A voice beside Lucas, made him turn to the side, to see a tree trunk fall towards him and hit him. Making Lucas unable to move from his place. Unlike Lucas, the man in black was currently standing and running quickly escaping Lucas.

Aidan who witnessed this shouted, "He's not an ordinary person!" he shouted running along with Wilson. Which makes Wilson with all his might to chase the man in the black hat who is now approaching the man who controlled the lightning earlier.

"Don't let them get away!" Lucas said to Wilson who now nodded his head and immediately kicked the ground to finally restrain the body of the Lightning man who now looked surprised by it. Seeing if his friend was restrained by the ground, making the black hat man not stay still, he glared at Wilson and immediately waved his hand at Wilson which surprisingly made the fire that was there spread and move quickly towards him. Wilson couldn't move at that time, because he locked the movement of the man controlling the lightning at that time, which made him only able to close his eyes.




"Aidan!!" Lucas' screams echoed, causing Wilson to open his eyes and find that half of Aidan's body was burning right now. Which made Wilson immediately take off the jacket he was wearing to try to extinguish the fire that burned Aidan's body.

That time was also used very well by the lightning man who now escaped from Wilson's cage by grabbing himself until the ground and rock that supported him were crushed.

"Aidan… Hang on!" said Wilson to Aidan now grimacing in pain, Wilson turned his head to look at the lightning man and also the fireman who stared at them both sharply,

"Kill them." Wilson could see if the fireman said that to his friend, which made Wilson now turn quickly to look at Lucas who was trying to free himself from the crush of the fallen tree at that time.

"Lucas!!!" Wilson shouted at Lucas.

Lucas turned to Wilson who was now holding out his hand to him and made him realize that they weren't doing well at the moment. Lucas glanced back at the man controlling the lightning who now raised his hand to control the lightning again and then waved his hand at the injured Wilson and Aidan, which of course made Lucas not stay silent at that time.




Luckily, Lucas was able to quickly use his teleportation and immediately saved Wilson and Aidan, Lucas immediately disappeared again for a split second until they finally escaped from the lightning strike that was released by the man to kill Wilson and Aidan.

That afternoon, at Elizabeth's residence. No sound dominates other than the sound of the ticking of the clock hands and the very soft tinkling of wind chimes. Elizabeth's gaze at that time was turned towards the large window in front of her, along with the poetry book she was holding and also a cup of warm tea that accompanied her that afternoon, making Elizabeth feel very calm and at ease, enjoying the beautiful bright blue afternoon sky.

"Should I bake a cake?" Elizabeth muttered to herself. However, not long before she said that the sound of a door-knocking loudly enough made Elizabeth turn her gaze in the opposite direction from the window at that time quite quickly.

Knock... knock.. knock!!!

Knock… Knock… Knock…!!

"Elizabeth!! Elizabeth!!" a call that accompanies a knock on the door that sounded rushed at that moment was what finally moved Elizabeth to immediately approach the door of the house and then she immediately opened the door.

"Oh my, what happened?!" a question that was asked by Elizabeth when she was surprised after seeing the condition of Lucas and Aidan who were very worried at that time.

"I need your help! Aidan is injured!" Lucas said at that time, Elizabeth immediately opened the door and ordered them to come in. Elizabeth walked over and pointed at the sofa and said,

"Lay him here! And get a first aid kit that's next to that room, Lucas!" said Elizabeth to Lucas who now nodded his head and immediately ran to get the first aid he meant.

"Ugh!!" Elizabeth's gaze now turned to look at Lucas who had just moaned in the doorway, which of course made Elizabeth realize that she was also injured at that time.

"Lucas! You are okay?!" Elizabeth asked Lucas who nodded holding his pain there, Elizabeth's gaze was now on Wilson which then made Wilson realize it and now turned his gaze to Elizabeth who was now saying,

"Help me take care of Lucas and Aidan, bring me napkins, and also a bucket of hot water in the kitchen!" said Elizabeth to Wilson who now nodded his head and immediately ran to get what Lizbeth wanted at that time.

"What happened to you guys, huh?! why did you get burns like this?!" a question that was asked by Elizabeth at that time did not make Lucas or Aidan answer it, and Elizabeth chose not to discuss it and focused on the wound that was inflicted by Aidan at this time.

Very carefully, Elizabeth applied burn cream to Aidan. However, Elizabeth was surprised when she saw firsthand the wounds inflicted by Aidan at that time quickly healed and even the scars from his wounds disappeared just like that. Elizabeth's eyes now widened and turned to look at Aidan who also widened his eyes and now Aidan turned his gaze to Lucas who was also surprised by it.

"W… what is this???!" Elizabeth asked Aidan which now made Lucas sigh wearily, feeling that in the end he too had to explain all of this to Elizabeth.

"Aidan?!" a question that was asked again by Elizabeth at that moment made Aidan look back at Lucas, which made Elizabeth now turn to look at Lucas.

"I forgot that I could heal myself, Lucas." squeaked Aidan to Lucas who now closed his eyes tiredly as he said,

"I can explain all of this, Elizabeth!" Lucas said to Elizabeth who now looked very confused by it.

Here they are now, sitting awkwardly in the living room after Elizabeth had previously asked Lucas for a complete explanation regarding the Burns that just disappeared from Aidan's body. Which in the end, Lucas also explained to Elizabeth, if he did not come from the earth and they were shooting stars who could control something they controlled, which of course Elizabeth should not be able to understand at that time. But in fact, Elizabeth nodded her head as if she understood what Lucas was explaining to her at that time.

"..." Lucas stared at Elizabeth who was now nodding his head in response, which of course made Lucas surprised by what Elizabeth was doing at that time.

"A…aren't you surprised to hear that?" a question that was asked by Lucas at that time made Elizabeth now frown and then chuckle hearing it while saying,

"I'm not surprised, because I've also seen a movie like this… and I think it's the same as in the movie, right? You guys are superheroes, right??" a question that was asked by Elizabeth who at that time chuckled said it made Lucas, Aidan and Wilson look at each other.

"Serious??" Lucas asked Elizabeth, but when Elizabeth was silent for a few seconds from there, Lucas realized that Elizabeth must not have expected it and was quite surprised to see it, it's just that Elizabeth was trying to accept whatever was explained by herself and her friends at this time.

"W.. k.. since I think you're tired, you can use the usual room huh!" Elizabeth said to them which made Lucas turn to look at him who was then in a hurry to leave, which of course made Lucas immediately block him with his teleportation and again it surprised Elizabeth now who turned to look at him in surprise.

"You have to trust us, Lizbeth… because you are the one who can help us right now!" Lucas said to Elizabeth who was now exhaling slowly who then nodded her head in response to that.

"Yes… I… will prepare dinner for you first, you guys rest." Elizabeth said to Lucas, and when Lucas saw Elizabeth's smile Lucas now frowned and then nodded his head in response to those words.

"..." Lucas was silent for a moment, but when Wilson called out to him, Lucas now turned his gaze to Wilson who had just called him earlier.

"Lucas!!" that's what Wilson said, and when Lucas turned his gaze to her, Wilson said,

"Does he believe it?" a question asked by Wilson at that time made Lucas exhale and then say,

"Hopefully he already believed it!" Lucas said to Wilson and also Aidan who now both exhaled and nodded their heads in response to that. Lucas walked over to the two of them and then he sat limply beside them.

"Wow! I didn't think this would happen." Lucas' words at that time made Wilson and Aidan nod their heads in response to that.

"I never thought, if it turns out that we meet with fire benders and also lightning controllers, instead of water benders." said Wilson to Lucas and also Aidan which made them simultaneously nodded their heads in response to those words.

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