Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 116 - Decided To Look For

"Wowh… what are you doing now, mommy?" a question that was asked by Elizabeth at that time made her mother understand, something must have happened to her, which of course made her now frown at Elizabeth and then say,

"Oh… baby… what happened? Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable studying today?" a question that was asked by Emely at that time, made Elizabeth now smile in response and shook her head slowly as she said,

"No… it's just, I don't feel well today!" Elizabeth answered to Emely who was now looking at her with a face full of worry, which of course made Elizabeth feel bad for having lied to her mother at that time.

"You are sick?! How do you feel hmm? do you have a fever?" asked Emely looking affectionate and worried for Elizabeth, now she immediately put her hand on the back of her arm to check whether her daughter had a fever or not.

Oh… baby, please… don't get sick!

Elizabeth's gaze is now looking at her mother, she seems to really be able to hear all the thoughts of the people in front of her at this time, and it is very, very surprising and makes her happy.

"I think you're just tired, go to sleep… and I'll bring you some poridge milk baby!" Emely said to Elizabeth which Elizabeth could only smile and nodded her head in response to that.

As long as she lay on her bed, Elizabeth remained silent and thought about what had just happened to her. But when he remembers the words from his father that he once said about his special self, he now reaches out and holds the necklace that he always wears. He noticed a necklace which at that time was in the shape of the letter N with a center line and a diagonal line that almost merged and did not have a pointed side. Making the symbol have five lines, or similar to the number two facing up. Which then made him wonder about the symbol that became the pendant of the necklace he was wearing there.

"This line has the shape of a line that is almost the same as my birthmark, is this a code?" Elizabeth muttered to herself, but because she didn't know what to do, Elizabeth just closed her eyes and put the necklace on her chest. Which then miraculously took him to a place he had never known before, and there he met eleven people he did not know now gathered in a circle and staring at each other.

At that time Elizabeth wanted to speak, but because she was completely unable to do so, she just kept silent and followed the flow of events that were currently taking place.

"We will go to earth, and I believe if we are there we will be separated for because what I learned in every time me and zero-zero two go to the nearest planet, our plane will turn suddenly, which of course me and zero zero two too. feel that our mission there will be the same as the previous mission, therefore… we exchange the things we always carry with each other!" said the man who was standing right next to Elizabeth who now nodded suddenly, which made him now suspect that the zero zero two that the man meant was him.

"Are we swapping randomly?" a question asked by one of the women who at that time had a small face like a fairy there also made the man standing beside Elizabeth now shake his head and then said,

"zero-zero two, you will bring the necklace that belongs to nine three seven! I will exchange with seven four one and seven four one will exchange with Light ... " the words that were explained by the man slowly became fainter and fainter, which in the end their voices were no longer heard by Elizabeth who now could only see how they exchanged with each other, and now Elizabeth's vision was getting worse and darker before finally a call from Emely that made Elizabeth now surprised by it.

"Honey!" Emely called to Elizabeth who now immediately opened her eyes and turned to look at Emely who was standing beside her with a tray containing poridge milk and also a glass of warm water for Elizabeth, which in the end made Elizabeth, who was then lying down, now immediately get up from her sleep to sat down and grabbed the tray that his mother had brought to him.

"I'm sorry, I overslept!" said Elizabeth to Emely who now nodded her head with a smile and then said.

"It doesn't matter my dear, I told you… you must be feeling tired! Eat and go back to rest for today, okay baby?" said Emely to Elizabeth who was now smiling and nodding her head in response to that, before finally Emely left Elizabeth in her room.

When Emley wasn't by his side right now, Elizabeth was silent and thought… she was trying to draw conclusions from a dream that she believed wasn't a dream, because it felt so real and unreal to her at the time.

"What happened? Who are they?? are they the same stars as me??" a question that ELizabeth asked at that time made her hear a voice again, a voice that was very similar to the man in her dream at that time, the man who was right beside her and gave orders to the others.

'Once we get to earth, we'll look for each other using their items we brought with us!' Those words made Elizabeth believe that she had to find the others and the necklace was a clue for Elizabeth to find the man who was then called nine three seven.

"I guess that's right… I should start looking for them!" Elizabeth muttered, she looked very serious with what she said.

Elizabeth's decision to look for the man with the nickname nine hundred and thirty-seven made her now trying to remember the appearance of the man, which in the end made Elizabeth decide to sketch the man who owns the necklace.

With the best possible skill, Elizabeth sketched so that she wouldn't forget the faces of the nine three sevens she had never met before and only relied on the shadows she believed to be memories of her past.

"Sweetie?" a call that was thrown by a man she knew made Elizabeth now turn her gaze towards the door which made her smile when she heard the call from her at that time.

"Daddy!" said Elizabeth to herself who was now chuckling and walked over to Elizabeth who was sitting on the bed at that time with a book and pencil in her lap at the time.

"You are okay? I heard from your mother that you are sick!" said John to Elizabeth who was now frowning as if he felt sad and weak while nodding his head to his father who was now walking and hugging Elizabeth affectionately.

"Then why don't you rest and sleep, hmm?" asked John sounding very fond of Elizabeth who now smiled at him and said,

"I was drawing an acquaintance of mine when I was off-earth, I don't want to forget his face, so I can look for him… Daddy!" Elizabeth explained to John who was now frowning in response,

"Have you seen any one of the eleven shooting stars, Sweetie?" asked John sounding surprised by it, but Elizabeth shook her head at the question as she said,

"No Daddy, I dreamed of my experience a moment ago, so I'm going to draw his face so I at least know who to look for in the first place!" said Elizabeth explaining John's head who now nodded his head understanding the explanation that was thrown by Lizbeth there.

"Well… we'll see if you're as good at drawing as your mother is, Elizabeth!" said John to Elizabeth who was now smiling in response to John's explanation, and then made Lizbeth say,

"Daddy! I'm not as good as Mommy… I'm not as good as her at sketching!" said Elizabeth to John who is now laughing at the honest confession that Elizabeth said to him.

"Hahaha… yeah… well, then do what you want to do! I'll accompany your mother downstairs! I will give you space!" said John to Elizabeth who was now looking at him while smiling very fondly at his father who also smiled in response.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Elizabeth said to John who nodded as he stepped back out of the room,

"Goodnight Honey!" said John to Elizabeth who now replied,

"Night!" said Elizabeth, before John finally closed the bedroom door, which made Elizabeth look back at her sketch and exhale to finally return to her sketching activities.

The night turned into morning, and as if it had been refreshed by nature, Elizabeth's body condition felt very fresh, which made her who had just opened her eyes smile and stretched her body on the bed before finally getting up from her bed to take a morning shower. before starting the day's activities.

Just as he was about to enter the bathroom, his footsteps now stopped when he imagined that if he ran out of shampoo, he had to walk out of the bathroom to get the shampoo that was on his dressing-table, but because of being careless, Elizabeth fell and got serious injuries on her face. the head because it was knocked over by the edge of the table.

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