Super Powered Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 446: 【old classmate】

Chapter 446 【Old classmates】

After the two classes, the atmosphere was very warm. Everyone started to cover up a bit. I was afraid to say it. Everyone planted it on their heads and said that it must be their own feelings. Xia Yu deliberately made a few bold speeches. Arouse everyone's enthusiasm.

Some classmates even directly said that they liked a classmate, but did not say a name, only why they liked her, that she was not only sweet, but also kind-hearted and helpful, causing everyone to start guessing.

Chen Peng is very interested in listening to others. He is still very bad. He often guesses whether he likes XX and XX. Some people are blushing and some are happy.

Xia Yu smiled and asked him, "You Chenpeng, why do you like someone?"

The person Chen Peng likes is Li Wenqi. He knows that Liang Siwei also knows a few people, so he immediately coaxed, Hu Wei smiled and said, "Chen Peng, you should first answer whether you like a man or a woman first."

Immediately caused the class to laugh again.

Both lessons are all in English. The more you say, the more you speak. They almost speak as their mother tongue. They slipped very well. Xia Yu achieved his goal and let them play freely and no longer interfere. Except for a few that are very out of tune. And the stubborn gang of four, and everyone else participated.

After class, Xia Yu immediately took the prepared equipment, left the school, and took the car to the subway station near the entrance, preparing to find a toilet for the beggar outfit. As a result, just after getting off the subway, he found that several "colleagues" had occupied a favorable position. After a few glances in the past, two people, an old man, skinny, hair all formed into pieces, and the other is a student, kneeling down with his head hanging down, writing on the ground with chalk, probably what was stolen Get a wallet and ask for a meal.

Xia Yu saw that there were a few more bowls in front of the old man, so if she realized, she suddenly walked over to the old beggar and said, "That uncle, can you sell me your equipment? I'll sell a hundred pieces."

The beggar gave Xia Yu a surprised look and narrowed his eyes: "What do you say, young man?" The voice was very hoarse.

Xia Yu pointed to the broken hat next to him and said with a smile: "This hat, I made a hundred pieces, and then you gave me this place, OK? You go to another place to beg, the money is yours."

The beggar said disdainfully: "I don't have to count this number for an hour here. If you have some money, keep it yourself."

Xia Yu: "..."

I x, it ’s no wonder that the beggar gang is about to rise now, it seems really true, just grabbing one is so arrogant.

No way, Xia Yu can only go to the toilet to change his equipment and come out, a set of ragged linen, although deliberately soiled, but still no way compared with the old man, the most important thing is how to get his hair Like, the hat that comes with it is even more nondescript, neither is it worn or worn.

Finally, he put on his hat and sat across from the beggar, and put a broken bowl on the ground, but in the past ten minutes or so, people coming and going did not look at him at all, but the beggar had already With dozens of yuan in income, it seems that what he just said is indeed true.

Xia Yu was still thinking about how to change his strategy. The man suddenly came over and squatted beside him and whispered to him: "Brother, are you new here? This piece of land is under the control of Tiger Brother, you did not go there to report By the way, when you get beaten up, you have to spit it out. Do n’t say I did n’t tell you first. ”

Xia Yu smiled and said: "Thank you, I know."

The beggar shook his head, and when he stood up and left, he gave a free sentence: "Shrink your body a little bit, you don't have any dedication ..."

Xia Yu: "..."

Xia Yu has just looked in the mirror, and his face has been smeared with some dirty things, but his hair is still standing upright, and he looks too energetic and has to find a way.

He thought about it, ripped the linen cloth on his body, ripped a piece of cloth over his head, felt it, and felt good. Then he shrunk and squatted there, rickety, but after an hour, he all He couldn't get a penny. Looking at the opposite man, he picked up a stack of coins and stuffed it into his pocket. Even the kneeling student got a dozen dollars. He couldn't help but secretly focus.

If you do n’t say 100 in this way, it will be difficult for ten pieces. It seems that each row has its own doorway, which is not as simple as taking it for granted. Hold a broken bowl in front of you, and pretend to be a grandson. Then there will be an endless stream of good people who send good deeds. People all over the world will have to apply to join the gang.

There is not much time. At this time, the most needed thing is to calm down. Xia Yu quickly adjusts his thinking. According to the current situation, it is definitely not possible. He decided to change his tactics.

It is better to learn that the student is writing something pitiful on the ground, how cruel and how to come. After thinking for a while, he began to write on the ground: One-year-old bereavement of mother, two-year-old bereavement of father, five-year-old monk, six-year-old was expelled from Shaolin Temple, and was thrown into the nun nunnery next door. At the age of eight, I was just released for eighteen years because I had peeked at the little girl's bath. I could only beg for a living, and only the fleas on my side depended on me. Please give me a nice meal.

This idea must have been very good. Just started to write, it started to attract some attention, and some people stopped to watch, and heard someone whispered: "It was a nun's turn when he was seven years old, so pitiful ..." He was proud, and I wrote it in English next to it.

