The weather was very good, and the weather was very good.

In the evening, four supercars came roaring in.

They stopped at the gate of Xiyuan Community.

They were Silber, Aston Martin, Lamborghini Venom, and Hennessy Viper GT.

Red, gray, blue, and yellow.

They were all luxury cars worth tens of millions, especially Silber, which was worth 50 million.

Then they were wrapped in four huge gift boxes.

They were tied with colorful ribbons.

They looked particularly beautiful.

Immediately, a truck brought a carload of red roses.

They were neatly stacked in front of the four supercars.

They formed a big heart shape.

Bright and eye-catching.

Extremely beautiful.

Many bodyguards in black suits also appeared, carrying four gift boxes and placing them in front of the roses.

Then they stood straight in two rows.

They looked particularly imposing and grand.

"Oh my god, four supercars, worth nearly 200 million, are they going to be given as gifts?"

"Fuck, is this a super rich man going to confess his love to his sweetheart? He took out a gift worth hundreds of millions?"

"Poverty limits my imagination. It turns out that this is how the rich confess their love to beautiful women. It's so cool."


The pedestrians were stunned, talking and pointing.

Jiang Baixue and Zhang Hao were also surprised.

This is definitely a big deal from a super rich man.

Who is so high-profile and arrogant?


The door of the Mercedes-Benz was pushed open.

Sun Chaojun walked down arrogantly.

He kicked Zhang Hao and Jiang Baixue's stalls away and shouted, "Get out of here right now. My big brother wants to confess his love to a beautiful woman. What are you doing here?"

He was 100% sure that Zhang Hao and Jiang Baixue would not dare to resist.

Instead, they would retreat obediently.

Because any street vendor is a poor loser.

How dare you fight with a super rich man who gave four supercars to beautiful women?

What's the difference between that and courting death?

"Fuck you, you dare to overturn our stall?"

Jiang Baixue was so angry that he screamed and picked up a high-heeled shoe and smashed it hard on the other person's face.


Sun Chaojun's face suddenly turned red.

Because he was hit by the sharp heel.

"Poor loser who sells street vendors, you are courting death..."

Sun Chaojun was furious.

He rushed over to hit Jiang Baixue, but was slapped to the ground by Zhang Hao, who stepped on his face and said lightly: "You dare to overturn our stall and hit people? It seems that you have never died!"

The whole audience was shocked and silent.

This conflict came unexpectedly.

Everyone was watching the luxury car being beaten into a gift package.

Why did the stall owner suddenly get angry?

"You dare to hit me? And you dare to step on my face?"

Sun Chaojun's eyes were about to burst, and he was furious.

He was Shen Shao's lackey.

With Shen Shao's protection, when had he ever been humiliated like this?

And it was a street vendor?


Zhang Hao said lightly, "If you don't satisfy me today, your big brother won't be able to confess today."

"You are so brave."

A bodyguard in black rushed over.

He kicked Zhang Hao in the lower abdomen.

But he was caught by Zhang Hao and thrown into the air.

This guy flew back like a cloud, and fell to the ground hard, with his teeth bared and his face full of pain.

A staff member who was in charge of packing the luxury car came over with a dark face.

He was about thirty years old, with a broad forehead and lively eyes.

He was a man of great intelligence and eloquence.

He bowed his hands and said sincerely: "This gentleman, my name is Bai Siyuan, a manager of the Tian Group, and I am doing a very important thing for our young master Tian Enshen. The people below are too impatient. I apologize here... Can you be kind enough to spare him? As for your losses, we are willing to pay."

The Tian Group is very famous.

They do a special business.

That is, caring for vegetative patients.

They have opened many nursing homes across the country.

Because of their professionalism, the profits are very high, and they even have plans to enter the international market.

Therefore, it has long been a 100 billion group.

The reputation is not bad.

"Forget about my loss, as for his loss, you guys should compensate him. Just compensate him 500,000 yuan."

Zhang Hao loosened his foot.

Since the other party was reasonable with him, there was no need to make a big deal.

As for his own loss, there was none at all, because everything was still there and not broken.

If he accepted the other party's compensation, he would have made a profit today, and the system would not have compensated him ten thousand times.

On the contrary, he would have to make much less money.


100,000? Isn't that too much? We will never pay an unjust amount. We will pay whatever we deserve. "

Bai Siyuan was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was full of vigor.

"It also includes mental damage compensation. He scared us a lot, and my companion is in poor health. He can't stand being scared."

Zhang Hao said.

"Are you going to be unreasonable?"

Bai Siyuan's face also sank.

"If he knocked over our stall accidentally, then your handling would be appropriate. But, he kicked it over on purpose, so you have to add some ingredients."

Zhang Hao's face turned cold.

"Okay, 500,000."

Bai Siyuan stared at Zhang Hao for a while, then looked at his watch and reluctantly agreed.

Then he transferred 500,000 to Zhang Hao.

And the matter was settled.

Zhang Hao did not delay and transferred 500,000 to Jiang Baixue via WeChat.

"I can't take it. This is all you want back. "

Jiang Baixue was shocked.

"I just have a few hairbands, which cost more than 100 yuan. I don't need to pay you anything. But your shoes are worth tens of thousands of yuan. That's why I have to pay you so much. I said at the beginning that I asked for it for you."

Zhang Hao said.

"Then please forgive me for being greedy and accepting it. I'll treat you later..."

Jiang Baixue hesitated for a moment and didn't refuse.

His wife is pregnant, and his lung cancer may relapse at any time.

People are poor and have low aspirations.

I can only accept Zhang Hao's favor.


Xie Lei and Yang Xiaolan sat in the teahouse, drinking tea leisurely and watching the excitement outside.

They saw Zhang Hao and others clashed, of course.

They all smiled.

Isn't it courting death to provoke Zhang Hao, who has extremely terrifying martial arts?

"There are so many beauties, why doesn't the great writer confess his feelings?"

Yang Xiaolan asked curiously.

"It's probably because there are too many people, it's messy, and it's hard to get inspiration. ”

Xie Lei said in her mind.

“I don’t know what kind of rich man he is, and what kind of beautiful woman he wants to confess to. I am so happy, with so many luxury cars. It must be worth 400 million. If someone confesses to me like this, I will die of happiness. Even if it is an old man in his 70s or 80s, I will agree. ”

“What a loser, you have a house and a car now, and you got a bonus at the end of the year, and you are worth tens of millions. You also love an old man?”

Xie Lei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Love, the older I get, the more I love, because the older I get, the faster I die, and all the property will be mine.” Yang Xiaolan said.


Xie Lei spit out a mouthful of tea.

After chatting for a few more words, Xie Lei said anxiously: “You say, when he closes the stall later, if I go to confess, he won’t refuse, right?”

“If he really came here to set up a stall on purpose, it will definitely succeed.” Yang Xiaolan said, “A talented woman and a great writer are a perfect match. I guess he thinks so too. "

"I'm afraid it's just a coincidence."

Xie Lei said, "I was stupid before. Why didn't I take him home and let him go alone? Didn't I miss a good opportunity to express my love?"

"Don't regret it. They are packing up and leaving. Go and express your love."

Yang Xiaolan's eyes suddenly lit up and reminded him.

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