Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 91 - Search The Girl

"Yeah… Aidan is right… we split up now and just give the signal when you've found the kid!" said Nick explaining to those who were now frowning at each other,

"How do we signal, Nick?" Lucas asked, and at the same time Wilson took out a bag containing five walkie-talkies, which made Wilson speak.

"We can use this right?" asked Wilson which made Nick nod his head and say,

"Yeah… use this to communicate!" said Nick and eventually they split up after getting a team of one walkie-talkie to share.

After getting the tools to communicate, they split up with the team that had been formed previously. At that time Nick and Marla went north, they walked together with a piece of paper in Marla's hand at this time.

"Should we look for him one by one from everyone here, Nick? I mean ask this kid to everyone we meet?" Marla asked Nick who now turned to look at Marla and then nodded his head as she said,

"If it's a good suggestion, why don't we do it?" said Nick to Marla who now frowned at those words, and it was realized by Nick who now nodded his head and then asked,

"What is it?" Nick asked Marla who now chuckled at that and then shook her head as she said,

"No… it's just that I feel that you've changed a lot right now. Is it because you met Lucas?" a question asked by Marla at that time, made Nick now turn to look at him who then nodded his head and said,

"It's not only because of him but there are also many things that I have experienced and the memory of everything that makes me have to be careful in my steps and including taking care of the feelings of children like you because I can't do anything if you don't listen to what I say! That would be very inconvenient!" said Nick to Marla who was now chuckling at what he said then Marla patted Nick on the shoulder twice and then walked over to the crowd there and started asking about the child in the picture.

"Excuse me, have you seen this child?" Marla asked those who were confused by the question because Marla asked in English which of course most of them would have mastered their language, namely Spanish. And that of course made Nick chuckle to see it and walk up to them to then repeat the same question but in Spanish, and what they got at that time was the shaking of the head of the crowd, which made Nick say thank you before finally leaving with Marla from that place and continued on their way and asked about the girl.

"Looks like our search will be very long!" Nick muttered to Marla who was now nodding her head in response, but they never stopped looking.

Meanwhile, Queen and Elizabeth walked in the opposite direction from Nick and Marla.

"So… do we have to look for these women one by one?? I mean… looking at the girls in focus one by one?" Queen asked Elizabeth who now turned her gaze to Queen and then smiled while shaking her head and then said,

"There's no need to be like that, Queen!" said Elizabeth to the Queen who was now frowning and then asked,

"Then? What should we do?" Queen asked Elizabeth who now stretched out her hand and then said,

"Just take my hand, and lead me on this road so that I can walk well!" said Elizabeth to Queen who was now frowning at this,

"What would you do?" Queen asked Elizabeth,

"I'm going to use my telepathy to be everyone's eyes here, so I can at least know who they're looking at right now!" Elizabeth explained to Queen who was of course surprised to hear that.

"You can do it?" Queen asked Elizabeth who now nodded her head and said,

"It's only ten meters in each direction, so please help me," said Elizabeth to Queen who immediately grabbed Elizabeth's arm and nodded her head. And Elizabeth started scanning them all at the same time.

Unlike Queen and Elizabeth, Lucas and Zach chose to use teleportation to search for the woman in all directions, which of course took less time than Marla searching for her and used less focus than Elizabeth did.

Zach walked alone with his eyes turned to every woman he passed, now and then he found the woman they were looking for, and the second Lucas appeared, Zach now turned his gaze to Lucas and asked,

"You found it?" Zach asked Lucas who was now shaking his head in response,

"All the shops don't have a woman like her!" Lucas explained to Zach who was now nodding his head in response,

"How far have you searched?" Zach asked Lucas who was now pointing ahead and then said,

"Fifty meters from here!" Lucas answered to Zach who now nodded his head and then said,

"Then meet me every fifty meters, and I'll search with my eyes and you search with that skill of yours!" Zach said to Lucas who now nodded in understanding and disappeared from Zach's sight again, to finally make Zach step on his feet with both eyes watching the surroundings.

Unlike Lucas and Zach who had a plan, Aidan and Vernon were not like the two of them. And it's very clear, their relationship is not so close that when they walk together they and especially Vernon just follow the steps of Aidan who walked first and was busy looking for someone similar to the picture on the paper he was carrying at that time.

Aidan's gaze now turned to look at Vernon who was walking late behind there, and that made Aidan exhale lazily and then say,

"Vernon! Come on, use your feet a little faster!" That's what made Vernon now turn his gaze to Aidan and then exhale tiredly and then chuckle in annoyance when he heard Aidan's other words.

"Don't be as slow as a snail!" that's the words that made Vernon feel annoyed with him, with quick steps he walked ahead of Aidan who then snatched the paper he was carrying while saying,

"We'll see who's the slug!" that's what Vernon interrupted Aidan who was surprised because Vernon grabbed the paper quickly and walked ahead of Aidan who was now chuckling and running to catch up with Vernon's footsteps who were far away.

"Wait, Vernon! We have to find him together!" Aidan said to Vernon who didn't care what Aidan said to him at that time and started looking for the woman in the picture alone.

While Wilson and Kendrick had walked quite a distance from the residential area, which of course made both of them feel doubtful if they would meet the woman in the picture there because the hill was very cold with the wind also getting big.

"Shouldn't we just head back to the settlements, Wilson? I think we've gone too far!" Kendrick explained to Wilson who now sighed in response and then shook his head as he said,

"I guess we just need to walk straight, and if we run into the forest then we'll head back to the settlement!" said Wilson explaining to Kendrick who was now exhaling and then saying,

"Yeah… we're walking on an arid hill, how could we find a…-


Kendrick's words and also the steps of the two of them now stopped when they found a beautiful woman whose face looked younger than the two of them now carrying a bucket filled with water with a man standing in front of her and talking to the woman.

"Hey!" called Wilson to those who now turned their heads to look at Wilson and Kendrick who had looked at each other before finally walking towards the two of them.

"Can I speak to you, Pierda?" Wilson asked the woman who had just been called Miss by Wilson at the time, which made the man who was talking to him now block the view of both of them from the beautiful woman, who then spoke.

"Who are you?" the man asked the two who were now looking at each other after seeing a mark on his neck that was very clearly visible, which then made Kendrick immediately control the lightning to hit the man, while Wilson immediately protected the woman with the ground.



And the lightning made all of them in the residential area turn to look at the lightning, while Vernon immediately ran after realizing that it was Kendrick's spit.

"Vernon!" called Aidan who was now running after Vernon's footsteps,

"Aidan, tell the others! I think Kendrick is fighting someone, I can feel it!" said Vernon ordered Aidan who now immediately took out their Walkie-talkies and immediately informed the others by speaking.

"ALL!! immediately go in the direction of the thunderbolt! Vernon said Kendrick was fighting someone!" said Aidan which made those who heard it immediately run towards the destination, Nick and Marla immediately ran quickly and so did Queen and Elizabeth, while Lucas and Zach immediately approached Kendrick's territory using teleportation from Lucas.

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