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"Yen Ning, is this your car?"

Hearing Ye Ning's greetings, Du Yingying was sure that she really did not recognize the wrong person.

At the same time, there was a storm in my heart.

She didn't know what happened to Ye Ning.

But she was certain that at least at the beginning of the year, Ye Ning would never be able to buy a BMW worth hundreds of thousands.

"It can be considered mine." Ye Ning nodded.

This car was bought for Lao Ye, but it was indeed written in his own name.

After receiving Ye Ning's affirmative answer, Du Yingying exhaled, "You are too powerful."

"What's wrong? Yingying, why does it take you so long to buy something?"

At this time, a tall, thin man with a gentle appearance came to Du Yingying and took the initiative to take the plastic bag from Du Yingying's hand.

"Ye Ning, let me introduce to you, this is my fiancé Shen Cheng."

"Shen Cheng, this is my playmate growing up, Ye Ning."

Ye Ning and Shen Cheng nodded in greeting at the same time.

Shen Cheng is about the same height as Ye Ning. He has a gentle manner and no wrinkles in his clothes. He should be a meticulous man on weekdays.

And when he saw Du Yingying, he took the initiative to take her things. He should be very good to Du Yingying on weekdays.

Otherwise, Du Yingying wouldn't have a happy smile on her face when she introduced Shen Cheng.

At least in the first impression, Ye Ning had a good impression of this man.

"Then Sister Yingying, I won't disturb you and my brother-in-law anymore, bye!"

"That's right!" Ye Ning stuck her head out of the window again and said with a smile: "Don't forget to treat me to a drink when you get married, hahaha..."

With that said, Ye Ning drove the BMW x5 and slowly drove away.

Watching the BMW gradually disappear from sight.

Shen Cheng tugged on Du Yingying's sleeves, "Let's go."

Du Yingying tapped her chin, and when she turned around, she suddenly grabbed Shen Cheng's elbow.

"Say, how about we ask Ye Ning for help? Maybe he can help us."

Shen Cheng thought for a moment, but finally sighed helplessly and said:

“We need too much money to make this game, and ordinary people can’t afford it.

Although you can drive a car worth hundreds of thousands at a young age, it is still difficult to come up with tens of millions in cash. "

After Du Yingying heard this, the golden light in her pupils disappeared, and a look of despair appeared on her face.

Shen Cheng is right. Even if others have tens of millions in cash, why should they invest it in you?

But now, they really have nothing to do.

After leaving the old community, it took Ye Ning half an hour to arrive at Jingshui Bay.

"Hello sir, may I help you?"

When Ye Ning's car stopped, the handsome security guard walked to the car window and asked kindly.

Before Ye Ning could answer, a middle-aged man wearing a suit and tie who looked like a young leader walked over.

He first said to the security guard: "Xiao Zhang, go and help Mr. Ye enter the license plate number into the system. I'll be here."

"Okay, Manager Qian."

When Xiao Zhang ran away, Manager Qian bowed, his knees slightly bent, and said to Ye Ning with a smile:

"Mr. Ye, I am Qian Jin, the property manager of Jingshui Bay. Please wait a moment while Xiao Zhang enters your license plate into the system, and then you can go in."

Ye Ning smiled back and asked with a little doubt: "Manager Qian, how did you recognize me?"

"When we entered your parents' information before, we also entered your and your sister's information.

It just so happens that I accidentally saw a photo of you and your sister. "

In fact, Ye Ning didn't know, Qian Jin said it was a coincidence.

In fact, he had specifically seen photos of Ye Ning's family.

Just kidding, as a Mirror Water Bay property manager.

If he can't even recognize the whole family in Villa No. 1, then is he still qualified to stand here?

After saying that, the intercom in his hand also sounded the voice of the security guy just now.

"Manager, Mr. Ye's license plate has been registered and you can drive in."

"Okay." Qian Jin replied, looked at Ye Ning and bowed, "Mr. Ye, welcome home."

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble." Ye Ning nodded slightly, stepped on the accelerator, and the BMW x5 slowly drove into the community.

Two minutes later, we finally arrived at Villa No. 1.

Ye Ning got out of the car and knocked on the dark security door.

"Who is it?" Ye Ma's voice came from inside the house.

"Mom, it's me, your son."

Hearing Ye Ning's voice, Ye Ma opened the door to about ten centimeters.

He stuck his head out, took a look at Ye Ning, and then looked around.

"Mom, I'm here! You

You don't even recognize your son?"

"I know you're here. I'm looking for my daughter. Where's my daughter?" Ye's mother stared at Ye Ning and questioned.

"Xiaoguo? Isn't she in school? Hey, mom, let me in."

Ye Ning naturally knew that Ye's mother was not talking about Ye Xiaoguo but Xu Wei'er, so she laughed it off.

Trying to fool him.

"Hehe." Ye's mother sneered twice. How could she not know what her own son was like?

"You didn't bring Weiwei back, right? That's it. Bye!"

After that, there was a "squeak... bang!" sound of the door closing.

If Ye Ning hadn't stepped back half a step, he might have bumped into his nose.

After the identification, this must be the biological mother!

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