On Sunday night, Li Xi dragged his tired body back home.

He was exhausted in the past two days.

Taking over such a big hotel, there are so many things to do.

But Zhang Hao was a hands-off boss and ignored everything.

It was as if the hotel was not his.

The burden was completely on his shoulders.

The trouble was that the original work had not been dealt with.

Resigning and handing over work would also be a headache.

Open the door.

Then he felt something was wrong.

His girlfriend Wu Qian was sitting on the sofa.

Holding a suitcase in her hand.

A serious face.

It seemed that something big had happened.

"Wife, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xi was a little nervous.

"I've thought about it carefully. We are not suitable. Let's break up. I have packed my luggage and will wait for you to come back and say goodbye to you in person."

Wu Qian looked determined.

"What did I...do wrong? Wife, can't I change?"

Li Xi's heart sank and he was panicked.

Three years of love, is it going to end today?

Wife is a decisive person. She will basically not change her decision.

It is obvious that she really wants to break up with him.

"You...didn't do anything wrong. I want to break up with you myself."

"I don't believe it. I must have done something wrong. Do you dislike me for being poor?"

Li Xi asked.

"Do you know why I like you?"

Wu Qian said, "Because of your personality! The first time I met you was on the train. It was Chinese New Year and there was a shortage of seats. You gave me your seat. But you didn't flirt with me just because I was a beautiful woman. You really wanted to give your seat to someone who needed it. You stood for more than ten hours."

After a pause, she continued, "Later, when I was dating you, I found that your heart was purer than crystal. Being with you, I could be purified. So, I was attracted by your noble character. Then I fell in love with you. I never disliked your poverty."

"I know I am not worthy of you. You are like a swan in the sky, and I am a toad on the ground... But I still want to know why you are leaving me now?"

Li Xi said painfully.

"Although I don't mind your poverty, we still have to live." Wu Qian said, "How much money have you lent out in the past three years? Your salary, even my salary, has been lent out by you. In the past two days, even the last 30,000 yuan has been lent out by you. You even want to lend 1,000 yuan for living expenses to Zhang Hao. If he didn't feel guilty and didn't take it, we would have starved to death. I want to buy a house, I want to go shopping, I want to live a comfortable life like other women. But this is impossible. I can't blame you, because being helpful is a character that shines like gold. But I really can't bear it anymore."

"I'm sorry."

Li Xi looked sad.

Took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and tears came out with the smoke.

"Don't say sorry, I asked for it."

Wu Qian said.

"I'm too incompetent and can't make much money. So, I helped my friends and classmates, and I didn't live well myself, and I made you suffer together."

Li Xi said.

"Before you leave, let me give you some advice. You help others without asking for anything in return, but some people are greedy and insatiable. They are in trouble and ask you to borrow money. But when they have money, they are unwilling to pay it back. Look at your cousin, he drives a Mercedes and smokes Zhonghua. But did he pay you back the 100,000 yuan he borrowed from you? He never thought about it. Also, you gave money to your classmate named Zhang Hao five or six times, five or six hundred, seven or eight hundred each time. He also took it with peace of mind. Every time he came here, he came empty-handed. Every time he ate, you paid the bill. You really can't make friends with ungrateful people."

Wu Qian said.

The corners of Li Xi's mouth twitched, and an extremely strange expression appeared on his face.

Then he tilted his head to the side, obviously unable to hold back his laughter.

"What? Am I wrong?"

Wu Qian said with a dark face.

"Let's not talk about my cousin. He looks good on the surface, but he actually has no money. Otherwise, he would have paid me back long ago." Li Xi said, "As for Zhang Hao, he was in trouble before and was extremely poor. Every time he came to me, he was penniless. I was his last line of defense. How could I not help him? But now he is rich, and he is soaring to the sky. Now do you know how he helped me?"

"He is rich? Help you?"

Wu Qian was surprised.

"Look at this."

Li Xi took out a car key and put it in

On the coffee table.

Wu Qian picked it up, looked at it, and said in surprise: "Rollsrenance Phantom? It's a luxury car worth tens of millions. You didn't pick up these keys on the road, did you?"

"Then why don't you pick up a few?"

Li Xi was very happy, "This is the car he assigned to me. I will drive this car to and from work in the future."

This car is the configuration of the general manager of the hotel.

The former general manager Mr. Sun drove this car. Now that Li Xi has replaced him, of course it has become his car.

"He assigned you a Rollsrenance Phantom?"

Wu Qian's jaw almost dropped, "Why?"

"Because he insisted that I be the general manager, I couldn't refuse."

Li Xi said depressedly, "Actually, I really can't do it. I have a headache."

"What? He hired you as the general manager? What company?"

"Shenwan Hotel. He bought it yesterday."

Li Xi had a complicated expression on his face.

"Isn't that a six-star hotel? Worth nearly 20 billion? Not long ago, he had nothing. Now he can take out 20 billion to buy a hotel? I think you are dreaming, right?"

Wu Qian jumped up, "Or you are just trying to make me happy."


Li Xi first took her out to see the car, and then came back to tell her everything that happened this weekend.

"Driving a Koenigsegg, living in a billion-dollar mansion, and taking 20 billion to buy a hotel on the spot? And he can also take out 10 billion to start an investment company?" Wu Qian was stunned, "Where did he get the money? Is he from a hidden family?"

"I've been to his house, it's just an ordinary family, not very likely."

Li Xi said.

"Wait, let me check."

Wu Qian turned on her laptop, went online, and looked up the origin of Zhang Hao's wealth through special channels and methods.

She saw her ten fingers flying, turning into countless afterimages.

It was so clear that people couldn't see clearly.

A strange aura also emanated.

In about five minutes, she found out everything and said admiringly: "All of it was earned through legitimate means. It's not tens of billions, but hundreds of billions. Your classmate turned out to be a super elite, so amazing. I was superficial before."

This is the awesomeness of the system. Even the loan to Zhang Hao was legitimate.

There is absolutely no flaw.

"He is the classmate I admire most. If he hadn't been unlucky, he would have become rich long ago. Why would he have to wait until today..."

Li Xi said.

"But, I still don't agree with you being the general manager."

Wu Qian said.

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