Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 127 - Elizabeth's Clone

Aidan, Queen, and Elizabeth at that time ran fast enough into the forest and left Vernon, Yedda, and Gale who at that time was fighting with three people they did not recognize, which made Aidan believe that the resurrection of the Devil Rebel was the result of the help of the Devil. those three people.

"Aidan, where are we going now?" a question asked by Queen at that time, made Aidan turn his gaze, still with running footsteps as he said,

"We'll go to my house and just get some guns and come back!" said Aidan to the two, and that, of course, made Elizabeth frown and then say,

"You're just going to run away after that, Aidan?" a word that was uttered by Elizabeth at that time made Aidan stop his footsteps which were then stunned to stare at Elizabeth there.

On the other hand, Vernon, Gale, and also Yedda are fighting against the three people which of course makes them quite a hassle, because the attacks are relentless, which makes them unable to even have a chance to attack,

"What should we do now?" asked Vernon, who had just melted an infinite amount of ice until they turned into water and evaporated there. As soon as the water there evaporates, Yeda immediately releases the wind again to break the infinitely large rocks there, and again makes Gale have to stop time from the lightning that attacked Yedda at that moment, and again makes Vernon have to melt the ice there so Gale it didn't freeze over, and the fight went on and on and on until Vernon was fed up with it. In the end, Vernon tried to find other ideas and came up with an idea that he thought was great, which then made him now say,

"Gale! Can you stop the three of them in there?!" Vernon asks Gale who now shakes his head and says, it's possible… but impossible!" Gale explained to Vernon who was still fighting there and then turned his gaze for a moment to look at Gale as he said,

"Why not?!" Vernon asked, and ducked back when the rock in front of him was about to strike, but thanks to Yedda's help he escaped again.

"It's not that easy Vernon! I can only stop time for five things, because I only have this time stone in my body, while what we are facing right now is not only these people but also their strength and that is six in total! I can stop him, but I don't know who I will stop the six from and who will escape there!" Gale explained to Vernon who now snorted and immediately dodged the lightning that was hitting him at that moment,

"Why does there have to be such a rule, huh?!" Vernon asks Gale who then says,

"Because if I use the full power of this time stone that is in my body, then the time within me will also stop! And I died!! However, if I had another time stone, maybe I could do it!" Gale explained to Vernon, and it made Vernon feel cornered at that time, he didn't know what to do, they were very tired, but it seemed that the three people there didn't look like that, as if the human nature in the three of them didn't exist, while himself, Gale and Yedda who have lived on earth for a long time, most likely instinctively cultivate the same nature and feelings as humans and that is what they are currently at a loss for.

"Gale! Can you use the shards?! Vernon and I have one shard each!" a word that was said by Yedda at that moment made Vernon surprised and realized it was there, who then immediately nodded his head in response to that,

"Yes! Can you do it, Gale?!" Vernon asks and makes Gale now nod his head and say,

"I'm not sure, but just give it a go so we can try!" Gale explained to the two, which then made Gale immediately remove the necklace that Elizabeth had made at the time, and the pendant inside the necklace was a fragment of Gale's other time stone, and so did Yedda. Elizabeth deliberately made eleven necklaces to place the fragments of the stone at that time, so that at least it was not lost and left in any place.

"This!" said Vernon which then made Gale angry at him and at the same time, because the three stopped blocking attacks, of course, the three elements possessed by the three people who were quite far there were now thrown at them simultaneously and made Vernon and Yedda close their eyes, was afraid and knew what might happen if their attempts to get Gale the shards of the time stone there were in vain.

In the central tower, Vernandes now grimaced in annoyance upon hearing that the other three had managed to escape the three who had helped him there, which of course made him both feel strange and angry.

"Tch!! who are they really?!" a question he asked at that moment that made several people there just stand by and did not respond to Vernandes' angry cursing.

"I think they have the same power as the stars that helped us and also Aidan, Vernandes!" obviously one of the staff on duty at the time, which of course made Vernandes now growl in annoyance and hit his desk there.

"Calm down, Vernandes! There's nothing to worry about, the three that escaped are just a bunch of trash that doesn't have much power, they're just a dim light, a healer and the other one is the same person like me, but don't worry… I'm sure I can handle him!" clearly a man there, which made Vernandes now turn his gaze towards the man who was sitting on the table casually which of course made Vernandes now chuckle at the explanation from the man, who then said,

"So… what are you planning to do, Toby?" a question that Vernandes put to Toby, made the tall, thin but muscular man there smile or rather grin in response to Vernandes's question there.



A loud sound was heard when Aidan managed to break the iron chains that tied several chests of weaponry in the armory at that time, which of course made Queen and Elizabeth smile with pleasure in response.

"We did it!" said Aidan happily, and immediately grabbed some weapons there and was about to hand them over to Queen, but Aidan's movement was stopped when he heard the sound of guns being installed by a lot of people and then Vernandes' voice saying,

"Not so fast, Aidan!" said Vernandes which now made Aidan, Elizabeth, and Queen turn to look at Vernandes who came with a lot of troops who now surrounded them there.

"Vernandes!" muttered Aidan in annoyance, while the person being called now smiled in response and then said,

"Why would you leave so soon?" Vernandes asked Aidan who was stunned to hear that, at the same time Elizabeth whispered to Queen,

"Queen… raise your light!" said Elizabeth to the Queen who then nodded slowly in response, but a loud speech there made them all stunned to hear it,

"Never dare to do it Queen or you will suffer the consequences!" a word that was heard by them at that moment made the three of them now turn to look at a man walking and descending the stairs from the warehouse they were stepping on at that time and then smiled at the three,

"Use your glasses! I think this kid will blind us all!" obviously the man who made Elizabeth now frown in response to that, and made the man now smile at him who looked surprised there,

"Are you surprised, Lizbeth?? yes… I am your clone! And I came to know what would happen, it's just like you right now!" said the man to Elizabeth which now made all three of them surprised to hear that. Elizabeth tried to be able to read the thoughts of the man who was now laughing and walked over to Vernandes who was both laughing at that and then said,

"You are great Toby! You can tell they don't have any significant power, it's exactly what you said!" Vernandes explained to Toby who was now nodding his head in response,

"I told you… there's nothing to worry about right now!" Toby explained to Vernandes, and it made Aidan, Queen, and Elizabeth unable to do anything but be silent in the midst of the siege of weapons at that time.

"What should we do, Lizbeth?" Aidan muttered to Elizabeth who was now shaking her head slowly as she said,

"I don't know… I can't read that man's mind and future! It's hindering my power!" said Elizabeth in answer to Aidan's question, which made Queen and Aidan could only grimace feeling that they could no longer fight there.

During that time, Elizabeth was still trying to find faults and trying to read Toby's mind and future.

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