Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 118 - Meet Another Star In Funeral

One year passed, but this autumn was not like the previous seasons. Elizabeth lost John and Emely due to a car accident that killed them both, at that time Elizabeth did have a nightmare about the event, but fate could not be changed by her. Both of her parents died because they did not listen to what Elizabeth said about her nightmare, which of course left a wound in Elizabeth at that time.

"Everything it's gonna be alright!" those were the last words John said to Elizabeth, although in the end, Elizabeth felt bad about this incident, she felt sad and lonely. There were no more good night and good morning greetings from both of them, which of course made Elizabeth feel sad.

And it was the seventh day that Elizabeth's parents had passed away, as usual in the early morning Elizabeth would come with two bouquets of forget-me-not flowers for both of them and greet John and Emely at the funeral.

Tap… tap… tap…

With the footsteps made by Elizabeth on that cold morning, she approached the graves of the two and then smiled a sad smile as if she did not want to smile at that moment in front of the two.

"Hi Mommy, Daddy… I'm coming again!" Elizabeth said to the two graves, Elizabeth stepped closer to the two graves and then placed the bouquet she brought to each tombstone there.

"It's been a week since you've been gone, and I always remember your words Daddy… that everything will be fine… but I don't think anything will be fine after you're gone, I miss you!" Elizabeth said to the two gravestones, and Elizabeth began to cry in front of her parents' graves, how could she not, even though Elizabeth knew they were not her biological parents, Elizabeth loved them very much like her biological parents at that time.

'Don't cry baby!' 

A whisper that was heard by Elizabeth at that time also surprised her when she heard it, but seconds later when she heard the sound of a large rock being shifted in the area, she now turned her gaze to the right and left to find out the origin of the sound...

Elizabeth's steps were now walking towards the right side of the cemetery because she heard the sound of the rock sliding from there, which in the end made her walk slowly towards it.

In the distance, Elizabeth saw a tall, thin man who at that time had long curly hair with a beanie covering his hair. The man stood among the tombs that looked old and worn, which of course produced a big question mark in Elizabeth's mind towards the man.

'Is the sound coming from here? What was that man doing there?' that was the question that popped into Elizabeth's mind when she found the man standing and doing nothing but staring at the tombstones there as if he was thinking about something at that moment.

'I think…they'd better slide a little more to the left and clear the side territory!'

Elizabeth's forehead wrinkled even more when she heard what was inside the man's head, which then the man extended his hand towards one of the tombstones beside him, and then moved it very easily as if the man could move objects with his hands. there. Which of course surprised Elizabeth who saw it. Seconds later, Elizabeth remembered the man who could control many objects, the man she had met in her dreams, the man who carried her and took her to the plane after they had previously fought monsters just to get a stone.

"Six two one?" Elizabeth muttered under her breath after she remembered that the man's name was Six two One, which made her feel unmistakable, and decided to immediately approach the man.

"Hey?!" a word that was thrown by Elizabeth at that time, made the man who was shifting the gravestones there now turn to look at Elizabeth in surprise, which then he immediately left that place, which of course made Elizabeth unable to let herself go from there so of course and she knew it had just popped into her head, which made Elizabeth now think of a way to at least keep him from getting out of there.

"Whoa! How do you do that?" it was a question that finally came out of Elizabeth which now surprised the man, but when he was about to leave, Elizabeth quickly said,

"Wait! I'm the same as you!" said Elizabeth to the man, who immediately stopped the man's footsteps, which then made him turn his gaze to look at Elizabeth.

"Are you kidding?!" a question posed by the man-made Elizabeth now shake her head in response to the question from our man, to which Elizabeth then said,

"I'll show it, but I don't think so… how about we go to my house for tea and I show it at once!" Elizabeth explained to the man who was now frowning and could not believe what Elizabeth was saying there.

'Don't believe it, Zach! I think this woman will report you to the local police instead of taking her home!' those were the words that the man named Zach spoke in his mind and Elizabeth could hear them.

Elizabeth chuckled hearing those words which then Elizabeth shook her head as she said, "Why did I report you to the police station? I told you no, I'm just like you, Zach!" Elizabeth explained to Zach, which of course took the man named Zach by surprise.

"How did you know my name?!" Zach asked Elizabeth who was now looking at him calmly and said again,

"You said it yourself Zach, you told yourself not to believe me… believe me, I am the same person like you!" Elizabeth explained to Zach, which in the end made Zach exhale and decide to follow in Elizabeth's footsteps at that time.

Zach finally trusted Elizabeth, because at that time he actually took Zach to his house and actually gave him a cup of tea and even accompanied by bread to be breakfast food in the morning they were.

"So..." Zach said at that time, making Elizabeth now turn to look at him who cleared his throat and then said,

"Are you the same as me? Can you show it to me?" a question that was asked by Zach to Elizabeth at that time, made Elizabeth now smile and then said,

"I just showed it to you didn't I?" an explanation that was thrown by Elizabeth at that time, made Zach frown and feel that Elizabeth was a liar.

"No! I'm not a liar, Zach… and my name is Elizabeth, you can call me Lizbeth!" Elizabeth explained, which of course surprised Zach again at that moment.

"Y.. you can read my mind?!" Zach asked Elizabeth who was now smiling and then nodded her head in response,

"Yeah, it's a fraction of my skill, Zach!" Elizabeth explained, which of course made Zach even more distrustful of that and now chuckles in response,

"Khkh… really?!" Zach muttered to Elizabeth who now shook his head and touched Zach's arm, which Zach suddenly remembered a fragment of his memory in the past when he was on a mission with Elizabeth, and of course it was surprising for him at this time. Zach's eyes now turned to look at Elizabeth in surprise, which made Elizabeth now exhale and nod her head there.

"How did you…-

Zach couldn't say anything anymore, half believed it and half didn't, which of course made Elizabeth now grab onto Zach's arm and say,

"I'm so happy that we got to meet at the right time… I'm alone and I'm freaking out right now, Zach! Will you live with me? We're brothers aren't we?" a question and offer that really surprised, made Zach of course immediately get up from his seat and feel that Elizabeth is a crazy woman.

How could a woman he had just met offered up a house and say she was lonely? She also admitted that they were the same, just because of a memory she had just received, and of course, Zach didn't believe that, he knew that maybe Elizabeth could brainwash him and make him almost believe they were the same back then. Luckily Zach was able to restrain himself and come to his senses, he now shook his head at those words and then said,

"Sorry, but I think you have the wrong person! You don't know me at all!" clearly Zach who is now moving from that place to immediately leave Elizabeth's house.

"We are shooting stars, Zach! You have almost the same markings as me… you also carried an object with you when you were born, and it was the hourglass that you carried with you!" Elizabeth's sigh at that moment made Zach's footsteps stop and then turned to look at him who was still sitting there.

'How did she know I had an hourglass?' a question popped into Zach's head at that moment, making Elizabeth nod her head.

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