The old man was very happy.

"If you can understand the operation of the stock god, then you are also the stock god."

"So, now you are still managers and traders, it is difficult to be the general manager."

"This is value investment, wealth is waiting. Be patient, okay!"

"I said last time, no questioning, just do what you should do."

"Come on, let's eat chicken together?"

Zhang Hao racked his brains to refute Deng Xiaoli.

Then he took all the employees and started playing games.

Such calmness made many employees doubt their lives.

Is it really that bad for himself and others?

Is Deng Xiaoli right?

Is the boss also a man of great talent?

Otherwise, how could she not frown even after losing 800 million?

"I am right, so Zhang Hao is so sure of me."

Deng Xiaoli was overjoyed, "I firmly believe that these stocks will rise, double and double again."

Then she made a decision: "Lock the position and wait and see after three months. All employees will be on holiday, and their salaries will be paid as usual. See you in three months."

"Oh my god..."

Even Zhang Hao was stunned.

How could there be such a big-hearted woman in the world?

Do you think this is a game?

This is the rhythm of losing all your pants.

However, isn't this the talent I have been waiting for for a long time?

This is enough to make me lose money for three months.

Moreover, in this way, I don't have to rack my brains to fool the manager and the trader.

So he slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "This is a good decision. I will just pay you three months' salary in advance. Then you can play with confidence."

"Oh my god..."

All the employees were stunned.

Are these two fools?

"The chairman must be joking, or he is just mocking the general manager."

The three managers don't think so.

If Zhang Hao is really a fool, how could he make so much money?

Any rich man is not simple, and he is more clever than monkeys. If you think they are fools, then you are the fool.

But what is incredible is that Zhang Hao immediately notified the accounting department and paid all managers and traders three months' salary.

He also said with a smile: "Have fun, come back in three months to get a bonus, that is not a small amount. Don't be stupid and don't come back."

"My God, is the chairman serious? Why is this?"

The three managers were shocked, and the rest of the staff were also shocked.

But they began to cheer.

They got three months' salary in one go, and they didn't have to go to work.

They can go wherever they want to play.

They can even work part-time and get another salary.

As for whether they will come back in three months, it depends on the situation.

If the locked stocks make a lot of money, of course you can come back. If you lose all your money, there is no need to come back.

Then there will definitely be no bonus.

"Chairman, is this appropriate?"

The female manager named Du Yun said hesitantly.

"Appropriate, why not? Wealth is really waiting. If you trade frequently, you may not make money, but often sell at a loss. But value investment is different. Don't look at it after buying it, so as not to affect your judgment. This is the smartest way to trade stocks."

Zhang Hao said seriously.

"Wealth is waiting? After three months, most stocks will become waste paper, and your tens of billions of wealth will basically be gone. Let's see how you cry at that time."

Many employees shook their heads secretly.

They are all people who roll in the stock market. Although they are not stock gods, they are not people that Zhang Hao can fool.

They have seen too many stocks suitable for value investment, which suddenly exploded and plummeted.

Not to mention three months, even three years, thirty years will keep falling.

So, once you encounter such a stock, you must sell it immediately and change to another stock.

Locking positions is the stupidest operation.

But since they have received their salaries, and they have tried their best to persuade them.

If the boss doesn't listen, they can't do anything.

So they all went on vacation and dispersed.

Who wants to go to work?

Isn't paid vacation good?

"Deng Xiaoli, why don't you leave? You can go on vacation."

Zhang Hao was surprised.

He paid her 300,000 yuan.

It's like making a small fortune.

Since the positions are locked, there is no need to stay in the company.

If she changes her mind and recalls the employees, it will be a loss for three months, which is hard to say.

"I don't have enough experience, so,

I'd better stay in the company and learn some theoretical knowledge. ”

Deng Xiaoli said.

"You have enough experience. Your operation this time amazed me. I admire you very much. I can now declare that you are the stock god, a super powerful stock god."

Zhang Hao said with a smile.

"I think so too. But there is no end to learning. I still want to improve and become a more powerful stock god."

Deng Xiaoli said, "A real stock god must be extremely strong in his heart, not happy when he makes a profit, and not sad when he loses. Once he makes a plan, he will always execute it. But I am not good enough. I am worried that the employees will affect my judgment and decision, so I gave them a holiday. I hope that after three months, when they come back, I can practice to the point where they can never shake my heart."

"Okay, well said. "

Zhang Hao was beaming with joy.

I want this kind of single-minded stock god.

He is strong inside, unshakable, and will not change stocks even if he loses all his money.

How much sorrow can you have? It is like a full warehouse of PetroChina.

This state is wrong.

You must not worry at all.

Believe that it will rise again in ten or a hundred years.

It seems that my luck is very good. This is a talent sent by God.

"Thank you for the compliment. Compared with you, I am still far behind, but you are not as good as me in stock trading." Deng Xiaoli said, "I used 35,000 yuan of stock capital and lost 30,000 yuan. That was a bloody lesson, which made me realize a lot. The first realization is that frequent operations are wrong. The second realization is that cutting losses is also wrong, and the third realization is that changing stocks is also wrong... I have written a stock trading notebook."

"I admire you..." Zhang Hao said, "But you don't have to stay in the company every day, and you don't have to come to work. You can also feel the same at home. ”

“You are so nice to me, but you are also a thief. You know that I am a rare stock god who can make you a huge fortune.” Deng Xiaoli smiled and became more confident. “Then I will leave first. I will find a house and pay the down payment. Then I will have my own house.”

Wait for Deng Xiaoli to leave.

Zhang Hao bent over and laughed.

He almost laughed out of breath.

There is definitely only one weirdo like Deng Xiaoli in the world.

Oh my god, it’s a good thing she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

Otherwise, her boyfriend would have a heart attack.

“Now the economic problem has been completely solved. Tens of trillions will come in soon. How can I spend all this money?”

Zhang Hao smiled lewdly and looked forward to the end of the month.

(Begging for five-star rating votes. Thank you brothers.)

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