Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 108 - Practice To Fight

Aidan at that moment makes Gale turn to look at him and then say,

"This is a time-stopping stone, Aidan!" Gale explained to Aidan, which now made Lucas feel that if it was impossible for Gale to have, he might be lying, which he finally spoke up,

"Why is that rock outside your body, Gale? Shouldn't the center stone of our lives lie in our hearts?" Lucas asks reassuringly, and that makes Gale nod his head in response,

"You're right, Lucas… we do have it in our hearts to live and have power because of it, but they gave me something special so that we can use it here, with this stone they will all stop instantly!" Gale explained to Lucas, and from what Gale said to Lucas, Lucas was sure that what Gale said was true and he meant it.

"Let's just say that this stone is our support to carry out our task so that it goes well!" Gale says to all of them who now look surprised to hear that, but seeing that they can't be like that, makes Zach immediately say,

"That's good… if we have the stone, we can do it fast!" continues Zach, which makes them nod their heads and so does Gale who smiles in response.

"AH, well… then, we'd better rest, so that tomorrow we can carry out our mission quickly!" said Queen as he walked towards a room he believed to be the bedroom there, which then made them all prepare to rest for the night.

The quiet night at that time didn't make Lucas sleep at all, he was just lying down at that time, but his eyes were reluctant to fall asleep at all, he was waiting for Gale who was lying nearby to fall asleep first.

He deliberately waited for it to happen because he intended to secretly take the time stone that Gale had in his trouser pocket because he knew that if not with the stone, Gale would not be able to stop all human time on this earth. That's why Lucas waited for Gale to fall asleep.

"..." silent, no sound dominates except the ticking of the clock on the wall and the sound of breathing slowly and calmly exhaling.


Lucas frowned when he realized that someone had just tapped his left arm, which made Lucas look up to see that it was Zach who had just lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

Lucas frowned as Zach brought his index finger to his own lips, which meant that Lucas had to stay calm and not make a sound. Realizing that Lucas was confused, Zach also pointed at Gale while demonstrating if someone was asleep at the time, which in the end made Lucas know that Gale was fast asleep at that time.

"Is that true?" Lucas whispered very quietly, which then made Zach nod his head in response,

"Would you like to help me retrieve the stone, Lucas?" Zach whispered very quietly, but Lucas was able to hear it because Lucas was lucky enough to have a sharp hearing at that time.

Lucas nodded his head as he answered the question Zach had asked him,

"Sure… grab the stone right away, and we'll meet the others tonight!" Lucas explained to Zach who now nodded his head and then turned to look at Gale who was sleeping there.

"Huft..." Zach exhaled slowly before finally, he tried to control the rock in Gale's pants pocket using the Telekinesis he had at the time, and of course, it wasn't easy, because it took extra care so that Gale didn't wake up from his sleep when that, and Lucas knew about it too, which made him do nothing but wait and be tensed watching Zach in action at that time.

Slowly… slowly….

Zach tries his best and concentrates fully on getting the stone, until finally without waking Gale, they get the time stone.

The rock floats freely towards Zach as well as Lucas who is quite far from where Gale is. And when the time stone was in Zach's hand, the two of them looked at each other to finally smile happily when they found the stone in their hands.

"Come on! We must meet them immediately!" Lucas whispered to Zach who now nodded his head and then disappeared using the teleport that Lucas had at that time.


That night, Nick was brewing a cup of coffee at Elizabeth's house, along with Vernon and Yedda who were sitting at the kitchen table while eating Lizbeth's delicious pie made this afternoon.

"Will they soon discover Gale's weakness? What if they don't find it?" a question asked by Yedda who looked worried at that moment made Vernon who was eating the pie now frown and then exhaled while saying,

"But… I'm sure Gale must have a weakness!" Vernon explained to Yedda, who at that time was immediately given a nod of his head by Nick who heard it.

"Yeah… I think so too, everyone must have weaknesses Yedda, like Vernon who will lose if he fights with me and I will lose if he fights with Wilson… I'm sure, Gale also has a weakness, we just need to believe that and trust everything to Lucas and the others." Nick explained to Yedda, who then after hearing his words made Yedda finally feel calm and nodded her head in response to Nick's statement at that time.

Not long after their conversation, Lucas and Zach suddenly came to the kitchen where they were talking at the time.

Shut up!!

"!!!" Nick, Vernon, and Yedda's gaze spontaneously turned to Lucas and also Zach who appeared beside them at that moment.

"Lucas!" called Wilson as he had just entered the kitchen with the mug in his hand at the time.

Lucas' eyes now turned to Wilson's and returned quickly to Nick as he said,

"Nick! We must immediately discuss this time!" Lucas said to Nick who was now frowning in response to that and made Nick nod his head and turned to look at Vernon who now immediately got up from his seat to immediately tell the others to immediately gather in the living room at that time.

Not long after Lucas, Nick, and the others walked into the living room, Vernon finally came along with Marla and Elizabeth.

"How?? what did you guys get now?!" a question that was asked by Elizabeth at that time, made Nick, who a few moments ago had a short chat with them, now shows a small glass ball that glittered in it at that time.

"They got this, Lizbeth!" said Nick to Elizabeth who was now stunned to see the small glass ball in Nick's hand at that moment, which then he nodded his head in response to it.

"He said that he would use it to stop the time of all of humanity, so we feel that it will be useful for us to wake him up later, Elizabeth!" Lucas explained to Elizabeth, 

Elizabeth who looked back at Lucas before finally raising his hand as he approached Nick and then said,

"Give me the stone, we have to see if this is the right stone, or not?" Elizabeth explained to Nick who now nodded his head in response and then gave the stone to Elizabeth. And then Elizabeth looked at the stone to finally nod her head as she said,

"Yeah… you're right Lucas, it's a time stone!" Elizabeth explained to Lucas, which made Lucas nod his head and Zach let out a sigh.

"Then… what is the next plan we have to do to resuscitate Gale?" a question that was asked by Zach at that time made Elizabeth now silent and think, as well as Nick and Lucas.

"Let's break this ball!" Nick's words at that time, made Lucas surprised and even Lucas who was right beside him now frowned and then said,

"You are crazy?!" Lucas said to Nick who was now shaking his head in response,

"No! That was a brilliant idea, Lucas!" Marla said as she walked up to them and grabbed the glass stone which was being held by Nick at that time.

"What do you mean?? are you crazy too?? the stone will be useless!" Lucas said to Marla which then made Nick chuckled as he said,

"Haha… that can't be happening, Lucas… if they split up, the power is still there, but it can't be fully utilized!" Nick explained to Lucas who now understood what Nick was saying and what Nick meant at that time, which in the end he nodded his head and then said,

"Then break it!" Lucas said to Nick, to which Elizabeth said,

"Split it into ten to eleven pieces! Because we need the stone for ourselves right now!" The explanation that Lizbeth gave to them at that time made Yedda now frown upon hearing that and then said,

"How can we break it down into eleven with the same shape Lizbeth??" a question asked by Yedda at that time made Nick smile and then said to answer his question,

"That we can do, Yedda! Wilson… do your job!"

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