Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 84 - Try To Understand

"I think you should be treated first before we talk!" said Nick mumbled, to which Lucas nodded his head in response.

"Yeah… I guess that's even better!" Lucas explained and made Marla smile at their stupidity.

As Nick said, when Lucas, as well as Vernon, had been treated by Aidan, they finally gathered at an inn near the village and Nick also asked them to gather in the inn hall an hour and a half from there he gave them time to rest and even asked Vernon and Kendrick to wait for him too, when Nick didn't use that time to rest but to talk to Lucas in his bedroom.

"So… what do you want to tell me, Nick?" a question uttered by Lucas at that moment, made Nick sigh and be silent for a while.

He was silent and re-imagined the incident that had happened some time ago, the incident where Lucas bravely locked Vernon's movements even though he had to be burned.

Nick could hear Lucas' words, who was trying to protect those there by saying,

"Don't hurt anyone, we came here calmly and we don't want to fight!" That's what Nick remembered and even he could see if Lucas was willing to burn himself, as long as Vernon didn't hurt anyone else but himself at that time.

"I'm ashamed of myself, Lucas!" Nick's words at that time made Lucas frown in response.

"I'm ashamed that I couldn't protect you and instead caused trouble in the past, causing us trouble in the present!" said Nick explaining his embarrassment to Lucas who was now exhaling in response to that, he tapped Nick's shoulder and Lucas shook his head.

"What's the real problem? Why don't you ever want to open up to us?? what's bothering you, Nick?" Lucas asked Nick, which now made Nick say,

"Everyone… I'm all over the place, Lucas… I'm feeling depressed, a lot of things I remember from memories and it seems that it carries over to this moment, and makes me look very childish!" Nick explained to Lucas who frowned again at the explanation,

"remember a lot of memories?" Lucas asked Nick who was now nodding his head,

"Yeah… I clearly remember it and it was like I was watching my past!" said Nick to Lucas,

"W… wait, so… you remember that memory?" Lucas asked, and Nick nodded his head,

"It's kind of a puzzle and fragmentary… but it's all very clear, and I feel ashamed that I'm continuing to use the rules they used to use for us in this day and age!" Nick explained to Lucas,

"Nick… can you explain what you remember from all those memories to me?" Lucas asked Nick, which made Nick nod his head in response to the question,

"Sure… I could tell you, but… there's something I want to give you right now!" Nick said to Lucas, which made Lucas look at Nick curiously,

"What's that, Nick?" Lucas asked Nick, who was now reaching into his trouser pocket to then pass a small ball that resembled a marble to Lucas as he said,

"This is one I remember, and I dropped this thing first before we descended to this earth, on orders from them!" said Nick to Lucas, who now received the little glass ball and stared at what was inside, which was miniature earth, moon and plain hiding behind the moon, it wasn't so big that no one noticed.

"W… what is this??" Lucas asked Nick who was now exhaling and then saying,

"That's where we are, and that ball is the key to getting us home Lucas!" Nick replied to Lucas who looked back at the small glass ball, "I give this key as a symbol that I give my leadership to you, Lucas!" continued Nick, and it was of course very, very surprising Lucas who now quickly turned to look at him who was now wearing a very very serious face, as if he had thought about this long before.

Lucas' eyes now turned to the small glass ball that was currently being held by him,

"Queen and I purposely went to the island in the lake to look for this key, Lucas!" said Nick to Lucas who was now frowning at those words,

"Does Queen know about this key, Nick?" Lucas asked Nick who now shook his head in response to Nick's explanation at that time.

"I give this key as a symbol that I also give my position as your leader to you, Lucas!" continued Nick to Lucas, who after hearing Nick's words at that time, made Lucas now widen his eyes and turn to look at Nick in surprise.

"Huh… a.. what do you mean Nick? This is not the time to say things like this!" Lucas said to Nick who was now exhaling and then said,

"I mean it, Lucas… I feel like if I don't deserve to lead you, at least I can't lead you on earth on a different mission, because I'll just hold you back and create another rift!" said Nick explaining to Lucas, which made Lucas now turn to look at Nick very seriously,

"Why do you say that, Nick?" Lucas asked Nick who was now frowning and then said,

"Isn't that obvious?? I can still remember their gibberish to me, and I always apply it and even when we leave the island, I keep pressuring you! I can't do that here, Lucas!" Nick said to Lucas, which now made Lucas speechless to hear it.

"Actually… what do you remember? Who are they, and why don't you tell all of us about this?" Lucas asked Nick, who now turned his gaze the other way and said,

"I intend to explain once we all get together, Lucas!" Nick replied explaining to Lucas who was now exhaling in frustration and then nodded his head in response.

"Okay… that's what you should be doing, but… at least someone should know besides you too, Nick! So that you can at least hold your ground to help us or betray!" Lucas said to Nick who was now nodding his head in response,

"Don't worry, Lucas! Because in every memory there will appear someone precious to me, and I won't just forget it and become a traitor among us right now!" Nick explained to Lucas who sighed again and nodded in response.

"Then I can't hold this leadership… Nick, you must hold on to it to the end!" Lucas said to Nick as he handed back the marble to Nick who was now looking at him in surprise,

"But, Lucas!" said Nick to Lucas who was now extending his hand towards Nick to stop himself from talking to Lucas at this time,

"Nick… I beg of you! I know you can beat your emotions and everything, you are the best leader, so please… try to be the best here, take care of us all!" Lucas said looking at Nick very very seriously, which made Nick pause for a moment looking into Lucas' eyes, then lowered his head and exhaled while nodding his head in response to that.

"Alright… since you asked me to, I'll do this as my second chance! Let's go on a new mission once we find the others, Lucas!" said Nick to Lucas who was now smiling and then nodded his head in response to Nick's words and invitations at that time.

Nick's gaze now turned to his watch and then patted Lucas on the shoulder and said,

"Come on! I think they're already waiting for us, we have to find the others!" Nick said to Lucas who was now nodding his head before finally walking after Nick's footsteps in front of him.

(Tells about Nick who is in an area that is always hiding behind the moon)

At that time, Nick walked alone to a two made of red, hardened mounds of earth. He walked with a brightly colored rock and then handed it over to a creature who at that time was always reluctant to show himself to Nick, but Nick didn't care about it at all, because he cared more about the mission he was given.

"As I expected, you managed to get this rock without any trouble… well done, 001!" said the figure intending to praise Nick who seemed unconcerned with the compliment.

"So… what is my next mission?" a question that was said by Nick to the figure, made the figure now take out a thick coat towards Nick while saying,

"You know… it's about time you made a friend!" said the figure to Nick who now turned to look at him and frowned upon hearing that,

"What do you mean?" Nick asked the figure, who now smiled and then said,

"Go and meet your people whom I prepared! He is 002, and now he is on the south side of this territory!" said the figure to Nick who now nodded his head to take the coat and turned to leave immediately,

"Oh! Tell him, if he escapes and his name is 002, you understand Nick!" the figure explained to nick who now nodded his head slowly before finally leaving from that place to the place that the figure ordered to Nick.

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