Super Powered Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 451: 【situation】

Chapter 451 Situation

When he got in the car, Xia Yu and Tang Yun greeted each other. Xiaoan looked at Xia Yu's eyes completely differently than before. He knew that if Xia Yu hadn't, he might have died.

Sitting in the co-driver, Xia Yu turned back and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Xiao Andao: "It's not counted, it's just that our three secret intelligence centers near Ninghai were destroyed and all intelligence personnel were sacrificed and none survived."

"That's serious?" Xia Yu froze, "Who did it?"

"It's not clear yet. According to some fragments of information sent back to us by intelligence personnel, we initially judged that it was the Ark. This time, I am afraid that the Ark's offensive will not be that simple." Tang Yundao said, "They have settled Nei Luàn, this time. Without the restraint of the backyard, we can do our best. According to our assessment, we are not very optimistic in terms of strength comparison. "

"What experts do they have?"

"I will elaborate on this later, we have a list, but it can only be guessed, not sure." Chen Zhi looked at the front, his eyes did not squint, "What are you doing today, put your mobile phone clothes wallet all The subway keeps it, still dressed like this, and go pick up girls again? "

Xia Yu shouted injustice: "When did I soak girls, they were all soaked by girls."

Tang Yun and others laughed and said that he was too stinky, Chen Zhi's face was slightly red, and he couldn't help but turned his head to whiten him fiercely. This guy clearly encircled her.

Coming to the Longteng base where Chen Zhi brought him for the first time, this time naturally he did not need to wear any balaclava, went directly to their tactical layout hall, directly used the computer to cast the screen to the tactical table, Tang Yun was in charge of the work. , Chen Zhi stood beside Xia Yu.

Xiao An said on the other side: "Not only the Ark, but also a large number of people from the Yamaguchi group in Japan came to Ninghai, and the Sakura huā family has already turned to the Yamaguchi group to increase their strength. The most important thing is that they do n’t know they come to Ninghai. What is the purpose of this, if it is really a contradiction with the Ark, as it is rumored, it is okay, we can use the contradictions of various forces to contain each other. "

Xia Yudao: "Butterfly and Qingyan both said that the purpose of the Yamaguchi team was to make an ark, because they struggled back in Japan and they had to save some face. The nv of the Sakura huā family renounced me. It ’s just a little weird, not to be afraid, but that person named Zhe Yejun is a super master. Here, only Chen Zhi can do a fight with him, and you ca n’t necessarily win, so you have to be more careful about him. ”

Chen Zhi said: "Our dragon's absolute strength is indeed not enough, not only Zhe Yejun, Ark and Violet, many organizations have some special masters, we have no chance to single out, but our dragon's advantage lies in overall operations and organized operations, not to mention We still have home advantage, and all resources can be mobilized for us, so we have nothing to fear. "

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Are there any powerful corners for the Ark over here this time?"

While Tang Yun was working as a computer, he said: "According to the news that our agents finally returned, there will be at least the following three people."

"The first one was Firefox, who used to come to Ninghai when he assassinated Harada, and clashed with the secret service team at the time, but was repulsed by the man in black. Although he appeared vulnerable in front of the man in black, his Strength has always been at the forefront of the world ’s killer rankings, and it should not be underestimated. "

Firefox, Xia Yu remembered. It was the guy who played the flame knife at that time. The strength was indeed good. The less powerful person was not his opponent at all.

"The second one is a thousand-faced man. This man is a first-class killer in the ark, and one of the most mysterious killers in the world. He is very good at disguising. It is said that there are no more than three people who know his true face. We guess that the ark can be godless. Ghost unintentionally destroyed our intelligence station, he has the most effect. And the third person, named Dan Qing, has a very strange ability, seems to be able to compress air, the specifics are not well understood. With three people alone, It ’s enough for us to eat a pot, and if there are a few more of these guys, we will be very troublesome. ”

Xia Yu nodded: "It's really troublesome."

