The wind was blowing very hard, and even the wind was able to lift the trees that grew around there. However, the strong wind did not hinder the footsteps of the nine three headings that walked towards a large rock that formed a giant monster, which of course made many people afraid to see how scary the monster was at close range, but not with the man, nine three seven did not look scared at all when facing the big rock.

"You're not afraid of me?!" asked the stone monster to nine three seven who was now chuckling at the question that the giant monster threw at him, which made the monster feel annoyed and raised both hands to then slam them in the exact direction where nine three seven was standing at this time, which immediately just nine three seven disappeared from there and appeared behind the stone monster.

"!!" surprised by his arrival behind him, made the stone monster turn around in a hurry and fall to the ground, which of course made the opportunity not be wasted by a man who was now jumping after the wind carried him and a tree he was carrying in his hands, floating as if he could control the tree trunk that was already sharp. Immediately the man jumped on top of the stone monster and stabbed the sharp tree trunk straight into his heart.


"ARGH!" The stone monster growled before finally its two fiery red eyes now dimmed and died.

"Did I come at the right time?" a question that the man asked to nine three seven even made the man being asked now shook his head as he said,

"You came just in time, six two one!" it was clear nine three seven to him who was now smiling and turned to look at the woman who was walking towards the two there.

"Thanks for the ride, nine eight seven!" said six two one to the woman who now smiled in response and nodded her head,

"Actually why do we have to kill this monster? Is there anything important about his body?" asked the woman to nine three seven who now nodded his head as he walked over to the stone monster and then took out the dagger he had to pry out the shiny stone which was then eye of the stone monster.

"We were ordered to take both his eyeballs? Why didn't you tell me earlier and say we should attack his heart?" a question that was posed by six two one at that time, made nine three seven now turn his gaze at him and then say,

"Because if I said we were going to take both his eyeballs, you would be very careful not to crush his eyeballs instead of focusing on his heart, so that's why I said that we should only aim for his heart!" clearly nine three seven to six two one, which makes the woman among them now exhale and say,

"That's it… does it matter now?! shouldn't we give the stone to the void support one?" she asked the two of them, to which nine three seven nodded in response to the question.

"Yeah... that's right... nine eight seven right, we have to hand this over to the Zero one immediately!" obviously nine three seven there.

"Eum… do you know what this stone is actually for?" a question posed by six two one, who now shook his head in response,

"We have a similar question, so we better go meet the zero one as soon as possible to ask him such a question!" it was clear nine three seven to him who was now nodding his head. The three of them eventually disappeared using the teleportation possessed by nine three seven.

The two red stones were finally handed over by nine three seven to the empty hands of one who is now smiling, satisfied with the teamwork they did at that time.

"Did you manage to do it?" zero one asked one to nine three seven who was now nodding his head in response,

"Good… good!" zero zero one gave praise to the three, which made nine three seven now exhale and then say,

"There is something I want to know about this mission, zero one… and I know that you are the one who understands better than the three of us!" said nine three seven to the man in front of him at this time, which then made the man who had just been called zero one nod his head as he said,

"Ask what you want to know!" he said to nine three seven who now nodded and then said,

"What are you going to do with this stone we brought? Why is our mission destroying monsters and taking the center of their lives?" that was the question nine three seven had to the zero zero one who now smiled in response and then said,

"As you already know, if this stone is the center of the monster's life isn't it?" he asked nine three seven who was now nodding his head, which again made a zero zero one now said,

"And we will use this stone to revive our other brothers!" clear zero zero one to nine three seven who is now frowning at the explanation, and he feels that he has not fully understood what was said by zero one at that time.

"Eum… I don't understand what you mean by that!" Three nine seven explained to him who nodded his head,

"Just say if we use this stone to revive you who should be dead! And we can use the power of this stone, just as you use your power… and it is centered on the rock that is embedded within you!" clearly zero zero one and shocking nine three seven who are now wide-eyed there.

"So… the center of my life is the stone that was inserted into my body?" asked nine three seven which now made a zero zero one smiled and nodded his head and said,

"To be more precise, it was inserted into your heart!" he said again and made nine three seven now understand why they were there at this time.

"And one more thing… you can develop your strength beyond what you are currently capable of. And you should always remember that, Lucas!" said zero zero one to nine three seven, who furrowed his brow when he felt that it was a familiar name to him.


The call was again and again uttered by the empty zero one, but he realized that the voice from the zero zero one had now changed to the voice of a woman.

"Lucas!" the umpteenth call, in the end, made nine three seven or rather Lucas now woke up from his unconsciousness and turned to look at Elizabeth who looked panicked at that time.

"Lizbet?" Lucas asked Elizabeth who now breathed a sigh of relief and then said,

"Hh… Thank goodness!" Elizabeth said to Lucas who now frowned and realized that he was being treated by women, and made him think of Aidan again.

"Aidan!" Lucas said about to get up from his place but was immediately restrained by Marla, Queen, and Yedda.

"Don't go to bed yet Lucas! Elizabeth hasn't closed your wound yet!" Marla said to Lucas who now turned his gaze quickly at Marla while saying,

"But Aidan?!"

"Calm! Nick and the others are out there to save Aidan, we can catch up after your wounds heal, Lucas!" Queen said to Lucas who was now shaking his head and then said,

"We can't wait for my wound to heal, just close it and we have to catch up with the others!" Lucas explained to Queen, which made Elizabeth now nod calmly in response to Lucas' words at that time,

"Yeah… I'll shut it down if you calm down and don't scream in front of Queen like that, so please lie down Lucas!" Elizabeth ordered Lucas who was frowning and feeling messed up right now. It's as if Lucas doesn't believe Nick and the others will be able to save Aidan, considering the power possessed by this man is very strange and unknown to him.

Seeing that look and understanding made Marla exhale and say,

"You just have to calm down and focus yourself right now on your strength so you can recover quickly Lucas… rest assured that Aidan will be fine!" Marla said to Lucas who now turned his gaze to look at Marla which then Lucas nodded his head after understanding and agreeing to what Marla said to him at that time.

Lucas was trying to be sure that Aidan wouldn't get hurt or die so quickly because he knew that the eleven people around him, including himself right now, were special and they wouldn't die that easily.. And again his mind remembered the behavior of the mysterious man who he did not know for sure what his strength was.

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