Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 136 - Stop The Time

"He said that our arrival was to destroy you!" he explained and made Lucas now understand if surely some of the people he was currently dealing with were dispatched less prepared than before, which of course made Lucas feel that it would be a short day and fighting them would be easy.



Lucas was surprised when a tree just ran right past him, and almost hit him there.

"J#$%$# lkjedhawne lajdqad!!" said one of the women there, which then made the person who had explained it again explain,

"Don't underestimate us, Nine three seven! You know nothing!" that was the explanation, which made Lucas now exhale heavily at that moment, realizing that his guess was wrong.



Lucas was surprised when a tree just flew past him, and almost hit him there. Until finally Lucas realized that they had different powers from the eleven friends there.

'No… I have to be careful with them!' that was what was on his mind right now, which made them smile as if they could read Lucas' thoughts at that moment. Which must have come as a surprise to Lucas himself at the time.

"Argh… they talk a lot, don't listen to them Lucas!" said Vernon as he walked over to Lucas and then waved his hand at the fifteen people who were there, but the attack was avoided with Water appearing out of nowhere after one of the fifteen women who were there also showed his skills at that time, which of course made Vernon now become surprised by it.

"What?! s… who are they, Lucas?!" Vernon asked, and Lucas now sighed in response to that and then said,

"I have a feeling they are the creatures that the Teins just sent for us!" Lucas said, and it made Vernon now exhale in response to that, and then say,

"Ugh… I think this is going to be a lot of homework for us!" continued Vernon to Lucas who was now nodding his head, while now one of the fifteen people began to attack them by throwing stones at the two, which immediately made Lucas take Vernon away from where they were standing at that time, which then made Marla begins to attack one of them and so does Gale who stops time from the two people who are about to attack Elizabeth. Among them was another car as well as grass that turned long and sharp which was about to stab Elizabeth.

"Unlucky! We're not the attacking type, Lucas!" Marla said when she realized that the person she had frozen was a fire bender who was now melting Marla's ice, and it made Lucas feel disappointed after realizing that the team he appointed was the wrong team at that time, and he never expected if the people who came or the creatures that came to be more precise, became multiplied just like that time.

"Lucas!!" a call that was sent by Vernon at that moment, made Lucas who had been daydreaming there surprised when he found a large fireball about to attack him at that moment, but at the same time chunks of ice were quickly created and blocked Lucas so the fireball was collided and created a huge mist of vapor there.

And that let Lucas know that it was Marla who had just saved him there at that moment.

"Lucas, what should we do?!" Marla asked Lucas, who seemed quite distressed by their sudden presence, and made himself try to find a way out so they could at least stop these fifteen creatures. Aliens in human form.

And Lucas' eyes are now on Elizabeth who is being helped by Gale to influence two people including one in the form of a woman and the other in the form of a man including the telekinesis controller and the grass controller, which makes Lucas understand what to do, but he doesn't dare to think about it at that moment, because he knew there was a mind controller standing behind the others at that moment, and let Lucas know he had to attack this man first.

"Lucas!" a call that was thrown by Wilson at that time, made Lucas now turn to look at him who at that time immediately issued his earth strength to make a hole until in the end all of them (the thirteen enemies there) fell into it.

"We're here to help!" that's what Kendrick said to Lucas who now nodded his head in response and then said,

"What about the reporters?" asked Lucas,

"They are fine! And be in a safe place!" replied Queen, which made Lucas nod his head again, at the same time Vernon ran up to them,

"What should we do?!" a question asked by Vernon at that moment made Lucas now say,

"We have to stop them all, so at least Lizbeth can influence them! But the first thing we have to do is conquer the mind reader!" Lucas said, which made Yedda frown there as she said,

"Which one is it?" asked Yedda,

"The man in blue!" Vernon replied to Yedda which then made them nod their heads in response to that, which then made Zach who saw there was a new attack there and immediately restrain him and threw back at them all his enemies there saying,

"We have to stop their time, where is Gale?!" Zach asked, and immediately made Vernon shake his head and say,

"We can't get Gale to stop it entirely! Or time will stop for him too!" Vernon explained to all of them which made Lucas say,

"What?! Why can??" Lucas asked, and that made Vernon respond by saying,

"He won't be strong if he just relies on the stone that is in his body, or at least that's what he told me, so he needs the stone we took from him at that time!" Vernon said again, and now Yedda let out a very strong wind that they who had managed to rise from the abyss built by Wilson fell back into it.

"Then collect all the necklaces! I'll give it to Gale!" Lucas said, and simultaneously they opened the time stone necklace they had and then collected it to Lucas who was now disappearing there and made the others now fight against those who had managed to escape from Wilson's abyss there.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of Nick's and Queen's houses, the journalist and his cameraman recorded the entire fight that took place there, which of course made them feel amazed and felt that they had to be trusted at that time.

"This is not edited! I saw their power firsthand and it was real! Are they not from the earth, Jodi?" Sarah asked her cameraman which then made the man now shake his head unsure of that,

"I'm not sure either, Sarah! But I saw that some of the people from there had unusual tails and hands!" said Jodi, and made Sarah frown to then say,

"Is that true? Where did you see those tails and hands, Jodi?" Sarah asked, and that made Jodi point at the little camera there,

"It's very clear here, Sarah!" Jodi explained to Sarah which then made Sarah immediately approach him to then see what Jodi saw at that time, which was fifteen of them looked not so normal and seemed half-human and half outsider.

Which of course makes Sarah and Jodi now look at each other with faces that are quite surprised by it.

In a different place, Aidan is still trying to heal Nick, who is now getting better there. And it didn't take long, Nick finally realized and turned to look at Aidan who breathed a sigh of relief, and after that, he helped Nick to get up from where he was at that moment.

"Ugh! Where are the others?" a question that was asked by Nick at that moment made Aidan immediately stand up from his place to then point towards the front gate while saying,

"I think they're there, we need to get over there and help them, Nick! I heard they were overwhelmed by it!" Aidan explained to Nick, which then made Nick frown and then nod as he said,

"We use weapons to help them!" said Nick to Aidan which then made Aidan nod his head and together with Nick they ran into the house to take weapons there.

"Gale!" Lucas calls, which makes Gale now turn his gaze towards Lucas, but at the same time, a loud voice interrupts them and deafens their ears which are now disturbed by it, which of course makes Gale now frown at that.

Lucas immediately approached Gale to then give a collection of necklaces made of time stone fragments which made Gale now turn his gaze to Lucas who then said,

"Stop them!" Lucas said, but at the same time, another rock was thrown at them, which immediately made Yedda break the rock with his wind.

This immediately makes Gale nod his head and then completely stop the time around him at that moment, which of course stops everyone who doesn't use the time stone, including Lucas, Wilson, Queen, Yedda, Vernon, Zach, Kendrick.. and Marla.

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