

Wilson's gaze was now looking at the shining blue star that was already directly above them at that moment, which then made him now say,

"We're here!" said Wilson, which then made Yedda nod and immediately stopped the Gust of Wind that was blowing at that moment. Which then made Nick now exhale and nod to then take off the clothes he was wearing leaving only his swimming trunks.

"You guys wait here, let me dive!" said Nick to the three, which of course made Wilson, Kendrick, and Yedda feel that they were there only to accompany Nick and not help at all.

"What?! that is it?" a remark that sounded like criticism and also a complaint made by Yedda at that time made Nick now turn his gaze towards Yedda and then say,

"I can't handle that if you guys go in there, you won't know what we're looking for right now, not even what form you'll find out!" explained Nick to the three people who were now looking at each other to finally make Wilson now exhale and then speak.

"We're here to help you, Nick! Why are you even walking alone? is that what you call Tim?" Wilson asked Nick who now shook his head and then said,

"You didn't understand what I said earlier, huh?!" Nick asked Wilson, Kendrick, and also Yedda which then made Yedda shake his head to answer the question and make Nick now shake his head and say again,

"Hear! I want you to stay on the boat, and no matter what happens, never tell me where I am and why… you understand?!" a question that was asked by Nick at that time made Kendrick now wrinkle his forehead not understanding what Nick was saying at that time.

"Trust me! What I did was right! You will be safe here, and so will I, if I leave you here!" explained Nick to the three, which in the end made Yedda couldn't help but sigh to finally nod her head and made Nick immediately go into the open sea wearing only his swimming trunks. Leaving the three who remained on the small canoe.

"Huh! I never thought of Nick! Why is he always being stubborn and selfish?! he doesn't describe a good leader for us at all!" said Wilson starting to grumble after Nick went diving into the ocean, which then made Kendrick could only sigh in response to that, while Yedda was now staring at the place where Nick was diving before finally saying,

"I think he did this so as not to harm us because of it, which is why he asked us to stay here!" Yedda explained to Wilson as well as Kendrick, and made Wilson chuckle now as he said,

"If that's true, I'm amazed! But I don't think he did that, because it looks so authoritarian! Isn't that right, Kendrick?" a word that was thrown by Wilson to Kendrick at that time, made Kendrick could only exhale and then shrug his shoulders as he said,

"Everyone has different opinions and views… I can't say both… because what's on my mind right now, why did he say if we can't say what we're here for? Because those words ended up challenging a question for me from a long time ago!" Kendrick explained to Wildon and also Yedda who now looked at him in unison and then Wilson asked again,

"What are the questions that arise in you right now, Kendrick?" That was the question that Wilson asked Kendrick, which then made Kendrick now turn his gaze to Wilson and Yedda to then say,

"Really, who are we going to talk to about where Nick went and what are we looking for? That's what's on my mind right now!" Kendrick explained to the two of them, which then made them both feel strange at the same time, realizing the question that was asked by Kendrick at that time.

"That's also true .... who are we going to answer that too?" Wilson explained, and at the same time, the canoe they were riding at that time moved, as if there was a strange water wave that appeared around them at this time. Which of course they believe that it is not from the waves of the sea or the wind. Which of course made Yedda, Wilson, and Kendrick now look at each other.

Nick, who was just diving at that time, is now trying to regulate his heartbeat, he dives very fast, relying on the power of the water that makes him dive like a dolphin. He darted very quickly inward, and on and on. As if not paying attention or rather not caring about what will come next to the three people who were on the surface at that time, because that was what he planned, letting the two sea guard animals have direct contact with the three so that at least their attention would not be on him when that. Let's just say those three people were baiting at that time.

'I'll apologize once I get the stone!' That's what was in Nick's heart when he realized that the two water creatures there just darted to come to the small canoe.

His memory returned to Elizabeth, who at that time talked to him about the location of the energy stones they had to take and the guard monsters they had to deal with first, which of course wasn't just any mission. Because this mission is very, very dangerous if they understand what they are facing at that time.

"You have to be careful with your every move, Nick! Those monsters weren't just random, they were monsters that were hard to fight! You should be able to successfully carry the stone while the others take care of the monsters!" that was Elizabeth's explanation, which made Nick now frown and was stunned to hear that,

"When I manage to get the stone, do I have to bring it to the surface?" a question that was asked by Nick at that moment, made Elizabeth shake her head and then say,

"No! You will be immediately brought here by Lucas' portal! Because with that stone, other monsters besides the guardian monsters will come to you and fight each other if you bring it to the surface at that time!" Elizabeth explained, and made Nick frown again and then look surprised when he realized one thing,

"That means, I have to let those three take care of those monsters over there?!" asked Nick sounding worried, and made Elizabeth nod her head and say,

"There's no other way but to do something like that Nick! But don't worry, for the rest I'll come up with a plan to help the three of them in case they can't fight these two monsters!" Elizabeth explained to Nick, which then made Nick exhale and nod his head as he said,

"Then, how do you get the monsters to rise to the surface and be attracted to these three people?" Nick's question at that time made Elizabeth smile now while giving a small bottle to then say, 

"Pour this blood around the little canoe, and a few minutes from there they will surely appear attracted by the blood!" Elizabeth explained to Nick, who then made Nick curious about the blood in the bottle, and then asked,

"Whose blood is this?" that was the question asked by Nick which then made Elizabeth smile and say,

"This is the blood of another Kraken!" said Elizabeth, which made Nick's forehead wrinkle again,

"Krakens?!" asked Nick, and Elizabeth sighed and said,

"Believe me, they'll go upstairs once they sense something fishy from that canoe territory! And when that comes, quickly pick up your pace so at least they don't notice you're there Nick!" said Elizabeth, which in the end made Nick nod his head and hold the small bottle that Elizabeth had given him at that time.

At least that's what Elizabeth ordered Nick to do, which makes Nick do everything Elizabeth says at this point. 



Lucas was waiting for the arrival of Vernon, Zach, and also Aidan in the living room at that time. 

"Lucas!" a call that was thrown by Lizbeth at that time, made Lucas nod his head and get up from his seat to then walk over to Elizabeth and ask,

"Yes, Lizbeth?!" Lucas asked which now made Elizabeth smile as she said,

"There is something you should know! And it's about Nick's mission as well as the others!" Elizabeth explained to Lucas who was now frowning and then said,

"What is it?" Lucas asked Elizabeth who then cleared her throat before finally answering,

"You should know if they are currently going to take energy stones on the high seas! The stone is very important for us, because it is a source of energy so that we can at least fly back the planes brought by them here, and it also protects us so that at least the plane we are traveling in will not experience system errors again like in the beginning!" Elizabeth explained which made Lucas now nod his head in response,

"And?" Lucas asked, knowing that Elizabeth's words would not stop there,

"The stone is protected by sea monsters, so… when Nick manages to get it, I want you to open a portal for Nick so that at least the monsters don't notice!" Elizabeth explained to Lucas who was now nodding his head feeling capable of doing so.

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