After Ye Ning hung up the phone, Annie closed her eyes and rubbed her head against Ye Ning's chin comfortably.

"What's the phone number of your security chief Luo Hong?"

In the past few days, Ye Ning basically told Annie about his industry in the Magic City.

Annie also knew that Ye Ning was investigating the affairs of the Tao family father and son.

"Yeah." Ye Ning stroked Annie's smooth soft shoulders and nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect that Luo Hong was so efficient. There are many capable people in your Xingchen Security Company." Annie praised sincerely.

You know, it is not easy to find out about the Tao family father and son, especially Tao Jinlai, in such a short time.

Tao Jinlai made his fortune from dance halls, which is known to everyone in Shanghai.

In those days, opening a dance hall and foot massage parlor in Shanghai not only required capital, but also courage.

It is impossible for a person like this to have no involvement.

What's more, his son Tao Xian, a playboy in Shanghai, is lustful.

There are indeed many girls who would take shortcuts for money and voluntarily climb into Tao Xian's bed.

But there are also more girls who are coerced, lured, or even directly forced by Tao Xian, a scumbag.

After many years, those girls bullied by Tao Xian disappeared one by one, but Tao Xian is still doing whatever he wants in Shanghai.

Didn't anyone of the girls who were violated by Tao Xian sue him?

It's impossible to think about it.

There is definitely a large number of people who were silenced by the Tao family with money, and some people who would rather die than compromise were solved by Tao Jinlai with extraordinary means.

No matter how secretive Tao Jinlai was, as long as he did it, it was impossible for him to leave no clues.

Now, Qiu Guowei is an important breakthrough.

"Indeed, many of Luo Hong's subordinates are very talented, including hackers and private detectives." Ye Ning echoed.

"By the way, Luo Hong sent a message last night that two days ago, the father and son of the Tao family went to a place. Guess who they met?"

After hearing Ye Ning's words, Annie could naturally think of it, and almost in an instant, Annie knew Tao Jinlai's purpose.

"They want the An family to put pressure on me and force me to marry Tao Xian?"

"My fairy is smart!" Ye Ning lowered his head slightly, and his nose rubbed against Annie's soft hair, and the fragrance was fragrant.

"Ridiculous." Annie showed sarcasm on her face.

Not to mention that Ye Ning was here, even if Annie was alone, the An family in the Magic City had no right to interfere with her marriage.

Quan, this is her relative, and she has an inseparable blood relationship with her.

However, Annie's father left the Magic City in his early years and established a great business in Jiangcheng alone, founding Anxin Pharmaceutical.

Since then, Annie's family has been separated from the Magic City An family.

Not to mention, when Annie's father died, except for her cousin An Linqian, no one from the Magic City An family came to Jiangcheng to pay their respects.

Not even a phone call.

Why should she go back to such a cold and ruthless family that puts profit above all else?

Why are the Taos so confident that Annie will be threatened by the Magic City An family?

Even though she does not have much power in the Magic City, in Jiangcheng, Annie is the president of Anxin Pharmaceutical.

An, who is resolute and high-handed.

It can be said that in the whole Jiangcheng, the number of people who are richer and more powerful than Annie can be counted on one's fingers.

Now, except for Ye Ning and stepmother Mi Rong, there is nothing that can threaten Annie.


At this time, Xu Wei'er beside her also woke up, and she let out a sweet moan as she just woke up.

She opened her beautiful eyes and saw Ye Ning and Annie looking at her, with the same faint smile on their faces.

Xu Wei'er's cheeks flushed instantly, and she quickly pulled up the corner of the quilt to cover half of her face, revealing a pair of bright big eyes.

"Ye Ning, Sister Annie, good morning." Xu Wei'er said in a muffled voice.

"Hahaha, Wei'er, you are so cute!"

Annie couldn't help but reach out and touch Xu Wei'er's smooth forehead.

"Get up, I heard Xiaoyan bring breakfast back."


After breakfast, Ye Ning got the news that Qiu Xiaodao, also known as Daozi, had been controlled by Luo Hong's people.

"Fairy, you and Xiao Wei'er should not go out these two days. Wait until I deal with the Tao family's affairs, and we will go back to Jiangcheng together." Ye Ning opened his arms, hugged the two girls, and reminded them in their ears.

This is an extraordinary period, and Ye Ning naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Annie and Xu Weier.

"Okay." Annie stretched out her hand.

Putting his arm around Ye Ning's waist, he reminded her, "You should also pay attention to safety."

Xu Weier didn't say anything, but she tightened her grip on Ye Ning's clothes.

"Protect the two ladies well, and remember to call me or Luo Hong if anything happens." Before leaving, Ye Ning told Jin Nan and Li Shuangshuang.

"Okay, boss."


When they arrived at the gate of the villa area, a Range Rover had already been waiting there.

Seeing Ye Ning approaching, two muscular men got out of the car on their own initiative.

The older man spoke first, "Boss Ye, I'm Luo Hong, and this is my assistant, Zhou Wen, you can just call him Xiao Zhou."

"Well, hello." Ye Ning smiled and nodded, then looked at Luo Hong and asked, "Where is Daozi now?"

"In the security company, he was seriously injured, and I also assigned a doctor to take care of him."

"Very good, let's go, take me to see."


The vehicle slowly drove away from the villa area and sped towards the bustling and noisy city.

Less than ten minutes after Ye Ning left Rose City.

Annie received a call from the Magic City.

Seeing this string of cold numbers, Annie chuckled, "Oh, you really know how to time it."

Although it was an unfamiliar number, she knew that it must be from the An family in Magic City.

After the ringing sounded for a while, Annie gently clicked the answer button.

"Who?" Annie asked knowingly.

On the other end of the phone, the voice of a middle-aged woman came from the receiver.

"Nini, I heard that you came to Magic City! Why don't you go home to see? Your uncle misses you very much and was still talking about you last night."

"First, I don't have an uncle; second, I don't have a home in Magic City." Annie said without a trace of emotion, "So, don't call me in the future."

After that, Annie hung up the phone directly.

Although she had seen through the An family's ruthlessness, this call still made Annie feel cold all over.

As soon as Ye Ning left, the An family called.

What does this mean?

It means that someone has been guarding the gate of the villa area recently, or someone is watching their every move in some villa outside.

If Annie goes to the Magic City to settle down at this time, she will definitely become a tool for the Tao family to threaten Ye Ning.

The An family, who have blood ties with her, are helping the evil.

"Haha, Tao Xian, I, Annie, will not give you any chance."

Thinking of this, Annie directly called Ye Ning's mobile phone and told him what happened just now and her guess.

In the Range Rover, Ye Ning broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this.

He almost buried a mine for his negligence.

Thinking of this, Ye Ning immediately asked Luo Hongjia to send people to the Rose City Villa Area to protect the safety of Annie and Xu Weier.

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