Super Pirate Ship

Chapter 983: Thunderous Means

"Master Andrew has taken action. We can be saved. The four top cardinals of the Holy See have joined forces. It can be said that they are the number one among the gods!"

Many saints breathed a sigh of relief and fled away to watch. They did not want to be involved.

At this moment, the two camps were clearly divided. Chinese warriors and warships were entrenched in the north, while the coalition forces were entrenched in the south. Both sides stopped fighting in a tacit understanding and silently paid attention to the situation in the five kilometers in between. Taking advantage of this gap, both sides were also rescuing the wounded. .

Andrew looked at Jiang Tian calmly: "Orientals, give up resistance and accept God's purification, otherwise, your soul will be sent to hell!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "Even if the god you believe in comes, I won't take it seriously, let alone you who pretend to be powerful!"

According to Huo Chi's introduction, the so-called God believed by the Holy See on Earth should have the same origin as the God of Light in Atlanti. They are both of the angel family, and the lowest ones who can be believed by believers are also Seraphim. That is to say, the existence of a lower god is a real god, eternal and immortal.

"But don't be afraid, Xiao Jiangzi, there are not many believers on the earth. It is impossible for the so-called six-winged angel to focus on such a barren planet. At most, the four-winged angel is in charge of the earth. The four-winged angel is in charge of the earth. Angel, that is, demigod level."


"He should be burned at the stake!!"

Several old cardinals were so angry that their white beards were trembling, and some of them were very old, and they glared at Jiang Tian.

"The greatness of God cannot be imagined by us as mortals. In this case, then, accept the trial!" Andrew raised his hands to his chest and muttered gently, "Praise my Lord, my Lord is omnipotent, please grant me infinite power. , drive away all evil in sight!"

Powerful ascetics like Andrew, who can almost step out of the holy steps with half of their feet, generally do not need to pray to exert their power. Once they start praying, it means that they have to display the most lethal power. Time for moves.

Andrew's entire body was enveloped in a pillar of holy light falling from the sky. In his right hand, a dazzling white light gradually extended into a brilliant lightsaber.

"It's a sacred weapon, the Brilliant Blade!!"

Countless priests and believers knelt on the ground and prayed silently.

Andrew was accompanied by three other old cardinals, and the buzzing prayers resounded throughout the East China Sea: "Praise my Lord, our Lord Almighty, with your incomparable divine power, grant the baptism of sin and divine purification to the dark ones in front of you!! "

Hazy holy light shot down from the sky, and a huge white cross stretched across the sky, exuding a terrifying pressure that made everyone on the East China Sea breathless. It seemed that a god was really about to come, even if it was a powerful saint. are no exception.

The demonic energy that was still raging before was dispersed by the power of light, as if the spring had turned into snow.

"This is an attack beyond the holy level, Heavenly Sovereign"

Countless Chinese people looked worriedly at the lonely floating river sky.

The West was completely shocked. Countless believers cheered and couldn't help but burst into tears, "God has not abandoned us!"

In London, countless dark creatures looked up with fear and resentment on their faces, as well as a hint of schadenfreude, "Damn God's Purification, who is so unlucky? This level of God's Purification has never appeared several times even in the Middle Ages. , every time it appears, it represents the decisive battle between darkness and light!"

On the coast of the East China Sea, streaks of holy light poured down from the sky. Beautiful music resounded throughout the world. Countless believers clasped their hands on their chests and sang hymns to God. Hazy circles of white light emerged from their bodies. Emit it and cast it into the endless starry sky where you don’t know where.

Some people even saw a door opening in the endless void, and an angel seemed to appear, then disappeared into the white light, and seemed to retreat again.

Jiangtian is in the center of white light, as if in a white ocean. In the depths of this ocean, except for the pure power of light, all other elements are completely excluded.

Jiang Tian stretched out his right hand and saw that the light force was frantically destroying his arm. It was assimilating his body and making himself a part of the light force.

"I see!!"

Jiang Tian suddenly realized that this was the so-called purification of God, using the incomparable pure light power to isolate all forces in the field, and then using the incomparable vast light power to assimilate all non-light forces in the field.

"This power is very pure, far more advanced than the power of those bishops. It seems that somewhere unknown on the earth, there really is a space similar to the cave heaven and paradise, and those angels are among them. These powers are Those angels borrowed from them are the foundation of the Holy See!!"

Jiang Tian cast his gaze into the void above his head. The source of the light power was a crack in space. That space contained extremely pure light power. It was not controlled by angels. It seemed that the bishops were pulling it through secret techniques. The light force descends.

"Haha, is this the source of the confidence of the cardinals of the Holy See? If so, I will cut off your confidence from the root!!"

Jiang Tian waved the demon flag, and a thick demonic energy burst out, flowing upstream, like the Milky Way upside down. From a distance, it looked like a giant dragon flying against the sky.


Everyone noticed the sudden appearance of the demonic dragon in the holy light. Its trend was fierce. Within a few breaths, it hit the source of the holy light. With a bang, the heaven and earth shook.

The holy light disappeared, the chants were no longer there, only the roar of the demon dragon resounded throughout the world, as if the demon god had descended.

"I have sworn that anyone who offends our country will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The loud sound like a bell echoed out, far away, and its majesty could not be offended, as if an emperor was announcing that his time had come.

Then, Jiang Tian's body moved, like a tiger descending from the mountain. Each punch and kick had terrifying power. Jiang Tian's figure was like an illusion. Wherever he passed, there were screams. Countless coalition warriors died tragically and exploded to death. Even if It was a holy level, but it was still blasted by Jiang Tian's punch.

Jiang Tian used the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags as his sword and slashed out with a majestic sword energy. Three coalition warships were chopped into two pieces and sank suddenly.

With one punch, terrifying space fluctuations swept out. Hundreds of coalition warriors exploded to death, including the powerful Siren from the Philippines. The world was torn in two by the space ripples.

The four old cardinals were taken in by Jiang Tianyi Ten Thousand Demonic Banners at the first moment, and had already been devoured by the ancestral witch clones.

It's so powerful that no one can defeat it!

Even the saint-level experts were just like ants in front of him.

Countless people around the world watched the massacre silently, in disbelief that the powerful coalition forces ended up with such tragic consequences.

Everyone was shocked by Jiang Tian's power, including the Chinese people.

In less than five minutes, Jiang Tian used thunderous means to kill countless warriors from the coalition, including dozens of saint-level warriors, as well as countless warships and soldiers.

Shock the world! ! To be continued... Friends who are reading, you can search for "" to find this site as soon as possible.

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