Chen Zhi gave Tang Yun a glance, Tang Yun said busy: "Ms. Xia, you have a good relationship with Butterfly and Qingyan, we want to know, if something goes wrong, what is their position?"

Xia Yu said in a daze: "I don't know, I haven't asked them yet."

‘This time the Ark is coming, in addition to dealing with people in black, it is likely to also seek to establish a stronghold in Ninghai. The Yamaguchi team has now controlled several small gangs. It depends on how they fight on both sides. It would be best if they could lose both sides. Otherwise, there is a serious shortage of people we can confront. ‘Chen Zhi said,“ So if the Butterfly Club and Violet can stand on our side, our chances of winning will be greatly increased. ”

Xia Yu thought for a while and said: "Butterfly Club should basically be no problem, but I don't know what I said. I never understood her thoughts."

"There are also poppies with ambiguous attitudes. They always kill people when they receive money. I do n’t know if they will come out and blend in. If they also come, the situation will be more complicated." I also hope that butterflies and violets can provide some help, even if I ca n’t help, at least I ca n’t do it. ”

Xia Yu has a big head. "You can arrange these things. I'll have a headache when I listen. What help do you need to tell me? I promise to be on call. As for the butterflies, I think you'd better find a time Is it better to talk to them in person? "

"That's naturally best, if you can help us make an appointment."

Xia Yu thought for a while and said, "I'll talk back to them and tell you if I have any circumstances to call you again."

Chen Zhi nodded, "There is one more thing. I did n’t tell you about one of our Jingjing transformation projects when I was in Beifu last time. Now that we are facing a crisis, we have made plans in advance, and now two people have passed After the transformation, I have gained a powerful jing magic power and super power. Later, you can come and see with me, and help me evaluate it a little bit. "

Xia Yu was very interested, "Nòng is superman? What fun ability?"

Chen Zhi said: "One gains control of the mind and the other gains the edge of the hand, which is not ideal."

Xia Yudao: "The main thing is not the type, but the level, let's go, let's go."

A group of people came to the training ground, which was similar to the one in Beifu, but it was much smaller. At this time, Du Yu and Ma Da were training with each other separately. They couldn't play jiāo. Tang Yun introduced the two fights. The person is the one who has just realized the transformation. The tall and strong man is called Hu Bin. The idea is to control the power. The smaller one is Zhou Kai. The skill of the hand knife is fighting with the thunderbolt punch of the motor and the flame punch of Du Yu. A lot.

After a while, both of them defeated.

Chen Zhi frowned slightly, obviously not very satisfied with this result.

Xia Yudao: "I think it's okay. At least it's a first-class warrior. The ability to use skills is unskilled and improved. It's still very easy to use. Especially the hand knife. If Jing is strong enough, you can use it as a knife. Very powerful, I ’ll go down and try their incompetence skills. "

After he finished speaking, he jumped over.

Chen Zhi shouted from afar: "Zhou Kai, Hu Bin, one of you two playing teacher Xia, motor and Du Yu back away."

Ma Da and Du Yu immediately obediently left the training ground, while Zhou Kai and Hu Bin were a little bit upset, feeling like they were dissatisfied with their performance, and then punitively let them both fight one, which was too insulting.

Therefore, when they fought, they were sullen with resentment, they showed no mercy, and broke out Jing Jing, wanting Xia Yu to be unable to look after him.

As a result, as soon as he entered Xia Yu's domain, his abilities all failed in an instant, and the two could only rely on their own hands and feet to fight Xia Yu. They were originally special combat team members, and they have received a lot of training and fighting. Now that their energy is increasing, they are full of confidence, and they are naturally easy to fight. Unfortunately, Xia Yu has never been someone else's training sandbag.

