"Vernon, you're not hurt?!" asked Veer to Vernon who then nodded still crying, and made Veer kinbi immediately carry his sister on his back and say,

"Let's go from here!" That's what Veer said to Vernon.

There were so many firefighters passing by around the park, Vernon, who at that time was only seven years old, could only cry in front of his brother who was now squatting in front of him who was sitting on an ambulance truck.

"Don't cry Vernon, I've got you… I'm here!" said his brother to Vernon, which of course made Vernon feel very sad and relieved because his brother was always there for him at that time.

However, in reality Veer was not always by his side, because his brother died three years later, Veer died after he suffered internal bleeding from falling off the school bus due to bullying from his friends, which of course made Vernon very, very angry which in the end made Vernon also unexpectedly set fire to his brother's class which of course surprised many people, which made him also surprised because he never expected it. He did not feel hot even though the fire that was blazing at that time burned his body too. In the end it really shocked the police around the city, which made Vernon's parents finally decided to move from the city and change their surname. Which of course makes Vernon feel if there is something his parents are hiding.

For a ten year old, Vernon is a smart kid and he also has a very high curiosity. Making Vernon finally decide to find out what happened, about why his parents decided to move just because of what happened to him, they should feel at ease because they both have the same thing, because what he knows the fruit doesn't fall too much. away from the tree.

However, what he got was quite surprising. Because he did not get a birth certificate that should exist like his brother, which of course made him now feel confused and at the same time become more curious about a fact he did not understand.

And in the end Vernon decided to ask his parents who had just returned home and found their house ravaged because of Vernon's actions at that time.

"What happened, what are you doing, Vernon?" a question asked by his father at that time in the end made Vernon who at that time bowed his head feeling sad about what he did not understand and in the end turned his gaze to look at his parents and then asked,

"What happened? I should be the one asking… why don't I have a birth certificate like sis Veer?? why do we have to run away when you guys can also use fire like me?!" Vernon asked the father, which then made him look at his wife who looked surprised to hear the question that Vernon asked the two at that time.

"No… Vernon, we can't do something like you!" said the father finally telling Vernon the truth, which of course surprised Vernon who was now frowning to then say,

"No?? then… why can i do it?? Am I a weird person?" Vernon asked the father again, which now made Vernon's mother immediately shake her head and then say,

"Do not love! You're not weird at all!" said the mother to Vernon who is now starting to feel sad, feeling that his parents were hiding something about him at that time.

"Then ?? what am I?" Vernon asked his mother, which of course made the two of them fall back into silence and made Vernon even more clueless.

"What exactly are you two hiding?" Vernon asked the two of them, and of course made them shake their heads in unison in response to Vernon's question in front of them at that time.

"No, we have nothing to hide, Dear… you are the perfect child, you are not weird and you are the best!" That's what the father said to Vernon, thinking that those words would really calm Vernon at that time, but in reality they didn't. Vernon feels that his parents are hiding something about him, which then makes Vernon decide to find out what really happened.

Vernon was trying to find a sign or at least something that explained how he was born. Starting from asking the grandmother to the neighbors in his old town, but both parties have the same answer, they say that his birth surprised them so much, which of course made Vernon even more curious because of it.

"You really want to know all that stuff, honey?" a question posed by the grandmother, making Vernon now nod in agreement to his grandmother's question who then walked over while carrying an old letter which then said,

"This is the letter your father sent us when we heard their second child was born and it certainly surprised us, because your father never said that your mother was pregnant with you at the time, he only said that they wanted to surprise us all!" said the grandmother of Vernon to Vernon who now frowned at the explanation.

Which made Vernon now reach for the letter and start reading the contents of the letter, which read.

'Hi Mom… this might surprise you a bit, but prepare yourself! I got a second beak from both of us. And we named him Vernon, My wife gave birth last night at the santa los Angels hospital and it was a surprise because we both hid the pregnancy from my wife to you and everyone we know, so at least Vernon will be someone who will always surprise you all.

Best regards, your son.'

Reading the letter sent by his father at that time, made Vernon frown again who then looked at his grandmother and said,

"Is there someone in our extended family who has super powers, Grandma?" a question that was asked by Vernon at that time, of course, surprised the grandmother who then laughed after hearing the random and strange question given by the grandson to him.

"Super power? Hah! Hahahaha… you really have a wide imagination huh!" Those words made Vernon exhale and feel that even if his family didn't have the same thing, he would get a laugh.

Vernon really doesn't understand what his father and mother are hiding from him, but he is sure that they must be hiding something about his birth from him, and Vernon is not that easily discouraged!

Until finally, Vernon found a note in the form of a photo when he was a baby, which at that time was carried by his mother who was then wearing a thick dress with an open parachute under his feet, which of course made him very questionable, because both his eyes now stared at the date that should have been the date he was born. Vernon turned the photo over and then he looked at a handwriting that at that time read.

'The day we found our beloved second son, Vernon!'

Reading the writing instantly made Vernon unable to say anything, he didn't move at all and didn't even breathe out the slightest thing.

"What's this?? what is the meaning of this text?" that's the question that comes from Vernon when he finds a note that makes his life feel like it's shattered that very second. Vernon felt devastated for the second time, which of course made him very disappointed, and even to his disappointment a ember appeared from his surroundings which of course again shocked Vernon who decided to immediately leave there, feeling no longer brave enough to face his parents. , Vernon really decided to leave the place at that time.

"So that's your story?" A question asked by Aidan also made Vernon who was telling the story now turned to look at him and then nodded his head in response to the question.

Flashback off

"Yeah… that's just the beginning of my story!" said Vernon to Aidan which then made Aidan nod his head understanding what Aidan was going to ask Vernon at that time, which in the end made Aidan lean even more to get closer to Vernon while asking again,

"Then what will happen next?? Are your parents looking for you?!" Aidan asked Vernon who now exhaled and nodded his head and said,

"Yeah… they finally found me when I stepped into high school!" explained Vernon, to which Aidan was now taken aback and then said,

"Serious?! it's been a long time!" said Aidan which made Vernon nod his head again,

"What do they do next?? did they finally admit everything?" Aidan asked Vernon who was now smiling and nodding his head,

"Yep, they apologized while explaining everything that happened! When they found me, while they were free-falling into a forest, they saw how twelve shooting stars were showered that day! They even gave me the object I was carrying at that time, which turned out to be Queen's!" Vernon explained to Aidan which made Aidan nod and understand,

"Ah! That's why you're looking for Queen right?" asked Aidan, which made Vernon smile again and nod his head.

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