"Oh my god..."

Xie Lei was already stunned when Zhang Hao wrote the first word.

Her face was full of shock, fascination, and obsession.

She is a calligrapher, so she can see Zhang Hao's calligraphy more and more awesome and extraordinary.

It is simply the best in the ages.

It is not wrong to say that there is no one before and no one after.

She was breathing rapidly and her eyes were burning.

Her whole body was shaking, as if she had fallen into a magnificent dream.

She could never wake up again.

She didn't want to wake up.

"So cool and beautiful, is this really written by me?"

Zhang Hao himself was stunned, admiring it obsessively, and couldn't take his eyes away.

If it is hung in his own study, it can definitely be described as a splendid painting.

It is definitely the highest level of pretentiousness.

Because this is written by himself, not by other calligraphy masters.

When he saw Xie Lei's obsessed look, he felt more and more comfortable.

Haha, this time, he pretended to be a big one.

It was bigger and more satisfying than the interview in ten languages.

"This calligraphy is a bit indecent, let's destroy it."

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand to tear up the calligraphy.

It's not that he dislikes the words, but that the words are too gorgeous.

If it is not destroyed, it will surely be passed down through the ages.

Then his reputation as a romantic and talented man will not be able to escape, and Xie Lei will definitely be labeled as his woman, and she will never be able to wash it off.

Countless future generations will regard her as his lover.

Although he has a lifespan of 3,000 years and can defend himself hundreds or thousands of years later, he can't defend himself.

Besides, after thousands of years, can I still use the identity of Zhang Hao?

Will I not be regarded as a monster?

Will anyone still believe that I am the Zhang Hao?

Maybe I can study longevity technology.

After failure, the system will compensate ten thousand times.

Maybe the most powerful longevity technology will be compensated.

Human life span can be greatly improved.

Eternal life is not impossible.

"No, you can't tear it."

Xie Lei suddenly woke up, like an angry female leopard, pushing Zhang Hao away, and continued to push him out of the study.

I must keep this calligraphy.

"I'll write another one for you."

Zhang Hao could only hold her hand and said with a smile.

"I want that one, it's a priceless treasure. I will treasure it forever."

Xie Lei's pretty face was rosy, very excited, and extremely excited.

"I'll write three more for you, okay?"

Zhang Hao said in a tempting tone.

"If you want to destroy that work, you have to step over my dead body."

Xie Lei said fearlessly, "As long as I am alive, calligraphy will be alive. If I die, calligraphy will die."


Zhang Hao was stunned.

He observed her carefully and found that she was serious.

He was a little worried.

Of course, he could force her away and destroy that work.

But, she might really do something stupid.

Or come to pester him every day and ask him to write another one.

That would be a big trouble.

Forget it, forget it, a dead man's eggs will fall to the sky.

I will live for thousands of years.

Anyway, I will change my name a hundred years later, and no one will know that I am Zhang Hao.

So what if Xie Lei is his confidante? So what if she is his woman? So what if he is the romantic talent Zhang Hao?

It has nothing to do with me.

I just want to enjoy my wonderful life to the fullest.

"Then you can keep it."

Zhang Hao was a little helpless, "I'm leaving..."

After saying that, he ran out like a fugitive.

If he didn't leave, he really couldn't leave.

The poem just now had already touched his heartstrings.

No man could resist such an elegant pursuit.

"You can leave, but you have to write a calligraphy, it must be running script. And write this poem. I will treasure it forever and will never sell it."

Xie Lei hugged his waist tightly and refused to let go.

"Okay, okay, I'll write."

Zhang Hao blushed, such close contact was simply too exciting.

So he wrote another calligraphy in running script.

It was natural and gorgeous.

It was like a group of stunning beauties dancing with bright eyes.

It made people reluctant to look away.

It was no less than Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Lanting Collection.

It was even better.

"Golden hooks and silver strokes, natural and unique, unprecedented and unparalleled."

Xie Lei was obsessed to the extreme and praised it endlessly.

Her pretty face was flushed and her eyes were as watery as a lake.

At this moment

, she was already moved.

Even if Zhang Hao wanted to sleep with her now, she would readily agree.

"Isn't this calligraphy too charming?"

Zhang Hao was secretly shocked, but he was not obsessed, but turned and left.

"Great writer, great calligrapher, it's too late, don't leave?"

Xie Lei held him again and said shyly, "Why go against your own wishes? Isn't it tiring to live like that?"

"It's still early..."

Zhang Hao's old face was red, and he really didn't want to leave.

He really wanted to stay and talk to her about calligraphy, poetry, painting and playing the piano, and maybe he could get ten thousand times compensation from the system.

But Xie Lei was too beautiful and sexy, and she was talented and charming.

He couldn't keep steady.

It was too frivolous to sleep with her the first time he came to her place.

He broke free from her, opened the door, and rushed out.

"You didn't drive, drive my car back."

Xie Lei chased out and handed over the car keys, "I have two cars, a Ferrari and a BMW. Don't worry that I won't have a car to drive to work."

"You must be so smart. I haven't even said anything yet."

Zhang Hao complained in his heart.

Such a smart and talented woman is simply a treasure carefully nurtured by heaven and earth.

She actually became my confidante?

Keep me here?

With a hard heart, he took the keys and walked downstairs quickly.

He drove away in Xie Lei's Ferrari.


Xie Lei closed the door and made a victory gesture.

Great writer, great writer, it turns out you are so passionate.

My poem has moved your mind?

You will fall in love with me sooner or later.

But, you are too talented.

Martial arts master, super rich, great writer, calligraphy master, dance master

As for dunking, horizontal bar is nothing.

I am also fascinated by you.

I can't help myself.

She immediately called and invited Yang Xiaolan, who also lived in the community, to come over, saying that there was an important matter to discuss.

When Yang Xiaolan, who was wearing pajamas, arrived, she asked in surprise: "Is the great writer gone?"

"The great writer is a bit hypocritical. He obviously wanted to stay, but he still left." Xie Lei said excitedly, "But he left two super treasures, which are inestimable in value. After dozens or hundreds of years, they can be exchanged for a building."

Took Yang Xiaolan into the study and took the two calligraphy works for Yang Xiaolan to appreciate.

"Oh my god, this is too awesome, right? His cursive script is better than Zhang Xu's? His regular script is better than Wang Xizhi's? This great writer is actually the world's number one calligrapher?"

"I can't help it, he is just that good, I am completely lost and hopelessly in love with him."

"Did you write this poem? So gorgeous?"

"He wrote the first two sentences, and I wrote the rest."

"Oh my god, you guys rolled over in bed? Too fast, isn't it?"

"Nonsense, how could that be?"

"Then how can there be mountains and waves like raging? I think you just admit it?"


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