The two of them, together with Tang Menglan, started to work.

"Chairman, don't worry, I will complete the task you assigned and recruit suitable managers as soon as possible."

Lu Mingyan promised earnestly.

Duan Shanshan was still a little confused. Why was she transferred here to recruit managers for the beauty salon?

This is not in line with her major.

But, the boss asked her to do this, what else can she do?

Just work hard to complete the task.

So the two of them, plus Tang Menglan, started working.

First, a small meeting was held.

It was to determine what to do next.

The main person in charge was Lu Mingyan, who was the deputy manager of the human resources department and was skilled in business.

At last, Lu Mingyan whispered, "Do you know? Our boss opened a new company that can make him the richest man in the world."

"Are you talking about Brainwave Company?"

Duan Shanshan was surprised.

She knew from Wu Dongfei that Zhang Hao had two companies, but she didn't know anything else.

"It's not Brainwave Company, but High-tech Awakening Sanatorium."

Lu Mingyan said.

She was also a senior executive of the company, and was good at flattering, and had a good relationship with Jing Caiwei, the secretary of the board of directors of Brainwave Company.

She naturally knew this secret.

"What? That was also opened by our boss?"

Duan Shanshan was shocked.

"That company awakens vegetative patients, and now the business is booming, making a fortune every day. It can make more than ten billion every day."

Lu Mingyan said.

"Then do you know how that company came about?"

Tang Menglan said mysteriously.

Women are born to like gossip, and she is no exception.

Immediately, she told the story of the company.

"Oh my god, our boss is so awesome."

The two women were stunned.

Soon, they became familiar with each other.

They also roughly knew how many industries Zhang Hao had.

Two 100 billion companies, a high-tech company, plus local tyrant investment and Haitian Building.

In addition, there is this beauty salon.

"This beauty salon is also named Gaoke, it must be amazing."

Lu Mingyan said excitedly, "We'll see how it goes and whether to apply to stay."

During the break at work, Duan Shanshan called Wu Dongfei, "Your boyfriend has opened two awesome companies again, do you know..."

"What? Gaoke Awakening is opened by my senior brother? He also opened a Gaoke beauty salon?"

Wu Dongfei was stunned.

Gaoke Awakening, that's a unicorn company, it should be no problem to make hundreds of billions every year.

It's Zhang Hao's?

Oh my god, won't he soon become the richest man in the world?


On the street, Zhang Hao, Jiang Baixue and Gao Feiyang, the three of them are earning failure points.

Still calling dad and kissing face, the reward is 100.

One gives money, one observes the situation with a telescope, and one does the specific operation.

Gao Feiyang's company received 35 million, and the situation improved immediately.

At least he doesn't have to worry about becoming a pauper.

Come and be Zhang Hao's lackey, hug Zhang Hao's thigh, that's better than anything else.

Suddenly, Zhang Hao received a call from his mother, "Son, your cousin went to Shenzhen for an interview, you should receive her well."

"That cousin?"

Zhang Hao said.

"The cousin who slept in the same bed with you every day when you were a child."

Zhang's mother said.

"Zhou Qi, doesn't she work in Shanghai? Why did she come here to find a job?"

Zhang Hao was stunned.

"She quit her job and said she wanted to help you..."

"Is it so good? I think she came to ask for care and help?"

Zhang Hao touched his forehead.

This is a little troublemaker. He has been bold and loves to get into trouble since he was a child.

I wonder if he has changed after being beaten by society?

"Son, why did you suddenly send so much money back home? This is more than one million, right? I dare not tell anyone, worried that someone will come to borrow..."

"I have made some money from business recently. I haven't sent money home in the past few years. I will make up for it."

After talking for a long time, he hung up the phone.

He has only become rich in the past few months, and it is too magical.

It's all because of the system, so it's not easy to tell his family.

He is thinking about going home for the New Year to let out some news.

Just after the call, it rang again.

It was Zhou Qi who called, "Cousin, I'm at the airport, can you pick me up?"

"Wait for me for ten minutes."

Zhang Hao hung up the phone and said to Gao Feiyang and Jiang Baixue: "That's all for today. I have something to do..."

Then he drove away in the Alto.

In less than ten minutes, he arrived at the airport.

Received Zhou Qi.

She is 1.7 meters tall, and her round face has turned into an oval face.

Her hair is waist-length, and she has a pair of long legs.

She is actually pretty.

"Girls really change a lot when they grow up."

Zhang Hao sighed secretly.

He has been down and out for the past two years, and he has not been home for the New Year.

He is really ashamed to see people.

So, I haven't seen Zhou Qi for more than two years.

She has turned into a beautiful woman.


The girl ran over and jumped directly on Zhang Hao.

Her legs were on his waist, "Are you surprised?"

"My mother has called me."

Zhang Hao grabbed her suitcase, strode forward, and let her hang on him.

"Cousin, your strength has increased, you won't be a laborer forever, right?"

Zhou Qi said.

Zhang Hao's smile froze, and he really did a laborer before he got the system.

It's not that he is not good, but he is too unlucky.

"Cousin, don't cry, I'm here to save you. I'm going to interview for a high-paying job this time. I'll take you to eat and drink."

Zhou Qi's nose was sore and he almost cried.

I knew that my cousin was in trouble. The company he founded was burned down by a mentally ill person.

He has never recovered since then.

I heard that my cousin works as a porter.

And it was just a few months ago.

I think it's still the same now.

Look at this cheap clothes, the toes of the leather shoes are exposed.

Isn't this too miserable?

Zhang Hao opened the car door and put Zhou Qi in the co-pilot seat.

He put away the gifts and drove fast.

"Drive slowly, otherwise I'm worried it will fall apart."

Zhou Qi touched his forehead.

I've never seen such a shabby car before.

It's a miracle that it can still drive.

"What job are you applying for?"

Zhang Hao slowed down and asked with a smile.

He doesn't care about his image at all.

He just wants to earn failure points, so he deliberately makes himself look like this.

Otherwise, any beautiful woman would be willing to give him a kiss or call him daddy.

What kind of failure points are he earning?

"Keep it a secret first, I'll tell you when I succeed."

Zhou Qi smiled mysteriously, "You'll be shocked then."

"Will I be shocked?"

Zhang Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But he didn't refute it, he wanted to see what kind of awesome job this girl would find.

"My friend has rented a house for me, the location is..."

Zhou Qi said, "Let's go there now."

"What friend?"

Zhang Hao asked cautiously.

"A female classmate."

Zhou Qi rolled her eyes at Zhang Hao.

Like her father, she was afraid that she would have a boyfriend.

But now she has graduated from college and is 22 years old.

Can't she have a boyfriend?

Chatting along the way, they soon arrived near Futan University.

The house that Zhou Qi helped rent is here.

"What a sin! Why rent a house? No one lives in my spacious villa or mansion."

Zhang Hao was powerless to complain.

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