That day, Nick was sitting pensively on the living room sofa alone, this is one day after they managed to bring the three clones of the four people he knew, including Wilson, Marla, Kendrick, and even Elizabeth.

"Not usually!" a word that was heard by Nick that morning, made him now turn his gaze to the side where Queen was now smiling and came to bring two cups of warm chocolate for him and also for his brother who now developed a smile when he found that Queen was the one who had just spoken at the time. that.

"What's so unusual, hmm?" asked Nick as he grabbed the brown glass that Queen offered to him which then made Queen sit right next to his place and said,

"I thought you were still in the captivity! How are you? Did you get the information?" a question asked by Queen at that time, made Nick exhale and shake his head as he said,

"I didn't get any information, that's why I'm here!" Nick explained to Queen who was now frowning at this,

"I let Vernon, Kendrick, Gale, and also Lucas handle them there! I feel that they will get the information easily!" explained Nick to Queen.

"Why did it happen?" asked Queen in response to his brother's explanation, which then made Nick now turn to look at Queen and then say,

"Because I think they must have gone all out of their way to dig up that information, no matter what… and I feel that they would be quicker if I asked for it!" Nick explained to Queen who frowned upon hearing this, at the same time Vernon came along with Lucas and made Nick and Queen now turn to look at the two who came.

"Nick! We have information about their plane!" Lucas said to Nick, which made Nick now nod his head and stand up from his place to then smile and say,

"Tell the others that we will have a meeting after breakfast is over!" said Nick and made Vernon and Lucas nod their heads in response. Nick, who felt he had to get ready, now left the three of them, which of course made Queen feel very curious about what they were doing, which made Queen now look at Lucas and Vernon while saying,

"What exactly did you guys do to get that information, Lucas, Vernon?" Queen asked the two, who were now looking at each other, then smiled and said,

"Threatening them of course!" explained Vernon, and made Lucas nod his head in response to that explanation and of course surprised Queen who heard it,

"Threaten? Just threatening?!" Queen asked again, making sure they weren't just threatening there because she thought Nick's threat must be scary, but how scary they were when threatening to get information compared to Nick.

Hearing that question made Vernon nod and then Lucas laughed dryly as he said, "Yeah… Threatening them like usual!" Lucas explained to Queen, who seemed suspicious of the two there.

Which their threat is not just a threat.


The night at 2 pm, when everyone was asleep except for Nick and Zach who were interrogating the four people in the room. However, the obstacle they encountered was the silence of the four who were there, which of course made Nick and Zach feel that they were at their wits' end there to ask and threaten them all. Zach glanced at Nick who then asked,

"How about this? What should we do Nick?" Zach asked Nick who was now stunned and thinking about it too, for finally, Nick got a good idea there which then made him turn to look at Zach and say,

"Please call Gale, Kendrick, Vernon, and Lucas! I think I'll just give these four to them!" Nick explained to Zach who was now frowning but nodded to immediately go call the four people Nick meant at that time. Along with Zach who left the room, Elizabeth now walked into it and then said,

"They haven't provided the information yet?" a question that was asked by Lizbeth at that time, made Nick nod his head and then say,

"They were too hard to open their mouths, even though I threatened them as best I could… but they were adamant about their stance and were reluctant to say a word!" Nick explained to Elizabeth who chuckled at that and then nodded her head in response,

"So… you're going to call anyone to handle them?" Elizabeth asked again, and made Nick now say,

"As you know, I will choose the four tough-faced people over the others, so that they will at least feel pressured by these four!" explained Nick and made Elizabeth sigh with a smile and nod of her head.

"Nick, you called us?" a question that was asked by Lucas at that time, made Nick turn his head to look at the arrival of Lucas, Vernon, Gale, and Kendrick along with Zach there. Which made Nick nod his head in response to Lucas' question at that moment.

"Yes! I want you to dig up information from them, do what you can, do whatever it takes! And I want you to have information by tomorrow morning from all of them!" said Nick as he left leaving the six of them there, which made Elizabeth smile now and say,

"If it was Gale, I wouldn't need to be here, Good luck!" said Elizabeth now leaving, and was followed by Zach who smiled at the four of them and then closed the door to the room.

"..." Lucas and the others both didn't understand what they were going to do at that moment.

"What do you think we should do now?" Kendrick asked the three of them, and Lucas now sighed and then said,

"I think we should do whatever it takes to at least get some information and hand it over to Nick in the morning!" Lucas explained to them, who were now nodding his head in agreement to that,

"Alright… let's get started!" Vernon clearly was about to walk forward, but was immediately stopped by Lucas who blocked his way with one hand and then said,

"Watch out! They are bringing out their power this time!" Lucas said and made Vernon frown to turn his head to look at the flow of lightning that became electricity that was sent to shock people who were about one to five meters from where he was at this time, and Vernon realized that at this time.

"Huaahhh ... until the end, they still carry out their mission to kill us apparently!" said Vernon and that made Lucas nod his head as he turned to look at Gale who is now nodding his head, I've stopped the electricity!" Gale said to Lucas who was now nodding and then said,

"Okay… because I think we have to face each of them so… let's just split into two teams, how about?" Lucas asked the three of them, to which Kendrick now nodded and said,

"Explain your suggestion, we will hear it!" Kendrick explained to Lucas who then exhaled and said,

"I and Vernon are going to face Toby and the Icebender, and you two are going up against the lightning and the rock!" Lucas said to Gale, Vernon, and Kendrick who then nodded their heads, agreeing with the suggestion.

Lucas and Vernon are currently in the room where the Ice controller and Toby are which of course makes Tony chuckle now that the two people who came at that time were not Elizabeth or Nick, but two other people.

"Why are you chuckling?" The question asked by Vernon at that time, made Toby now smile and answer,

"Where's Nick? I guess he's tired of us, isn't he?" Toby said to Lucas as well as Vernon, which made Lucas smile now and shake his head in response,

"No, it's just that he knows that you and they won't give him the information, but you guys can't help but pass it on to us!" Lucas explained, and made Toby snort in disdain at Lucas,

"Just try it! I'm not afraid of any threats you guys give me!" Toby said to Lucas who now turned to look at Vernon who was also looking at him.

"Are you sure about that? Alright… let's start threatening!" said Vernon immediately releasing fire from his hands and then surprising the ice controller and also Tony who was there, and it made Lucas smile seeing them scared like that, making him sure that they would give them the information they wanted in real-time. forced.

Before this happened,

"Their room is in the next room!" Gale said to Vernon as well as Lucas who now made both of them nod,

"Eum… but, what if they won't give us any information or even open their mouths, Lucas?" a question that Kendrick asked at that moment, made Lucas nod and then say,

"If they don't open their mouths, then be afraid with your powers, Gale can stop time so they can't use their powers, so you can use your lightning to scare and threaten them both, Kendrick… and that too what Vernon and I are going to do to deal with Toby and the Icebender!" Lucas says explaining this to Kendrick which makes Gale and Vernon nod in agreement.

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