After three times, five and two, the two were beaten to the ground. The guy came back and said, "Not bad, the strength and speed are relatively strong, that is, they are not so skilled, and there is room for improvement. If there is a batch of such People, it is very effective to improve Dragon's combat strength. "

Chen Zhi said: "I think the same way, but the transformation of Jing's magical power that has been reformed like this always has certain drawbacks. Sometimes when it reaches its peak, there will be faults that can't be sustained. During the duel, it may be fatal."

Xia Yudao: "I think this is mainly due to the compatibility of their ontology and Jing's divine power, because this is not their own thing after all, but the transformation is forcibly infused, and the ontology is like a container, big and small, so improve The capacity of this container, as well as increasing the concentration of the liquid poured into it, should be the next topic. Should you have a way to exercise Jing Jing ’s power? "

"Yes, but ... we now hope to find a more effective way, even if it will be a little uncomfortable or have a little side effects."

Xia Yu thought for a while and said: "I do have a way. Who, Ami is not the cào master of Jing God Bomb, let her come to carry out Jing God Bomb attack on these people, let them resist with all their strength, practice a few more times , Even if the capacity cannot be increased, the proficiency will be greatly improved. "

Chen Zhi Shen yín for a while, nodded and said: "It is indeed possible to try."

It is not too early to see if Xia Yu is ready to flash people. Chen Zhi is negotiating with A Mi on Xia Yu's proposal and let Xiao An send Xia Yu.

Xia Yu said to Chen Zhi: "Yes, there is another important thing to tell you."

Chen Zhi asked Ami to wait for a while, and then walked over, Xia Yu whispered while walking towards the parked car outside: "You stupid, the more you pretend to be like this, the more weird everyone is.

Chen Zhi said lightly: "I have always been like this."

Xia Yu laughed: "Really, which time did you let someone send me before?"

Chen Zhi was silent for a while, and suddenly whispered: "I kind of ... I don't know how to deal with this relationship." Busy added, "It's not that I don't like you, but if I want to keep it secret, I want to Hidden and do n’t want to hurt you, I ’m at a loss to deal with it like this ... "

At this time, Xia Yu drove mén and got on the co-pilot. Using the cover of the car mén and the night, they could no longer see them. Xia Yu suddenly pulled her over and forced wěn on her chún, but just After tasting it, she quickly let go of her and looked at the gorgeous beauty glowing on her ice muscle skin, and he laughed and said, "You want to get along as you like, get so much where you need to think, you just concentrate on you Mission, I do n’t need your cào heart here, otherwise, I will give you a guarantee, no matter what happens, in any case, I will not like Chen Zhi, or even a little hurt Chen Zhi, otherwise all abilities will be lost and the price cannot be fulfilled. "

Chen Zhi stared at Xia Yu in a daze for a long time. Xia Yu was about to push her to remind her to pay attention to the time when it came. This was too long to be blamed. Chen Zhi suddenly said: "Xia Yu, wěn me again . "

Xia Yu stayed for a while, seeing her expression without any embarrassment, looked at herself calmly, smiled slightly, and gathered her mouth to wěn over her chún, just wanting to leave, but Chen Zhi hugged Xia Yu's neck tightly and put her fragrant tongue Into Xia Yu's mouth, let him taste.

After panting, Chen Zhi let Xia Yu leave his chún and whispered: "Be careful during this time, it's really dangerous. Especially, I'm more concerned about Xiao Shi and I will pay more attention to it. I'll go back."

Xia Yu smiled and watched Chen Zhi take a deep breath, then turned around and resolutely left.

Attachment to him, maybe Chen Zhi will not be like Xu Xin, this is her one, Xia Yu naturally will not have any grudges, after all, this is Chen Zhi, the one he likes.

Xiao An sent himself to Green Apple. At this time, Mu Yingshi was still there. When Xia Yu came in, he found that people are really good today, even Ye Mei and Li Yaxuan were there, as well as Lei Lei, who saw him for the first time today. Thinking about it, it happened that Mu Yingshi's piano sound stopped, then sat quietly on it.

