snow-capped peaks over a thousand feet high.

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