Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 71 - Marla's Friend



The sound of explosions and explosions sounded repeatedly in Lucas' ears, who was now hiding behind a fairly large rock at that time. Lucas's breath was roaring, he held his hand which was bleeding a lot of blood there, he was injured by a stab from the iron that came to attack him at that time.

"937, report your status!!" A voice sounded from the radio stuck behind Lucas' ear at that moment, and it made Lucas not dare to report himself at that time.

"937, report your status!!" he said again, which finally made Lucas muster up the courage and report,

"001, it's team 937! all teams have died! I repeat I'm the only one left and the whole team is dead!!" Lucas said again, from which there was no reply and that made Lucas quite sad, he felt that he must have been dumped there at that time.


The sound of the explosion was still there, Lucas could only wait for his death to arrive, but that didn't happen when a call sounded in his ear.

"Hey!" that was his call, Lucas' eyes now turned to the man who had just arrived, and it was Nick.

"001! What are you doing here?" Lucas asked Nick who was now washing Lucas' wounds with the medicinal water he had.

"Report your power status, 937!" Nick ordered without even answering Lucas' question, which caused Lucas to say,

"Teleport!" Lucas' words at that moment made Nick nod his head and then say,

"Good, we can counterattack them!" said Nick to Lucas who was now frowning and then said,

"You are crazy?! how do we do it?! my weapon is no longer working!" Lucas explained to nick who was now frowning and then said,

"Isn't teleportation your forte?" asked Nick which made Lucas nod his head,

"Yeah! But I can only do it to me and my friends!" Lucas explained to Nick,

"Who said that?" Nick asked Lucas who was now frowning and turning his gaze to Nick,

"You are too stupid because you limit yourself!! do it right and move the bomb to Blexx headquarters!!" said Nick to Lucas, Lucas felt that the guy was really scolding him at this time, and Lucas shook his head to reject it, and made Nick say,

"I knew you could do it!" Nick said to Lucas, the pressure from the war that Lucas was going through at that time and added to the orders from Nick made him even more depressed, but Lucas tried to follow Nick's orders because otherwise the number 001 would kill him on the spot.

With full concentration, Lucas' eyes turned to look at the bomb beam that shot towards them as they came out of their hiding place at that time. Lucas' gaze was fixed on the light and,




In a split second, Lucas was able to move the bomb to their enemy's base, which made Lucas feel happy because he was able to do so and his gaze now turned to the man who was now smiling as he said,

"Congratulations 937, you're on my team today!" that's the words that were uttered by a man similar to Nick that made Lucas finally wake up from his stupor and realize that if he is not limited to teleporting, objects or living things he can remove to where he wants, and that's what he only knows now. . He only knew what Nick meant now.


"Lu… cas…"

A voice like the sound of someone whispering sounded in Lucas' ear at that moment, which of course made him frown for a moment and choose to ignore it again,


The voice came back again.



The next call finally woke up Lucas, who was now lying on the speed boat, with Wilson, Queen, and also Aidan around him and looking at him very worriedly, and especially for Aidan who looked really worried about him.

"Are you okay?!" Lucas' eyes now turned to the Queen who asked, which made Lucas now nod his head in response to the question.

"We're here!" Nick's words at that time made Lucas and the three people there turn to look at him who had parked their speed boat.

Nick's gaze now turned to look at Lucas who was also looking at him, which then Nick also asked,

"How is your condition?" Nick asked Lucas, to which Lucas nodded his head in response,

"Alright… we can continue our journey then!" said Nick as he walked to get out of their speed boat which of course made Aidan shake his head in disgust with the attitude Nick showed Lucas at that time.

"Come on, Lucas!" asked Aidan while pulling Lucas to stand up from there, and not even only Aida, Queen also helped him, and Wilson just looked at him who was now standing like that.

The five of them are now walking down the streets of New York City, as in the beginning, Nick walked ahead of them to guide the way where they were going now.

"Hey… Queen!" Aidan called to Queen, which made Queen turn her gaze towards Aidan who now asked,

"Is this really the place?? who are we going to meet?" Aidan asked Queen who was now smiling and then said,

"Marla! We are going to meet him!" said Queen in answer to Aidan's question at that time who now frowned and asked again,

"Have you and Nick met her before?" asked Aidan, which immediately made Queen nod her head and say,

"Yeah… I've met her before, but… I think it would be really hard if we went there together now!" said Queen, which made Aidan, Lucas, and Wilson now frown at those words.

"So what?" Wilson asked Queen,

"Marla is a bit of an eccentric person! But I'm sure you guys will judge it that way too!" Queen said to Wilson and made the three of them even more curious about the woman they were about to meet at this time.

That afternoon, when the sun was almost setting, the five of them just stood waiting in front of an alley that was quite quiet, on the right and left there was only a closed folding gate. Which of course leaves Wilson, Aidan and Lucas confused, feeling that Nick is either in the wrong place or waiting for something they don't know about at the moment.

"Eum… Nick, what are we doing here?" a question that was asked by Wilson at that time, made Nick turn his gaze and then say,

"Waiting for someone of course!" Nick answered the question, which of course made the three of them frown now, and not long from there a woman with long black hair in a bun was walking to enter a closed shop in front of them at that moment, which made Nick also walked over to the woman.

"Hey!" Nick's call, made the woman turn her eyes to look at Nick and also look at the four people behind Nick at this time.

"Nick??" she asked Nick which made Nick smile now and then said,

"Jenny, long time no see!" Nick greeted the woman who was now exhaling as if she knew what Nick was looking for right now.

"You must want something from me, right? Come on in!" Jenny said as she opened the shop door wide, allowing Nick along with the other four to enter the shop.

One thing when Lucas, Aidan, and Wilson walked into the store was, eccentric! It's a tattoo shop and what's even cooler is that it looks more unique than the others.

"Sit down!" said Jenny inviting them to sit down, but not with Nick now walking up to her and looking at her very seriously, as if Nick didn't want to linger and wanted to get right into the topic.

"We can't linger, Jenny ... I wonder where Marla is now!" said Nick to Jenny who now spread his arms to put some distance between the two of them at this time.

"Woo… woo… wow! Calm down, are you going to do something with him?? the last time I brought him to you, he came back and ended up with a terrible scar and was very scared! Is that what you want?!" Jenny said to Nick who was now exhaling, and hearing that of course made Lucas squint because he didn't know much about what they had been through before.

"No… of course not! What do you think I am to do such a vile thing to someone?? and you don't know much about what we went through either!" said Nick to Jenny who was now chuckling at that,

"I don't know much?? you are one of the shooting stars and a lucky person who was found by a rich couple, while Marla is one of the shooting stars and also an unlucky person who at that time needed money for his life, crazy news offered a lot of money and you guys met, I see At first you were like an angel, but when I saw how tormented Marla's psychic condition was at that time I knew you were just a crazy psychopath who used the same people like you to do things that almost cost her life, that's all I know!" said Jenny to Nick who became annoyed to hear that.

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