After a long chat, Zhang Hao found that it was time for dinner, so he waved his hand.

"Okay, okay."

"Let's go, let's go..."

All the classmates were very happy.

So they entered the elevator.

They went downstairs.

They all forgot to tell Gao Feiyang.

Because everyone knew that the relationship between Zhang Hao and Gao Feiyang was too bad.

It was unpleasant to mention it.

Shenwan is undoubtedly the most upscale place in Shenzhen.

Not only does it have luxury houses like Shenwan Garden, the famous university Futan, but also a bustling commercial street and many large companies.

The famous six-star hotel, Shenwan Hotel, is located here, adjacent to Shenwan Garden and Futan University.

Covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres, the hotel is towering into the sky.

It is magnificent and magnificent.

Even ordinary guest rooms cost 3,000 yuan a night.

The presidential suite is even more awesome, costing more than 50,000 yuan.

If you don't bring hundreds of thousands of cash, you are not even qualified to go in for a meal.

Therefore, all kinds of rich people come in and out, and the parking lot is full of luxury cars.

"Zhang Hao, there is no need to eat here. I think the Hunan restaurant next door is very suitable. I still like Hunan cuisine." Li Xi's face changed slightly and said cautiously.

He had been to Shenwan Hotel before, just to receive the company's clients.

Just for a meal, he spent more than 700,000 yuan.

Even if it was public money, it made him very sad.

"Yes, yes, yes, I don't like eating in big hotels either. I feel uncomfortable when they serve me too well."

"Let's go, let's go to that Hunan restaurant."


The rest of the classmates also agreed.

They have been working hard in Shenzhen for several years. How could they not know the most luxurious Shenwan Hotel in Shenzhen?

To put it bluntly, they may not be able to eat a meal here even after working for ten years.

Although they knew that Zhang Hao's net worth exceeded 1 billion, he might not care about hundreds of thousands.

But they still didn't want him to waste so much.

"Let's go, what are you worried about?"

Zhang Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He is now worth hundreds of billions, and he can't afford a meal?

However, these classmates are still quite simple.

They are not the wicked bastards like Gao Feiyang.

He took them into the hotel and directly opened a presidential suite with an area of ​​1,000 square meters.

In addition to the conference room and the large kitchen, there are more than a dozen rooms, which are ingeniously arranged and decorated with extreme luxury.

Outside the wide French windows, there is an endless sea.

The vast sea is misty and vast.

On the other side is the prosperous city of Shenzhen, with brilliant lights stretching to the end of the world.

Several chefs arrived quickly, and the ingredients were also delivered urgently.

A sumptuous dinner was soon cooked.

Abalone, bird's nest, lobster, crab...

Top-grade red wine and top-grade white wine Maotai...

More than a dozen gorgeous waiters filed in.

Serving everyone for dinner, each with a smile as beautiful as a flower and as gentle as water.

Even the fish bones are carefully removed for you.

You don't have to be responsible for pouring the wine.

Even the towel for wiping your mouth is handed over at any time.

"Oh my God, this is too luxurious, right? Is this how the super rich live?"

More than a dozen classmates were shocked to the extreme.

Everyone's head was dizzy.

"Classmate Zhang Hao, I had a crush on you in high school, but I didn't expect you to be successful now. Is it too late for me to pursue you now?"

"Classmate Zhang Hao, I toast you a glass of wine, deep feelings, one gulp."

"Classmate Zhang Hao, I have only two words for you - admiration."


The atmosphere gradually became warm.

On the other side, it was as cold as a grave.

Gao Feiyang sat in the hall, looking at a table of dishes and doubting his life.

Is there such a trick?

The food was ready, the bowls and chopsticks were set, and the wine was poured.

But all the classmates disappeared.

One by one, they sent text messages, saying that they had something to do and went back.

Go back, you are numb.

So many people, everyone has something to do?

You are just jealous of me and deliberately embarrass me.

Gao Feiyang became more and more angry, and he wanted to overturn the table.

Unable to bear it any longer, he called a girl.

This girl has a good relationship with him.

Often in contact.

Maybe she would tell him the truth.


Deng Xiaoli took out her cell phone, looked at the caller ID, and made a gesture.

She waited until everyone stopped talking before answering the call and turning on the hands-free mode.

Instantly, Gao Feiyang's voice came from the phone, "Xiaoli, tell me, what happened? Why are you all


"We met the landlord of the mansion upstairs from you. He happens to be my classmate. He wants to treat us to a meal. We can't refuse..."

Deng Xiaoli said.

"You are so smart."

Everyone gave Deng Xiaoli a thumbs up.

This avoided embarrassment and did not offend Gao Feiyang.

More importantly, it also hinted to Gao Feiyang that the landlord upstairs was Zhang Hao.

Try it, try it carefully.

You will definitely come to this conclusion.

Because Zhang Hao said before that he lived upstairs.

"Is he your college classmate? What a coincidence? What kind of business is he in? He must be a big boss, right?"

Gao Feiyang did not hear the hidden meaning and asked excitedly.

I never thought that Zhang Hao was the landlord of the mansion.

"I didn't have time to ask what kind of business he was in, but he must be a big boss. Otherwise, he wouldn't have invited us to a six-star hotel for dinner."

Deng Xiaoli didn't forget to please Zhang Hao while making a phone call.

"Then why didn't you call me? You are so ungrateful, you forgot about me? "

Gao Feiyang was furious and indignant.

"Didn't I consider that you cooked a table of food? What a waste it would be if you didn't finish it?" Deng Xiaoli said, "Don't worry, he is a very good classmate of mine, and it will be easy for you to meet him in the future. You can visit him anytime, after all, he lives upstairs from you."

"You all left, how can I finish so much food by myself? Do you think I am a glutton? Where do you eat? I'll go over and toast to the rich man now..." Gao Feiyang said angrily. Anyway, he couldn't wait any longer. Such a good opportunity to meet a rich man must not be missed. Drink a few glasses of wine, flatter him a few times, and then pass a few more cigarettes to him, and then you will become friends. It's much better than visiting him in person. To be honest, he bought this house because he had the opportunity to meet the landlord of the mansion in the mansion. Hold on to the thigh. And how can someone who can buy a mansion worth 10 billion not have hundreds of billions of wealth? It may even be over 100 billion. And his own company is only worth more than 100 million. There is no comparison at all. "Don't come, we are almost finished eating." Deng Xiaoli hurriedly stopped him. If Gao Feiyang came over, he would be looking for trouble. It would be unrighteous if he didn't stop him. But if he wants to die, you can't stop him. "Only a few minutes have you eaten? You've finished eating? Tell me quickly? Where is it? "

Gao Feiyang was angry.

Deng Xiaoli looked at Zhang Hao for help and nodded to him.

She then told him the address and room.

"Awesome, a presidential suite in a six-star hotel. I admire your classmate so much. I'll go there right away."

Gao Feiyang walked out excitedly.

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