The old man was very angry.

"Tian Enshen, you are a rich second generation, you are shouting in front of me? Asking me if I dare? It's a big joke. Let me tell you, I can kill you with money."

Zhang Hao said.

"I just ask you, do you dare to gamble? Don't tell me these nonsense."

Tian Enshen's momentum dropped sharply.

I was so depressed that I couldn't say anything more.

In the past, I said such things to other rich second generations.

But today I was crushed by Zhang Hao.

And I couldn't refute it.

This bastard can make 100 billion or 200 billion by writing a book.

There are two more books to come.

All the wealth of my family added up to more than 100 billion.

How to compare?

I can't compete.

"Don't even mention 5 billion, I dare to bet even 10 billion or 100 billion."

Zhang Hao shouted with great momentum.

"Oh my god, this rich man is awesome, so awesome."

Boss Li, President Qian, and all the bodyguards secretly admired him.

The two talented women were even more dazzled and their hearts were trembling.

"Then let's bet."

Tian Enshen gritted his teeth and dared not say a word.

He had already lost 3 billion, and adding another 5 billion was the limit.

Otherwise it would be a blank check.

The consequences would be serious.

So they each wrote a check for 5 billion.

This time Tian Enshen chose No. 5, a female bodyguard.

The hidden weapon used was a fine needle made of ox hair.

It was blue and coated with a deadly poison.

And it was shot from the mechanism in the sleeve.

It was very scary.

"If I can blind one of his eyes, I'll pay 1 billion, two, or 2 billion."

Tian Enshen ordered No. 5 with a grin.

"Then I'll try my best."

No. 5 looked indifferent.

Not worried at all that Tian Enshen would not keep his word.

The consequences of angering a bodyguard like her would be very serious.

It was foreseeable that Tian Enshen would become blind.

"I'll use a hidden weapon this time, too."

Zhang Hao picked up two leaves and jumped onto the ring.

"Use two leaves as hidden weapons?"

All the bodyguards sneered.

This is too crazy.

It's simply crazy.

Picking leaves and flying flowers to hurt people only exists in legends.

Now it has long been lost.

It's even uncertain whether the legend is true.

"Hahaha, pretending to be a master? It's so funny. I was almost shot by a hidden weapon just now, and my clothes and pants were torn. Do you look like a master at all?"

"If you use other hidden weapons, I'm a little worried. Two leaves are a big joke."

"We must win this time. Zhang Hao will lose everything."


Tian Enshen and his lackeys were laughing strangely.

"A great writer can also pick Ye Feihua?"

"Is it true?"

Xie Lei and Zhou Yaxin were also a little bit unbelievable.

A little bit expectant, and a little bit worried.

A 5 billion bet.

And the hidden weapons are very scary and can kill people.


Bodyguard No. 5 also jumped up.

Confronted Zhang Hao.


Bodyguard No. 5 pounced like lightning.

He raised his two arms and aimed the mechanism in his sleeves at Zhang Hao's face.

He was about to press the switch.

But Zhang Hao's hand suddenly shook.

Two leaves drew a wonderful arc.

Arrived in an instant.

Hit her two arms.


Sharp as a knife.

Deeply sank.


She let out a shrill scream.

Both arms fell instantly.

The hidden weapon in the sleeve also fell to the ring with two clangs.

Then her eyes blurred and she was slapped.

She spun like a top and flew off the ring.

She fell to the ground and several bloody teeth spurted out of her mouth.

Now I can see clearly.

Two leaves were embedded in her arms, deep into the bones.

Blood was slowly flowing out.

Stained the sleeves red.

Silence, like a cemetery.

Everyone's eyes were dazed.

Shocked like a fool.

My God, picking leaves and flying flowers actually exists?

Zhang Hao can do it?

Is he a master of Chinese martial arts?

Is he comparable to a terrifying master like Zhang Sanfeng?

Otherwise, how could he do it?

"This is too amazing. The great writer is not only a talented and wealthy man, but also a true martial arts master?"

Zhou Yaxin and Xie Lei were shocked.

Their hearts were pounding and their eyes were burning.

At this moment, Zhang Hao's invincible image was completely imprinted in their hearts.

It can never be erased.

This was worse than the last time when two fierce men who could lift a Mercedes-Benz were killed.

Han kneeled down in shock.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Tian Enshen was terrified, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

He shouted in disbelief.

Picking leaves and flying flowers is not scary, what is scary is that he lost another 5 billion.

Added up to 8 billion.

This is a very scary number.

My father will definitely beat me to death.

One hundred billion wealth, one tenth of it was lost in one go.

That was what my father had earned after decades of hard work.

How could he not be angry?


Zhang Hao jumped down and grabbed the check in Boss Li's hand.

He said lightly: "Tian Enshen, thank you again for your generosity. Now I can buy a better villa."


Tian Enshen was so angry that he trembled.

His heart almost exploded.

His goddess was taken away by him, and now he lost 8 billion to him.

It's simply unjust.

And this time, it can be said that he stole the chicken but lost the rice.

I lost my pants.

"Let's go."

Zhang Hao hugged the two talented women's waists and turned to leave.

Boss Li also asked: "Boss, don't you want a bodyguard?"

"I haven't found any for the time being."

Zhang Hao refused without hesitation.

I injured the bodyguards of this bodyguard company, so it's not suitable to find them.

Moreover, these bodyguards are good at hidden weapons, and their fighting skills are not very good.

If you want to hire a bodyguard, you should also look at several bodyguard companies.

"Why do you need a bodyguard when you are so strong?"

All the bodyguards sighed in their hearts.

Such a rich man is too terrible.

Not only does he have amazing wealth, but he also has amazing force.

Tian Enshen is not worthy of being his opponent.

If he continues to play, he will definitely be killed by him.

"Zhang Hao, I will never let you go."

Tian Enshen, however, has no self-knowledge, staring at Zhang Hao's back, his eyes cracked, and he is furious.

Grabbing Bai Siyuan's hand, "Siyuan, help me think of a way, I must teach him a lesson."

"Mr. Shen, can you calm down? With such terrible skills, doesn't he have a master?"

Bai Siyuan said, "Don't you have a background? Not to mention whether you can hurt him, even if you can, you will face terrible revenge, which may end up with your family being torn apart. In addition, he is very cunning. He deliberately showed weakness before, and his clothes and pants were torn by hidden weapons. He lured you to continue gambling, and ended up losing 5 billion more. Such a person is too terrible. If you insist, then I can only quit my job and leave. . I don't want to die so early. "

"I'm so stupid, I fell for that bastard's trick."

Tian Enshen became more and more angry, and said unwillingly: "You can take revenge on him without anyone knowing."

"If you don't want people to know, you must not do it yourself." Bai Siyuan said, "To deal with him, you must stay within the rules, just like this time. Other conspiracies and tricks cannot be used. Once you fail, he can kill you silently when he comes to take revenge, and there will be no evidence left. Why joke with your own life?"

Tian Enshen shuddered and felt extremely aggrieved.

Is it just like this?

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