Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 111 - The Story And The Question

Tells about Elizabeth and Zach's first meeting, but before that this chapter will tell about how Elizabeth was found by her family.

It was a snowy night, soft snow adorned the earth. Not much going out at night then. Because most of them are now gathered with their respective families in the house. And including the two couples who look very harmonious, they are the Cooper family.

John Cooper was forty years old at the time, and his wife Emely Cooper was thirty-five. Both of them live very happily, even though in their small family there is no additional member apart from the two because five years ago Mrs. Cooper was diagnosed with infertility, or in other words, she could not give birth to Mr. Cooper. There were so many cons given by the husband's family to Mrs. Cooper, which in the end made her feel that he was a complete failure. Even so, Mr.. Cooper still loves himself and even defends his wife in front of his whole family, he deliberately moves to a small town and buys a luxury house there just to keep his wife away from his family's words and live happily together in the city. there.

"Have you bought me what I want, John?" A question asked by Emely, who was opening the oven at that time and took out a delicious roasted chicken there that night, made John, who had just come from outside his house, now smile in response and happily showed a paper bag with a green and red design. while saying,

"Certain! I got the wine you ordered! But you only get one… but don't worry… because you know what?? We got discounts and extra snacks as their apology for running out of stock!" said John to Emely who is now smiling broadly and looks happy to respond to the explanation John gave him about the Wine that Emely wanted at that time.

"Oh! This is more than enough… thank you, Darling!" said Emely as she put her roasted chicken on the plate and motioned for John to sit in his chair.

"Tonight, what will be our entertainment, by the way?" a question that was asked by John at that time made Emely now walk towards the large window and then remove the curtains while saying,

"I think the view tonight will be the most beautiful entertainment of the year, John!" Emely said to John who was now laughing and then nodded his head in response.

"Hahaha …. Yeah, I think it's going to be the most beautiful night ever! Come on… let's start the dinner!" said John asking Emely to sit down immediately and have a romantic and happy dinner at that time. John and Emely also talked and told pleasant things throughout the year, and both of them stopped when they heard a small loud voice coming from outside their house, which of course made both of them now turn their eyes towards the window which at that time presented the view. outside and above the snowy sky at that time, both of them saw clearly how twelve stars were falling simultaneously, which of course made both of them unable to say anything other than speechless and amazed by the incident.

"John… did you see it too?" a question asked by Emely at that time, made John nod his head in response to the question asked by his wife at that time, and a few moments later one of the twelve shooting stars turned and shot towards them, which of course made both of them surprised not playing.


"Emely, duck down!!" John immediately ran and lunged at Emely, when at the same time the shooting star crashed and damaged most of their house.


That was the noise when the star crashed into their second luxury home.

"Emely, are you all right?" John asked Emely who was now nodding his head in response to the question asked by her husband at that time, then both of their eyes now turned simultaneously towards the collection of smoke and building debris carried by the shooting star that had just hit the location.

"Should we call the police, John?" a question asked by Emely at that moment made John frown and walk slowly towards the ruins while saying,

"Are you sure they will come tonight?" John asked Emely who now shrugged his shoulders in response to the question. Emely's gaze now continued to focus on John who continued to walk towards an invisible object there, which of course worried him at that time.

"John… what are you going to do?" asked Emely worriedly, while John now shook his head and said,

"It's okay… I'll just take a look!" John explained to his wife who again said,

"Be careful!" said Emely, at the same time, John's eyes were now wide as if he was surprised when he could see something in front of him at that time, which of course was very surprising and made Emely curious,

"John… what is it?? John! Are you okay?!" Emely asked John who was now sighing weakly before finally approaching the object and saying,

"Emely… I don't think the one that fell isn't a star!" John explained to Emely at that moment, which of course made Emely's brow furrow and immediately walked over to John and asked,

"So what?" Emely's question now stopped when she looked at John who was there now holding a beautiful and tiny baby, which of course surprised Emely at that moment. John was even speechless when he saw her, a baby girl fell from the sky and was not hurt at all, which of course was a question mark and a miracle that came at the same time for both of them that night.

"It's a baby girl, Emely!" said Josh to Emely who was now surprised to hear that and then shook his head before finally saying,

"How did he fall?" that was the question asked by Emely which was the same thing that was in John's head that night.

"I don't know. … maybe this is a gift given to us on this beautiful night, Emely!" John explained to Emely who now looked very happy to hear that and walked over to look closely at the beautiful baby.

"Can we take care of him, John?" a question asked by Emely at that time, made John nod his head in response,

"Certain!" John answered her,

"How do we call his name?" asked Emely again, which made John smile and say,

"Well ... we'll call her, Elizabeth Cooper!" John explained to his wife who now nodded her head agreeing to give the name to the beautiful baby.

Since that night, Elizabeth became part of the Cooper family, both of whom kept it a secret from everyone but not to Elizabeth, with the intention that their little girl would not feel cheated by them and would grow up to be a great woman who would always be honest with everyone.

Every night when Elizabeth was three years old, her mother, Emely, would always tell the same thing every day, and that of course was very liked by Elizabeth.

"Time for bed, sweet girl!" a word that was thrown by the mother at that time, made Lizbeth who was drawing at that time immediately run from the top of the beautiful rug to the bed and immediately jump happily onto it.

"Yeaay!! storytime!!" said Elizabeth enthusiastically, which of course made Emely the mother just smile seeing that Lizbeth never got tired of the story, even though Emely knew that her child was already seven years old, and she must remember clearly how the storyline went.

"Okay… since I think I've forgotten the story a bit, how about now it's Lizbeth's turn to tell us about your arrival in our family, Lizbeth!" said Emely to little Elizabeth who was now looking at her mother with a smile and then said,

"Mommy… I know you haven't forgotten, have you!" said Elizabeth while smiling at Emely who was now laughing at that and then said,

"Just do it… I will give it a good look, my dear child!" said Emely back to Elizabeth who now cleared her throat, and with a smile, she also told how her arrival in the happy little family was.

"It starts when the snowy night falls!" he explained to Emely who was now starting to lay down right next to his beloved daughter smiling and continuing to look at Elizabeth with great affection.

"Mommy… there is something I want to ask about in the story you often tell me!" said Elizabeth who at that time played with Emely's hair that was loose in front of her who was now looking at the princess who looked half asleep there, which made her now nod her head and say,

"Yeah… you can ask me anything, Darling!" Emily said to Elizabeth.

"You said that I was one of the twelve falling stars that came to you and Daddy, right?" Elizabeth asked Emely who was now nodding her head in response to the question,

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