This was done by John so that his little girl, who is now growing up, would not be confused in choosing the interest she would take later, because she already had an interest at the beginning with the choice she liked.

Painting, healing, cooking, and knitting are the four things that are very interested in Elizabeth, which in the end she also explores these four things and Elizabeth's hobbies are reading and walking around to talk with people, as she told the father that each person is very unique and he is interested in their uniqueness, although in the end it made John and Emley not understand what their little girl meant, as long as it was still in a positive direction, both of them always agreed and support everything Elizabeth does.

"Good morning, Lizbeth!" a greeting that was thrown by an old grandmother, making Elizabeth who was busy watering the plants now turns her gaze to her grandmother and smile sweetly. To then reply to the greeting from the grandmother by saying,

"Oh, good morning Mrs. Hudson! How was your day this morning?" a greeting accompanied by a question to the old granny, made him laugh in response to that and then said,

"My day is like a really good one, my grandson is coming with my son, and I make a lot of muffins for it!" Mrs. Hudson explained to Elizabeth who was now smiling happily when she heard the news,

"Wow, it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun today, huh!" said Elizabeth to the grandmother who was now nodding happily,

"Ah… how about you?" Mrs. Hudson asked Elizabeth who also smiled and then said,

"My day is as bright as this morning!" Elizabeth replied to the grandmother who now smiled in response and they had a light conversation for Mrs. Hudson to finally say goodbye to lifting her homemade muffin from the grill, which of course made Elizabeth invite her..

As explained, when she finished watering the flowers she had, Elizabeth immediately got ready to go to school, and she went to one of the houses of the expert, Miss. Baety. She was a twenty-nine-year-old woman who was about to give up her singleness and marry, and she was also an expert in cooking and knitting, which of course were well known to the people of the city.

Knock… tock… tock

At that time, Elizabeth who was wearing a beautiful light blue dress decorated with beautiful rendra knocked on a door of a house that looked very large there, and even its size was almost equal to the size of Elizabeth's house, and not long after she knocked on the door, a woman The beauty opened the door and then smiled sweetly when she realized who had just knocked on the door there.

"Good morning, Miss.Baety!" Elizabeth warmly greeted the woman who now opened the door wide to invite Elizabeth into the house.

"You came just in time, Lizbeth!" said Baety to Elizabeth who then smiled and nodded her head in response to that.

"Thank goodness I wasn't late!" said Elizabeth to Baety who was now smiling and then nodded her head to finally invite Elizabeth to go to the kitchen and start learning to explore her cooking skills.

"I heard, you are getting married soon… is that true?" a question that was posed by Elizabeth to Miss. Baety also made the woman who at that time demonstrated how to make wheat bread turn to look at the student, then smiled in response to it and nodded her head as she said,

"Yeah… what you heard is true, Lizbeth… I'm getting married soon!" said Miss. Baety to Elizabeth who now smiled happily when she heard the happy news.

"So… who is the lucky guy who got you?" a question that was asked again by Elizabeth at that time made Miss. Baety look very embarrassed and then said,

"Oh stop that..." said Baety to Elizabeth who laughed lightly hearing and seeing the shy behavior of the teacher who she considered to be her own brother and friend.

Ting… ng…

A bell rings, which made both of them now turn their eyes towards the front door, which made Baety immediately wipe his hands which were then dirty with dough with the napkin there, before finally walking towards the main door while turning to look at Elizabeth and said,

"Keep going… and we'll let the dough rest when it's combined with all the ingredients, Lizbeth!" said Miss. Baety to Elizabeth who is now nodding his head following all the words of the teacher and focused again on kneading the dough for wheat bread in his hands at that time.

While humming softly, he continued to knead the dough, and his eyes immediately turned when he heard the teacher say,

"Lizbeth… this is my future husband, Arnold! He is a lucky man to have me!" said Baety to Elizabeth who now turned to look at the teacher who stood side by side with a dashing man wearing a suit that gave the impression that the man was an important man in the city.

"Arnold, meet… she is my student and friend as well as my sister… she is Elizabeth Cooper!" said Baety to her future husband who was now surprised when he heard the name, which immediately made him take down the hat he was wearing and give a polite salute to Elizabeth who was now surprised to see it and made him immediately return the salute by slightly embracing his body and smiling in response to the salute...

"I am honored to meet Mr. Cooper's daughter in person!" said Arnold to Elizabeth who was now frowning slightly and said,

"You know my father?" asked Elizabeth, which immediately made the man nod his head and then say,

"Ah, of course, young lady! I am Mr. Cooper's, right-hand man!" Arnold said to Elizabeth who was surprised to hear that,

"Oh, sorry I didn't know that!" Elizabeth explained to Arnold who now immediately shook his head and then said,

"No miss, you certainly won't recognize me, because I'm assigned to oversee a company in the south! So I'm rarely in this town!" Arnold explained, which then made Elizabeth nod her head in response. 

But seconds later he realized something that made him immediately say,

"Oh sorry… you should be the one talking a lot! Please talk to each other, let me continue mixing this dough!" Elizabeth explained so kindly, but that made Baety immediately shake his head and say,

"Oh… no need to stir again, Lizbeth… we'll have to wait an hour or two for it to bake then!" Baety explained to Lizbeth who was now looking at him and nodded his head in response,

"Oh… well… then!" said Elizabeth with a laugh and immediately cleaned her hands of the dough using a napkin and washed her hands again to keep them clean.

'Wow… I didn't expect young Miss Elizabeth to be in front of me right now… I'm such a lucky man!' 

Elizabeth's forehead instantly wrinkled when she heard a voice that appeared around her, which made Elizabeth immediately turn to look at Arnold who was sitting right in front of her in the living room which now contained her, Arnold, and also the teacher, Baety. Seeing that Arnold didn't even seem to open his mouth made Elizabeth confused when she heard those words at that time.

'Uhh… he's so handsome in that suit, he totally understands my current wish!'

"Hmm??" the question that was asked by Elizabeth at that time which immediately glanced at the teacher, made a miss. Baety who heard it now immediately turned to look at the student and asked,

"Ah… yes, what is it?" asked Miss. Baety to Elizabeth who is now frowning feeling as if he believes that miss. Baety didn't say anything earlier.

'Wow… I almost forgot I had Lizbeth beside me right now!'

The voice sounded again around Elizabeth, which of course surprised her who immediately got up from her seat when she realized that there was something strange about her right now, which of course surprised Arnold and Baety at this time.

"Lizbeth, are you all right?" a question that was asked by Baety at that time made Elizabeth who heard it now turn to look at the teacher to finally smile in response to the question.

"I think I forgot something… so I have to go back home, Miss. baety… is it okay if we postpone today's class?" An explanation given by Lizbeth of course confused Baety at the time, but because she also had a guest, in the end, she nodded to invite Elizabeth to go home.

That afternoon, Elizabeth immediately left the residence of Miss. Baety, who was non other than the cook and knitting teacher. She left from the house after she felt that something strange had just happened to herself. She felt that she could hear other people's heads. Which of course took her by surprise.

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