Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 124 - Consideration

"No! Of course not… it's just, you guys are weird! No one is impressed the first time you see me? Even though my song was booming at that time!" Wilson looks annoyed by it, and it makes some of them laugh in response and then Gale nods and says,

"I like your song! But I'm not a fan of you!" Gale explains and at that moment makes Wilson turn to look at him and look surprised to hear that and then say,

"Wow… this hurts me more!" Wilson explained, and it made them all laugh together about it. At the same time Nick came along with Elizabeth who at that time brought a bowl full of strawberries and back berries which he had prepared for them all.

"Okay, let's have a meeting!" said Nick to all of them who now turned to look at him in unison and began to look serious there. And that morning, they also discussed a lot about weapons for Queen, and also Aidan ... and talked about their next plan. It makes them look very serious in responding to it all, because the burden they are currently carrying is very heavy.

"What are we going to talk about this time?" a question asked by Kendrick at that time made Nick now turn to look at him and then made Lucas say,

"About a weapon that at least Queen and Aidan can wield!" Lucas explained to Kendrick who nodded his head in response,

"And also the next plan we will do to stop them!" Elizabeth explained to all of them who now turned to look at Elizabeth in bewilderment,

"They?" Yedda asked Elizabeth, and it made Elizabeth and Nick, who then made Nick say,

"This, Creatures who inhabit the planet Exelon-08. where we came from!" Nick explained to all of them who were now aghast at it. Seeing the residence of the ten people there, made Nick say,

"We'll talk about that later! Let's discuss the first problem first!" Nick explained to them, which then made Nick now turn his gaze to Lucas who realized this and shook his head and then said,

"Alright… we'll do it in a nutshell, do any of you have any suggestions for weapons that at least Queen and Aidan can use for their self-defense, in case the team can't help them?" Lucas asked all of them, and Gale now frowned and then said,

"Team?" Gale asked, and it made Lucas remember Gale's presence and then turned to look at Nick and said,

"Ah… yes, where should we put Gale, Nick?" a question that was asked by Lucas at that time, made Nick now turn to look at him and then say,

"Can you name your team again? And please sit according to the team!" Nick explained to all of them, who by now the ten people who owned the team walked to separate themselves and sat down with their respective teams.

Nick's gaze is now on all of them, where Lucas is sitting side by side with Zach, then Vernon is now side by side with Aidan and Yedda, Wilson is with Kendrick, Queen is with Elizabeth and finally, he is with Marla.

"Alright… then Gale will team up with Lizbeth as well as Queen!" Nick explains to Gale who now turns to look at Lizbeth and Queen, before finally nodding his head in response.

"Eum… there is something I want to ask again!" Gale explained to Nick who was now nodding his head there in response to the remark,

"What is it?" asked Nick,

"What is this team for?" a question asked by Gale at that moment, made Nick now smile and then say,

"In case we have to split up, we know our respective teams!" explained Nick to Gale who again nodded his head in response to that, and then the topic of conversation turned back to the weapons that Queen and Aidan would use.

They had talked for twenty minutes, but they didn't come up with a good solution in choosing what weapon would be at least suitable for Queen and Aidan to use, which made Aidan finally say,

"Didn't Nick say we were going to outer space, didn't he?" a question asked by Aidan at that time, made Nick now nod his head, and made Aidan ask again,

"Is there the same as the earth? I mean, have the same gravity?" asked Aidan, and that made Nick nod his head there again,

"More or less the same as the earth!" Nick explained to Aidan, which made him smile and nod as he said,

"Then, we can use firearms!" Aidan explained to all of them who were now looking at him and then Marla said,

"Shotguns?!" Marla asked, and that made Aidan nod his head in response,

"Yeah! Firearms!" explained Aidan,

"Can you use it?" a question asked by Vernon who was beside him at that time also made Aidan now turn his gaze quickly to Vernon and chuckle at the question.

"You'd be surprised to see him wield a gun, Vernon!" Lucas explained to Vernon, which made even Nick now finally nod his head and say,

"Well then, what we're going to do now is find weapons for them, and after that, we'll go to Exelon-08 to stop their intentions there!" Nick explained to the others who now made Yedda say,

"Wait a minute, there's something I want to ask you!" a word that was thrown by Yedda at that time, made them turn to look at Yedda, and then Nick nodded his head inviting Yedda to speak at that time.

"How about the others? Aren't there some people who were mobilized to finish us off? What if it turns out that the others have reached the earth and destroyed the earth?" a question asked by Yedda at that time, made Queen, Kendrick and Wilson nodded their heads feeling that the question asked by Yedda was the same as what was in their minds at that time.

"Yes, that's correct! What should we do? Shall we go straight up and let the others here destroy the earth?" a question that was asked by Wilson at that time finally made Nick exhale as if he was reminded again by those who might be right, maybe several other experiments had been sent considering that there were already water and fire controllers that came to attack them all the time.

"That's right… we have to find the others, so we can at least stop them here and go there without incriminating one of them!" Nick explained to them all, which made Elizabeth now nod her head,

"Then… what should we do about this, Nick?" a question that was asked by Vernon at that time finally made Nick now say,

"We're splitting the team into two, one team is going to find a weapon that's at least good for Aidan and Queen to use, and the other we're going to do some gimmicks!" Nick explained to all of them who in the end agreed and carried out the mission according to what Nick ordered at that time. The team was finally divided into two, Vernon's team along with Elizabeth's team went to look for weapons, and the rest went to attract attention.

"We go first, you guys did your mission right! Come when you have got the weapons!" Nick explained to Vernon as well as Elizabeth, who in the end Nick left with Lucas, Marla, Zach, Wilson, and Kendrick. And leaving Vernon, Elizabeth, Yedda, Aidan, Queen, and also Gale. At Elizabeth's house that afternoon.

"Where are we going to look for that weapon?" A question asked by Vernon there, made Aidan smile and then say,

"I know where we need to go, but… I think we need a vehicle we can at least use to get there!" Aidan explained to all of them, and that made Queen say,

"What do you need?" Queen's question at that time, made Aidan now turn to look at him and then say,

"jet!" Aidan explained to Queen, and it was of course surprising to the others, while Queen was now nodding her head while taking out a cellphone to then call someone there.

"Hello, it's me… Queen!" said the Queen to someone far away, for then the Queen again said,

"I need a Jet, can you provide one?" a question that was asked by Queen at that time made Queen now nod her head and say again,

"Well… we'll get there in a minute!" said Queen to someone far away, and finally she hung up the phone and made her now turn to look at Aidan and then say,

"We got it, they said they would arrive at the nearest airport!" Queen explained to the five people there, which of course left them speechless in surprise.

"You are the son of a rich man, I must not forget that!" Vernon explained to Queen who was now laughing at him,

"Come on, what are you waiting for! We're leaving now!" Yedda asked, which made the five of them a nod and leave Elizabeth's house for the nearest airport.

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