Xia Yu knew that this was her habit after the song was completed. She had to meditate for a moment before stepping down. As soon as Xia Yu turned around, she walked on the stage. Mu Yingshi stood up after meditation, and Xia Yu gestured to stop the thought. Want to help her nv waiter in the past, walked over and suddenly picked up Mu Yingshi's tui bend, hugged her sideways.

Ye Mei and others saw Xia Yu when he walked up, all turned his head to see what he was going to do.

Because of her eyes, Mu Yingshi, and her xìng style, have already been practising everywhere, but this time it was too sudden, so she couldn't help but whisper.

Of course, with her perception ability, she knew that Xia Yu was holding her next second. The familiar feeling completely wrapped her body and mind. No second person in the world could give her such a feeling.

However, Oolong's is that this joke caused misunderstandings from the following tables of guests. One of the tables, two men with strong looks, stood up in unison, stopped in front of Xia Yu and shouted, "Release your dirty hands"

As soon as I saw the problem, three or four nearby security guards rushed over and stopped the two people, because Green Apple is now very hot, making more money, and the level of people invited by this guy, Ye Tianjian, is getting higher and higher. Many of these security guards are retired soldiers, usually three or five people are inaccessible and very tough.

The two men obviously felt threatened and dared not make a mistake. They pointed at Xia Yu and said, "Hello, you have stopped the wrong person. Can't you see someone who is impolite over there?"

Xia Yu laughed: "Sorry, we are familiar people, just kidding." Then he said to the security guards: "Okay, don't pay attention to them, they are really enthusiastic, not troublemakers. "

The two men looked at each other, saw that the security guard was obedient and fast, and saw Mu Yingshi gently hugging the man's waist, only to realize that he had engaged in Oolong, and retreated a little embarrassedly, but still looked at Xia Yu's a bit sourly. Back glance.

They only knew it recently, and it was only recently that Mí became crazy about Mu Yingshi, including her people, her voice, her piano music, everything about her, but she did n’t want a man to own her. This kind of feeling makes them a little frustrated.

When Xia Yu returned to hold Mu Yingshi and returned to his seat, he discovered that Xu Xin was still there, and he didn't wear a hat or sunglasses. He just put his hair in a beautiful bun and turned upside down. He couldn't help but startle: "Why are you so bold this time?"

Xu Xin chuckled, walked next to him and sat down next to him, holding his arm and said: "This is called Xiaoyin hidden in the city, Dayin hidden in the direction, under this dim light, as long as you are not close, look carefully, Who can recognize it with 100% certainty? In this case, the most taboo is pretending to be mysterious, but wearing sunglasses will attract the attention of others. "

"Yes, you are experienced, I am just afraid that you will be photographed, and there will be a lot of scandals."

Ye Mei said lightly: "Relax, no one photographed her."

In fact, Xia Yu knows of course that Ye Mei is there, where she is afraid of being photographed, but her mouth is cheap, and she replied: "It's hard to say, who knows that you just watched the beauty nv, will there be a time when you missed it." nv's waist is extraordinary.

Li Yaxuan smiled and said: "Ms. Xia is really yàn blessing, even our national idols are admitted to the backyard."

Ye Mei immediately fought back: "It's not just that if you go to a subway station and pretend to beggar, you can get a girl. It really can be regarded as the first person in the world."

Xia Yu blushed and said, "That's my old classmate. People now have a husband. Okay, don't talk to ruàn ruin my reputation."

Ye Tianjian smiled and said, "You still have a good reputation, I don't think it's an old classmate, it's your old lover, or someone who is silly will take a beggar home to take care of it, anyway, I want to say that you are pure I do n’t believe in the male nv relationship. "

Xia Yu said angrily: "Then kill him." After he released two nv, he rushed over and pressed Ye Tianjian on the sofa, and a finger poked on his smiling waist xùe, nòng Ye Yechen tremble all over. Laughing, the tears came out, so I had to beg for mercy.

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