Tells about Lucas who is trying to lure the healer to come to the place he is currently stepping on.


Lucas managed to blow up the monitoring base, he intentionally left one person on duty there. He walked over to the person who at that time was injured in both legs, who was now looking at Lucas quite fearfully, of course making Lucas feel that moments like this should be used as well as possible by him,

"Call the healer, tell him that you need help as there are so many injured here." Lucas gave an order to the frightened man in front of him. Lucas looked left and right to look for a tool he could use to summon the healer, he also saw a walkie-talkie sitting on a table not far from where he was. Lucas took the walkie-talkie and handed it to the injured man in front of him.

The frightened man took the object from Lucas' hand and immediately said all the things Lucas had ordered him with his body shaking with fear.

"MEDICAL!! We need medical urgently!!! Many are injured here!" the man said to the walkie-talkie he was holding at this moment, he glanced at Lucas who was still staring at him intently, watching if the man said anything wrong.

Lucas knew that the medical person who was calling was not only one person, but Lucas didn't want many to come to that place except for the person he was looking for right now. Lucas narrowed his eyes which finally made the man know who Lucas wanted to meet at this time. So that he who was scared finally called Aidan.

"Aidan!! Aidan!!! Aidan!!!!!" Called the man, which made Lucas finally know the name of the person he was looking for right now, and that person was Aidan.

Lucas was currently still staring intently at the injured man, while the man who got the gaze felt very frightened when he found out that Lucas was not an ordinary human.

"I want to know, what have you done to the citizens who are outside the border?? Where have they all gone, Ian??" Lucas gave a question to the man he recognized as Ian because he saw the name stuck to the uniform he was currently wearing.

The man named Ian seemed reluctant to answer Lucas' questions, so Lucas finally disappeared from his place and immediately appeared in front of him very close. Lucas intends to scare Ian which turns out to be successful and looks totally shocked by it.

"We took them all as hostages to threaten the government so we could expand our territory!" Ian replied to Lucas who was surprised to hear that answer and then again asked the man some questions.

"Where did you keep them all? Tell me!" Lucas shouted at Ian who seemed reluctant to answer the question, and that of course made Lucas feel emotional. He quickly grabbed Ian's collar and asked with great emphasis on the man. "Where?!" he asked with a snarl, which finally made him move his hand and point south. Made Lucas turn his head to the left to see where the hostages were.

'I'll have to check because this man could be tricking me!' Those were the words that eloquently uttered in his heart. Lucas let go of the squeeze of his hand on the man's collar and walked over to one of the bodies to pick up a handcuff that was beside the body. Lucas walked back to the man named Ian and put the handcuffs on him, locking the man between the rubble of the crumbling building.

Lucas grabbed the walkie-talkie that was in Ian's hand and then went from that place to the place the man had pointed at, which was also said to be the place where they kept the hostages.


Lucas snapped his fingers and then disappeared from the base to go to where the hostages were after he believed that the person named Aidan took a long time to get to the base.


Lucas was now standing in a place where he saw a lot of sick people who were not taken care of, and there were even some who had died very thin as if they had not been fed at all.

Lucas' sudden appearance of course made them all very surprised, there were even some very thin little children who screamed hysterically because of fear. Seeing that, of course, Lucas felt concerned about all of that, especially the children who were victims of Devil Rebel's cruelty.

"Quiet!! It's okay… I'm a good person!" Lucas said to all of them who were trying to keep their distance from Lucas. They were standing quite a distance from Lucas and staring at him with fear and disbelief.

"I will help all of you because you need help! I'll help all of you, okay? Calm down!" Lucas said to those people and calmed all of them in the place.

A man who looked quite healthy compared to the others in the room, stepped forward and asked Lucas, "Who are you? Where did you appear from?" And the question that was asked by him managed to make Lucas turn to him and answer.

"My name is Lucas, I can help all of you to get out of here. But I have a question for all of you, are you the captives of the deserters of this country?" Lucas asked them after he introduced his name to all of them.

The nod of the head that Lucas received from all of them finally made Lucas believe that it was true that they were prisoners of this gang. Lucas also decided that he had to immediately help these hostages.

"Are you going to help us all get out of this?" One of the little girls asked Lucas who turned to look at him. Lucas smiled at the girl and nodded his head. Lucas looked back at everyone in the place and then he exhaled heavily.

"But before that, I must bring the healer here to heal some of you. All of you hold on a little longer! I assure you that I will return and free all of you." Lucas said to all of them as if making a promise.. Lucas immediately snapped his fingers and again disappeared from the place which of course again surprised them all.

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