The couple's marriage was a tragedy.

"Alas, what a pity."

The relatives of the Duan family were also shaking their heads.

It was originally a good marriage.

How could the Liu family not be awesome with a rich relative like Zhang Hao?

Look, Liu Xilei is now a manager with an annual salary of one million.

Now, only Gan Ling is fine.

It turns out that the blessed people don't have to work hard, just sit and wait.


Duan Ying was still crying.

"Why are you crying? Call him and tell him that you only need 500,000 yuan for the betrothal gift. Ask him to come back and take you to get married."

Duan's mother said.

"Husband, I'm wrong, my mother is wrong. We only need 500,000 color gifts. You are coming back, and I will get married immediately." Duan Ying immediately turned on Liu Xilei's phone. Cai Li, what else do you want? "" Who do you know you? "" I am your mother ... "" Who are you pretending to be? Be careful of Grandpa. "" You ... "" What are you? Shouting, "Let's go to Liu's house. I won't give up until I marry my daughter today."

"Forget it. I don't want to go. It's not fair for you to add the betrothal gift at the last minute. I'll just be humiliated if I go."

Many relatives and friends refused without hesitation.

They didn't want to participate in such a stupid act.


Mother Duan started to get mad, pointing at the sky and cursing the earth. She cursed Liu Xilei as a scumbag, and her relatives and friends as trash, who were unwilling to help with such a small favor. Then she said her husband was a sick pig, saying nothing and having no idea at all.

The scene was in chaos.

More and more people were watching the fun.

Pointing and talking about this ridiculous operation of changing the bride.

Everyone was laughing so hard.

Watching such a joke is much more enjoyable than watching a thrilling movie.

“Awesome, it’s really awesome. The super rich man is worthy of being a super rich man. He is smart and directly changed the bride, and it’s better. The wedding continues.”

“Xiyu is really lucky to find a super rich boyfriend. I am convinced by the idea he came up with today. He will be my idol from now on.”

“Our Liu family’s son-in-law is awesome. He is so awesome. Now, the Duan family will cry and regret it.”


The Liu family members who were welcoming the bride drove supercars, and they were very proud and excited.

“Brother Hao, how did you come up with such a good idea? Gan Ling is so many times better than Duan Ying. Now my brother is happy.”

Liu Xiyu also said with admiration.

“That family is not good. I can’t stand it for a long time. When I saw Duan Jun talking about Gan Ling, I had an idea. I didn’t expect it to be successful.”

Zhang Hao, who was driving, said with a smirk.

This is simply his masterpiece.

It will become a legend in the future.

Immediately, Zhang Hao received a call from Liu Xilei, "Brother Hao, Gan Ling is also a local, and we live very close. I mean, let's go to her house to meet her parents, and then go to the hotel, what do you think?"

"That's right."

Zhang Hao agreed with understanding.

"Oh my God, come and see the excitement, what kind of wedding convoy is that? So luxurious?"

"Nine top luxury cars, whose child is getting married? So awesome?"

"Oh my God, this is a top-notch rich man, right? Does our Magic City have such a great person?"


Countless people ran out of their homes to watch the excitement, with envy and admiration written all over their faces.

Gan's father and mother were also two of them.

They also stood on tiptoe to watch, shaking their heads and smacking their lips.

I dare not imagine what kind of rich man is getting married.

"Alas, our daughter can get married now. She has such good conditions, but why can't she find the right person?"

"Duan Jun is a good guy, but unfortunately he can't give the bride price, doesn't have a house, and his job is average. It seems that it won't work out."


Gan's father and mother watched the fun and talked at the same time.

Then they were a little confused.

Because the luxury car team drove straight over.

It stopped at the roadside in front of the house.

The car door opened, and a group of men and women got out.

One of them was her daughter Gan Ling.

She walked over quickly with Liu Xilei,

She shouted shyly: "Mom and Dad, I'm getting married today. Please inform relatives and friends and go to Juntianxia for dinner."

"What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

Gan's father and mother were stunned and completely dumbfounded.

This wedding car team appeared because of their daughter?

Is it their daughter's wedding?

Doesn't their daughter have a boyfriend?

"Mom and Dad, this is Liu Xilei. I'm getting married to him today. This is his brother-in-law Zhang Hao. He bought the car team..."

Gan Ling introduced shyly and excitedly.

"Wait, I don't understand it yet... Speak slowly."

Gan's mother was surprised.

"Let me tell you..."

Liu Xilei gave Gan's father a cigarette and told him everything in detail.

Gan's father and mother were stunned.

Did their daughter save all mankind in her previous life?

How could she encounter such a good thing?

Liu Xilei was tall and handsome, with an annual salary of one million, and a car and a house. My sister is also a stunning beauty, and my brother-in-law is a wealthy man with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

This is simply a super rich son-in-law.

But this is just picked up?

What is a blessing from heaven?

This is it!

What else is there to say?

I immediately agreed and started to prepare for the wedding.

Invited them in.

Received them warmly.

Started to make phone calls frantically, asking relatives and friends to come and congratulate.

Even, no betrothal gifts were required.

Liu Xilei was asked to take the 500,000 betrothal gifts back.

Even 500,000 was given as a dowry for the daughter.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is a good family."

Zhang Hao secretly admired.

Compared with the Duan family, the Gan family is so much better.

You should find such a family when looking for a wife.

"Brother Hao, how can I thank you? I am so happy."

Liu Xilei was extremely excited.

He jumped up with joy.

He was disgusted by the Duan family.

But Zhang Hao made a bold move and changed his bride.

She was gentle, generous, beautiful, well-educated, and had a good job.

Her family was also very understanding.

Happiness came too suddenly.

Soon, they also learned that Gan Ling had an older brother and a younger brother.

The former worked in a bank, and the latter was still in college.

The Gan family had two peasant buildings and three houses.

The conditions were much better than those of the Duan family.

And the Gan family also had many relatives and clansmen nearby.

After receiving the call, they all swarmed in.

The Gan family instantly became lively.

A relative also brought the wedding dress back directly.

It only took an hour.

Gan Ling put on the wedding dress and dressed up as beautiful as a fairy.

Then they got in the car, and Gan's father and mother also got in the extended Lincoln.

Many relatives also drove together.

They went to Juntianxia Hotel in a mighty manner.

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