"Where's the plane?!" asked Nick, and made Lucas now point to a point, where it was the Pitcairn Islands, which is the official name for the islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno in the southern Pacific Ocean.

"They said they hid it in here!" Lucas said, and made Nick now frown at that,

"In here?" Nick asked Lucas, and made Vernon now say,

"This island belongs to the Volcanic islands, Nick…and so do Lucas and I have the idea that the plane is hidden in a volcano, or at least it is!" said Vernon explaining it to Nick as well as the others, which of course surprised those who heard it.

They didn't expect to take a plane out of the volcano, which of course was a crazy idea, or at least it was. While Nick is now exhaling and then turning his head to look at the location point that Lucas pointed at that time.

"Lucas! Did he give information about how many creatures they're sending right now, on a mission to kill us?" Nick asked Lucas who was now making it and Vernon shook their heads, while Kendrick now stood up from where he was and then said,

"Sienna told me they have one clone each of us, except for Gale!" explained Kendrick, which made Marla now frown when she heard a foreign name spoken by Kendrick at that time,

"Who is Sienna?" Marla asked, much to Kendrick's surprise, and then said,

"Eum, he… a clone of Wilson!" Kendrick replied looking a little scared because he was afraid that Marla would be jealous or something with Kendrick right now. However, it was ignored by Nick who again said,

"One each?!" asks Nick again, and makes Kendrick and Gale nod their heads in response to the question. And left Nick speechless to think,

"We've met Firebenders before, and now we've met the Clones of Lizbeth, Wilson, Marla, and Kendrick as well!" explained Nick, to which Vernon added,

"Don't forget Kendrick and I met your clones before, Nick!" Vernon explained and that made Nick nod his head in response.

"Right! You're right, that means we've already met six clones, and that's only five left since they can't clone Gale, is that right?" Nick asked again, and that made Vernon, Lucas, Kendrick, and Gale nod their heads in response.

"What should we do, Nick?" now Elizabeth began to ask Nick, which caused Nick to turn his head to look at the others who were sitting back there, who at that time looked at Nick who then said,

"Like what we have to do, we will go to planet Exelon-08 as soon as possible! But because there are five others still roaming free here! We can't help but find them as fast as we can!! So at least they don't report our progress!" explained Nick, and made Lucas nod in response,

"Yes, that's correct!" Lucas said, which made them agree too,

"So next we have to find clones of Aidan, Queen, Yedda, Zach, and Lucas?!" Marla asked when confirming that they had not been met, which made Nick now nod his head in response to the question.

"Yes! We have to find them as soon as possible!" said Nick, and made Wilson now exhale and then say,

"How to?? we're looking for five out of millions and even billions of people, Nick!" Wilson explained, and made Nick nod his head in response,

"That's true! But didn't they come not to destroy the earth but to kill us?" Nick asked Wilson, who of course not only Wilson but the others were now frowning in disbelief, and made Nick exhale again and say,

"We just need to cast a fishing rod to get them hooked and come!" explained Nick again, which then made Lucas turn his gaze to Nick and ask,

"So, is one of us going to be the bait?" Lucas asked, and made Nick smile now as he said,

"Not one… but all, Lucas!" replied Nick, which of course made their foreheads wrinkle again, except for Elizabeth and Queen who had already guessed what Nick was going to do at that time.

"How to?!" asked Aidan, and made Nick now take out his cell phone and say,

"Just tell me that I'm using the old style for this, and don't ever doubt me!" said Nick as he walked away from them all while contacting someone far away, leaving them now looking at each other when they didn't realize what Nick was going to do at that time regarding bait and being provoked.

"What exactly is he going to do, Lizbeth?" The question that Lucas asked at that time, made Elizabeth now smile and say,

"I think he's going to use his economic power to lure them in, Lucas!" Elizabeth explained, which Lucas certainly didn't understand,

"Economy?!" Lucas muttered feeling very confused by that, which made him in the end just wait and follow what Lucas would do to lure them to come.

The press conference was a plan devised by Nick at the time, which of course surprised them all because they had never done it before, although Wilson had and often did, he did not do to declare his secret to the public. , and even he would be considered crazy if he did, but somehow Nick would proudly announce it to the public.

"Are you sure that this plan will work, Nick?" that was the question that Wilson asked Nick, who was now nodding his head in response,

"Isn't that a crazy thing? Tell them we have superpowers? Won't the press conference back then make a lot of people think we are a bunch of crazy people?" continued Gale, which then made Marla snap her fingers and say,

"Yeah! I have the same thoughts as you, Gale!" Marla says to Gale, and makes Nick now exhale and then say,

"Then… is there anything else you guys are going to do??" Nick asked all of them, which made Marla shrug her shoulders and say,

"Yes! I don't think we have any other choice but to follow the plan that Nick has laid out for now!" Marla continued to the others and made Nick now turn his head to stare lazily at Marla who had just said that.

"Are we going to catch him on camera too, Nick?" a question that Lucas asked at that moment, made Nick nod and then say,

"If your clone brought the others there on the same day, then the odds are yes!" Nick replied at the time, which left them stunned, and then inevitably had to agree to the idea because it was the only idea there was.


It was the morning when the sun had yet to come, but several journalists had gathered right in the middle of a large green field, next to Nick's and Queen's houses. This made Lucas, who witnessed the arrival of the reporters one by one through the window of his room which was located on the second floor at that time, naturally made him nervous.

"Are Nick's decisions and ideas the right ones, Zach?" a question that was asked by Lucas at that time made Zach who happened to be in the same room with him now turned to look at him from his single bed, and now Zach could only shrug his shoulders in response to the question that Lucas asked him at that time.

"I don't know... I'm also not sure about Nick's idea right now!" Zach said to Lucas who now turned his head to look at him and then said,

"Then why don't you refute his suggestion?" Lucas asked Zach who was now chuckling and then said,

"However, I had no idea at all at the time!" Zach explained which made Lucas nod his head again.

"Well… just pray that this is the right idea and we catch the rest!" Zach explained to Lucas, which made him now only able to exhale without saying anything else, and it made Zach now only able to lie back on his bed at that moment.

"Will this plan work, will they come?" now the question was asked again in a different room by a different person, and made Vernon now turn his head to look at Aida who had just asked him that, and made Vernon could only shake his head and say,

"I don't know… if they don't come! I think we should do something in the middle of the press conference at that time!" Vernon explained to Aidan who was now frowning at that and then said,

"Huh? What do you mean?" Aidan asked Vernon who was now nodding his head again saying,

"Yes! We should at least help Nick later, right?! If they don't come, we have to show the reporters that everything Nick said is true and he's not crazy!" explained Vernon and that made Aidan nod his head feeling that Vernon's words there were true, they should not be silent for the efforts Nick made to respond to the clones.

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