At this time, there were many people watching, Xia Yu was very irritable, and was waiting for someone to lose money. As a result, a little girl asked: "According to what you wrote, you should be an illiterate. How can you write so beautiful, university? None of the graduates are you? "

Xia Yu was shocked and forgot about this. I just wanted to break it, and another person said, "I can speak English too, I can see more of it. I have studied abroad in recent years, and I haven't enough labor reformers ..."

Xia Yuqiang laughed: "This is actually a reason ..."

An uncle interrupted and said, "Why is it that you are an eight-year-old at the age of eight? Anyway, it's just a peek, that is, you don't have to be sentenced to 18 years? I am the chief lawyer of the Fork Law Firm, If you come to me to help you fight this lawsuit, I promise to reverse the black and white, and it is the girl who molested your pure eyes with her body, how about it, do you want to reverse the case? I can help you, for the sake of fate , As long as you are 20% off. "

"Gray Disc" Xia Yu pointed to the sky, and no one birded him, so he remembered that this is a passageway, he couldn't see the sky, he immediately changed his mouth, "a lot of money"

As a result, everyone looked up.

Xia Yu scolded, Wang Badong, UFO is impossible, is money possible? A group of stupid people who saw Qian Yan's eyes open and kicked over at the same time, kicking the lawyer just now. When everyone turned around, he smiled and said: "I think money is crazy, there are hallucinations, everyone. , How many rewards? "

"Cut" everybody compared their middle fingers, and all the hula la left.

The opposite beggar and the student almost rolled with laughter.

Xia Yu was embarrassed and angry, and quickly wiped off the things he just wrote with his feet. Suddenly, a heavy rain fell outside, and many people were forced to return. People were blocked at the exit. The flow and density of people suddenly increased. Xia Yu suddenly Impressed, and pretending not to be pitiful, I have craftsmanship.

Is n’t water control now free? You do n’t have to use it for nothing, your mental strength does n’t matter.

Do it and do it, he stood up and shouted loudly without face or skin: "Look at it and see it. The magic here is amazing. As long as you can see through your magic, you will immediately pay 1,000 yuan. If you think it's passable, please Lots of support, that money market. "

A passing man was probably held in a bad mood by heavy rain. After hearing Xia Yu ’s shouting, he scolded: “Do n’t make him yell, annoying people, you, he ** squat here for a thousand dollars, blind ** Null talk "

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "No eggs, no eggs, the eggs are all on you, which shows my unparalleled confidence. I don't believe you borrowed your remaining mineral water bottle for me."

The man said something black with a black face and walked away.

Xia Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's a pity that it's a seedless egg breed, so I don't dare to borrow a bottle of water."

The man was furious at once. "Nima stinks for food? Isn't it? I'll ask you to give me the water" I said, and hit the bottle of mineral water in his hand against Xia Yu's head and smashed it.

Xia Yuqu pointed a bullet, and the mineral water bottle was bombarded in the air. Xia Yu did not look up, but looked at the slightly stunned man and smiled, "Thank you."

At this time, there were already a few people nearby who saw it. The man felt a little embarrassed and even more angry. He was about to start scolding. The bottle of water fell at this time. Xia Yu reached out his palm and cut it with his knife flat against his chest. , Cut off a part of the bottle with a "knife", and the water inside immediately spilled out.

But the water that should have been sprinkled on the ground did not fall, but it was magically stopped in the air. Xia Yu held a ball in his hands, imitating the magician sliding his hands on the TV, and the water even flowed in the air and slowly gathered. In a round water ball, the kettle landed, but the water ball slowly floated up.

Several young girls covered their mouths and screamed, immediately attracting more people to watch the past. Many people did not expect to see such a magical performance at the subway station. Especially, this is still a sloppy beggar. from.

The man who threw the water bottle past stupidly said: "Really, it's really magic ..."

Xia Yu let the water ball float slowly, just like a bubble blowing out, and there was still a wave of light rolling inside, as if it would break up when touched.

Floating to the apex, the water polo began to fall, Xia Yu extended a finger and slowly passed, many people's hearts were lifted up, as if the beautiful water polo would be crushed by that finger in the next second.

However, when the water polo and the finger touched, it did not break but bounced again, and the water polo seemed to be suddenly infused with color by the finger. There are many colors rolling inside the water polo, accompanied by the wave of light, dazzling beauty, many girls They covered their mouths and glared their eyes, they looked silly.

Xia Yu suddenly clapped his hands at this time. The water polo burst at the most beautiful time and turned into a puddle of water splashing on the ground. Many people couldn't help but utter a regretful voice and couldn't bear to see such a beautiful scene break.

Xia Yu said with a smile: "Do you think it's okay?".

At this time, a lot of people had gathered around to watch. Everyone listened to his words and applauded and encouraged. Xia Yu immediately took out the broken bowl and shook his request.

Many people feel that the beggar or the poor and sour artist on the street is too cute, and they all have the meaning of paying for it. How do you know that at this time the crowd was clamoring, five or six people were holding an oil seed wearing sunglasses and a big beach pants, he With a single order, the five or six people swarmed up and pulled Xia Yu out.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xia Yu shouted.

