The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two were sitting on the ground.

In the presidential suite.

Zhang Hao and Xie Lei sat opposite each other.

After ordering the dishes, Xie Lei asked for two bottles of 1982 Lafite.

"I'm driving, so let's not drink, okay?"

Zhang Hao said.

"This is your territory, are you still afraid of getting drunk?"

Xie Lei said coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll drink with you."

Zhang Hao said.

Soon, the dishes came up.

Half a glass of red wine was poured, rippling gently.

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, with an uninhibited smirk on his lips and a mysterious aura, Xie Lei's heart beat faster inexplicably, and a faint red cloud rose on her pretty face.

She looked bright and beautiful.

"Zhang Hao, thank you for your care for me..."

Xie Lei raised her glass.

"Beautiful lady, thank you for your help. Let me live for three thousand years."

Zhang Hao said in his heart.

"Zhang Hao, I wish you a happy career and love, just like the wine in this glass, without any regrets."

Xie Lei drank another glass of red wine clean, turned it over, and not a drop of it flowed out.

"Poetic language. You are worthy of being a great writer."

Zhang Hao sighed secretly.

Such a woman with talent and beauty is rare, and her charm is infinite.

"Zhang Hao, I thank you again, and I toast you another glass."

Xie Lei raised her glass and said coquettishly.

"I wish you more and more beautiful and more and more charming."

Zhang Hao also raised his glass with a smile.

Clinked the glasses gently.

The atmosphere is getting better and better.

At the end of the drink, Xie Lei was very drunk.

"I'm going to sleep for a while, and I'll continue drinking with you later."

She stood up and stumbled towards the room.

Zhang Hao was afraid that she would fall, so he quickly hugged her.

Xie Lei also fell softly into Zhang Hao's arms.

The two of them snuggled up in an ambiguous way.

"Oh my God, this is too sexy, isn't it?"

Zhang Hao sighed secretly, hugged her into the room, and put her on the bed.

He also covered her with a quilt.

But the beautiful spring scenery couldn't be covered.

That peerless face, the rosy face, the black and shiny hair.

The ups and downs of the figure made the quilt rise and fall with it.

The temptation was amazing.

This is the most sexy and beautiful goddess that countless men can't catch up with.

She was drunk and unconscious, and he could do whatever he wanted.

But Zhang Hao walked out without hesitation.

Because he knew it clearly in his heart.

If I sleep with this beautiful and sexy woman, I might fall in love and never get out of it.

I don't want to find a girlfriend yet.

This life is good for now.

There are beautiful women around me, but none of them are my girlfriends, so we can live in peace.

There are even special benefits.

Just like the night when Aomen thundered.

If I had a girlfriend, I would definitely be jealous.

Then I would hurt others and myself.

Zhang Hao, who has experienced emotional entanglements, thinks very clearly.

He turned on the computer and started playing games.

He soon forgot about everything else.

"I passed the character test."

In the room, Xie Lei sat up from the bed and murmured, "He has high martial arts skills, is tall and handsome, and has a net worth of at least 80 billion. The only shortcoming is that his literary talent is too poor. What kind of book is that... But overall, he is still a very outstanding hero. Do you want to try the taste of love with him? But I rejected him so ruthlessly, he probably stays away from me. It seems that I have to use some tricks to make him fall deeply in love with me and can't extricate himself... Then it will naturally come to fruition."

More than an hour later, Xie Lei pushed open the door and walked out.

She looked shy, "Sorry, I'm drunk, I didn't say anything inappropriate, did I?"

"No, no, you are very quiet when you are drunk, and you fall asleep directly."

Zhang Hao stopped playing computer games.

"By the way, I have made an investment and financial management plan for you, which can quickly increase your 60 billion wealth. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Xie Lei said as if she didn't care.

"Then take a look."

Zhang Hao said lightly.

"You will see my amazing talent soon. I don't believe you won't fall for me right away."

Xie Lei's face was full of confidence.

Took out a USB flash drive from her bag.

Plug it into the computer host.

Open it.

The investment plan was instantly displayed on the computer screen.

First, she talked about the basic principles of investment and financial management.

How to avoid investment failure.

Then she analyzed many emerging industries.

Health, new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence, 6G communication...

The following are some companies that Zhang Hao is recommended to invest in.

All of them are inconspicuous now, but have unlimited potential.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Is this woman so talented? If I invest according to her plan, my wealth may be multiplied in a few years. It's a pity that I am a systematic man who makes money by failure, not success. If I want to invest, I have to find companies that are about to go bankrupt."

Zhang Hao muttered secretly.

So, he perfunctorily said: "Not bad, I will consider it, thank you."

Then there was no follow-up.

He even didn't want this investment and financial management plan.

"Do you... have a different opinion?"

Xie Lei was furious.

This is an investment plan that she has worked hard to research, and it can be sold for hundreds of thousands.

But he was dismissive.

"There are different opinions. For example, the communications industry that you care about is about to exit the stage of history. All mobile phone companies will close down, including Apple."

Although he agreed in his heart, Zhang Hao didn't want to give this proud talented woman a little sunshine.

She must be hit hard.

"How can you... talk nonsense? How can mobile phones be eliminated from the stage of history? What will replace them? Who will end them?"

Xie Lei's eyes widened.

Her face was full of disbelief.

"It's true. I never lie."

Zhang Hao said.

"Evidence? Show me the evidence and convince me."

Xie Lei said with a dark face, "If there is no evidence, you have to apologize."

I had a great impression of Zhang Hao, but now, the impression has vanished.

It turns out that he likes to brag and likes to belittle other people's talents and labor results.

"Okay, I'll show you the evidence, and you can help evaluate it. However, you must promise to keep it confidential first, because there are still many preparations that have not been done."

Zhang Hao said.

"Okay, I will keep it confidential."

Xie Lei's mouth curled up, and a faint sneer appeared on her face.

She didn't believe such a ridiculous news.

She didn't believe that Zhang Hao could really produce any evidence.

"By the way, you told me before: no matter how good I am, no matter how rich I am, no matter how much I like you, and no matter how persistent I am, you will never like me. Will this always count?"

Zhang Hao asked.

"Of course... it counts."

Xie Lei was so angry that she was shaking.

What does this bastard mean?

Does he know that I like him more?

Want to capture him?

"Then I'm relieved. Let's go. I'll take you to a place to see the evidence."

Zhang Hao let out a long sigh.

Xie Lei was completely speechless. This bastard was afraid that she would pursue him? To pester him?

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