The dark-haired man screamed and said to other people around him: "Personal affairs in our gang, don't worry about it, the rain stopped, why should we go." Then he followed those people.

The beggar and the student sneered sneerly, and the beggar muttered: "Both told him unbelief, and now I know that he is good."

They looked sideways and saw Xia Yu pulled into the toilet below the corner, and looked at each other, and they all saw mocking from the other person's eyes, and they all scolded this stupid *, and ran for business for no reason. ?

It only took about ten seconds to know, Xia Yu walked out of the aisle of the toilet alone, patting his clothes while walking.

Both the beggar and the pupils looked surprised, and glanced at each other. They were both a little unbelievable. Why did Tiger Hu let him out so easily? Seeing Xia Yu running back to his original position, he saw that all the people who had just prepared to pay were gone cleanly, and they were scolding there immediately. It seemed that there was no fart.

The two watched for a long time, but they didn't see Brother Hu and his companion coming out. They caught each other's eyes, then stood up together and walked towards the toilet.

I ran to the toilet and pushed the door open, and I was scared that their jaws were almost dislocated. Brother Hu and others were all knocked down in the toilet, lying in a row, and Brother Hu was hanging on the wall of a single toilet. .

The two did not dare to take a closer look, and quickly backed out, walked back to the channel, glanced at Xia Yu, and saw him kicking the wall next to him annoyed, probably preparing to play his magical magic again, they thought they had just The scene seen in the toilet was even more magical, and he dared not make it, and quietly walked deep into the aisle.

Xia Yu was really terribly annoyed at this time, ***, just that wave, at least fifty dollars can be completed, half of the task, if you know it, it was destroyed by those stupid people, and now the flow of people suddenly becomes less, even if Playing the magic again has no effect.

But there is no way but to continue with this method.

He was about to stand up and shout. Suddenly, an urban pretty girl wearing black stockings, big sunglasses, and very hot hair, and wearing very fashionable skin and very fair skin walked in front of her. Threw a fifty-denomination bill in his hand into Xia Yu's broken bowl.

Because Xia Yu kept his head down, he only saw high-heeled shoes and black stockings **. When he saw that this man suddenly helped him complete half of the task, he couldn't help but stunned, and then he looked up and said: "Thank you, thank you ~"

The woman was about to leave. Hearing Xia Yu ’s voice and how he saw him, she suddenly stopped and stared at him. Xia Yu was unclear. So, pleased: "Pretty sister, your heart is really good, if you can Give me fifty yuan, you can simply be called a bodhisattva. "

The woman looked at Xia Yu for a long time. When Xia Yu saw that she did not respond, she could not help but remind, "Miss?"

The woman silently opened her brand-name bag, took out the crocodile wallet, opened a hundred, and said in a crisp voice: "You answer me a question, this money is yours."

Xia Yu was overjoyed, mother, and the living Bodhisattva really devoted herself, and nodded like a peck of rice, "You said, I said, I will answer all 100 questions."

"What is your name?"

"Me? My name is Xiaoyu."

The woman blurted out: "Xia Yu? Are you really Xia Yu?"

As soon as Xia Yu froze, "How do you know my name, do you know me?"

The woman took off her sunglasses and said excitedly: "I am Poplar, don't you remember me?"

Xia Yu said in surprise: "Poplar? How could it be you, I haven't seen you for a long time ..." and immediately pointed at the big note in her hand, "That ... I answered the question, the money ..."

Bai Yang covered his mouth and smiled, and stuffed the banknotes into Xia Yudao. Xia Yu felt that the countdown in his mind had disappeared. He couldn't help but rejoice and jumped and roared, as if he had won the championship.

Bai Yang patted Xia Yu's shoulder and smiled, "What are you doing? Why is it mixed up like this? Hey, I don't look down on you. You know me, I always say anything."

Xia Yu turned around after being happy, and said, "Well, what did you say you called just now?"


This king **** sentiment just came out for the one hundred pieces.

Xia Yu looked at her carefully, and then she slammed her finger and said: "Poplar? It's you, aren't you at the same table in high school? It was a coincidence that I didn't expect to meet you here."

Bai Yangbai said with one glance: "Humph, it's you." He looked at him up and down again, "No wonder I feel a familiar feeling when passing by. If it's not for you to speak, I can't recognize it, you ... what the **** are you doing What's the matter? "

Xia Yu said: "It's hard to say a word. I'll tell you when you have time. Leave a phone call to me. I have to leave beforehand."

Bai Yang grabbed him and said, "What anxiety, what can you do? I just didn't come, you just don't know when to sit here, you don't have to be embarrassed, when no one is in trouble, you don't Remember? When I was in trouble, didn't you get over it with your help? Rest assured, I won't look down on you. "

At this time, many people passing by were concerned about this place, and some people even took photos with their mobile phones. After all, a fashionable and **** girl was so intimate about pulling a beggar here. Such a picture is too hard to find.

Bai Yang hurriedly said: "Let's go to my house, we have a good talk, if there is any difficulty, maybe I can help you now."

Chapter 446 【Old classmates】

Chapter 446 【Old classmate, go to website

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