The two girls were busy, and the two girls were busy.

Shenwan Hotel, Chairman's Office.

Zhang Hao, Li Xi, and the financial manager sat on the sofa.

Two twin gold medal waiters, one was making tea, and the other was massaging Zhang Hao's shoulders.

Now Zhang Hao knew their names, Jiang Xueqing and Jiang Xueyu.

They were exactly the same in height and appearance.

The only difference was the red and white roses embroidered on their wrists.

The former was the elder sister, and the latter was the younger sister.

"These two women are so beautiful."

Duan Shanshan, who was standing aside, exclaimed secretly.

They looked at Senior Brother Shenhao with great admiration and affection.

They were obviously secretly in love with him.

Wu Dongfei, Wu Dongfei, if you don't agree quickly, you may have nothing to do.

"This month's profit is not bad, a net profit of more than 311 million."

Li Xi said lightly, relaxed and satisfied.

"Net profit of more than 300 million?"

Zhang Hao's head was spinning, his eyes were black, as if he was a prisoner sentenced to death and about to go to the execution ground.

At this moment, he was a little skeptical about his life.

Can someone like Li Xi manage a hotel well?

Can he make so much money?

Did I hear it wrong?

Or is Li Xi reporting nonsense?

"Chairman, this is the report."

The financial manager seemed to understand what Zhang Hao was thinking.

Handed over a stack of papers.

Zhang Hao took it and examined it carefully.

Catering, accommodation, karaoke, sauna, foot washing and massage...

All of them are profitable, just to varying degrees.

Obviously, this is true.

Li Xi really made the hotel profitable.

"Perhaps, the hotel used to have a high profit, and there must be a huge drop this month, so next month will start to lose money."

Zhang Hao began to comfort himself.

So he asked: "How much profit did it make every month in the past?"

"Not bad, about 270 to 800 million."

The financial manager said.

"How is this possible?"

Zhang Hao was shocked beyond measure.

The profit did not drop, but increased significantly?

Did I misjudge him?

In fact, Li Xi is very good at management?

What the hell is going on?

Do I care about this mere 300 million?

What I want is tens of billions, hundreds of billions.

My beautiful dream was ruthlessly shattered like this?

"Student Li Xi, you really didn't let me down."

Zhang Hao praised him against his conscience.

"You said it a long time ago, it's not difficult to manage a hotel. I didn't believe it at the time, but now I believe it." Li Xi said lightly.

"Is it really easy?"

Zhang Hao looked at him straight in the eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to see into his heart.

"It's really easy. Maybe I have talent."

Li Xi was a little flustered, but he tried his best to hold back.

What's the difference between the merits of his wife and his own merits?

Anyway, I can't say it, otherwise I will be transferred by him and take charge of the situation.

Then I'll be dead.

"You go out first. I want to be quiet. By the way, her name is Duan Shanshan, a student of Futan University, with good ability, and comes to the hotel to work part-time. Mr. Li, please arrange it."

Zhang Hao waved his hand weakly.

Li Xi and the other three retreated.

All muttered in their hearts, "The boss is the boss. He doesn't care about the profit of more than 310 million. He is not moved at all. Obviously, he doesn't care about it."

There were only three people left in the office.

Zhang Hao and two gold medal waiters.

The two waiters didn't dare to speak.

So, there was silence.

"Tell me, what kind of person is Li Xi? What are his abilities?"

Zhang Hao suddenly asked.

He was already a little unconfident.

After so many years of friendship, how could I have misjudged him?

"We dare not."

"Why not?"

"He is the general manager and we are waiters. How can we say bad things about the general manager?"

"You two are my personal spies. Just tell the truth. Tell the pros and cons. It doesn't matter if you are wrong. I will ask more people."

"Personal spies?"

The two sisters blushed and their eyes were watery.

Then they said at the same time: "General Manager Li is a smiling tiger."

"Smiling tiger? How do you say that?"

Zhang Hao was stunned. Isn't Li Xi a good man?

He is a woman of kindness. He helps his subordinates take the blame when they make mistakes.

How could he be a smiling tiger?

"He looks smiling and sincere to everyone. He seems harmless. But he will be ruthless when he turns his back. He is merciless. He is extremely vicious. An employee was late once. He smiled and said it was okay on the surface, but he turned his back and swept the person.

He went out of the house. A security guard was not disciplined and accepted a pack of cigarettes from a customer. He pretended not to see it. But the next day, the security guard was notified to settle his salary and leave. "

"Since he took office, he has fired at least 100 employees, all of whom made some minor mistakes and were harmless."

"Now, everyone is afraid of him. They all say that he is a smiling tiger, and he wants to eat people. They are all trembling and dare not make mistakes. How can there be such a smiling tiger in the world? You can't tell from the appearance at all."


"Alas! You can know a person's face but not his heart. It's hard to draw the bones of a tiger even if you draw its skin. Li Xi, I misjudged you. It turns out that you are a smiling tiger? Damn, I have been deceived by you for more than ten years. You have hurt me. "

This time, Zhang Hao really cried and fainted in the toilet.

Now he is in big trouble.

Li Xi is his brother and has done him a favor.

Now he has quit his job and comes to manage the hotel.

The hotel is profitable and the performance is better than before.

Shoot him?

There is no reason.

But if he is not fired, the hotel will continue to make profits.

Two billion investment. When can I get it back?

"300 million per month, 3.6 billion a year? Can it be earned back in six years? "

Zhang Hao counted on his fingers.

He shook his head secretly, because he had a system.

How could he make money at such a slow speed?

Wouldn't that be a waste of the system?

No, I have to think of a way.

Li Xi, you smiling tiger, how dare you cheat me?

Just wait.

I will definitely make you look good!

Zhang Hao drove away.

On the surface, he was smiling, but secretly he was in tears.

It was a perfect plan, a sure thing.

But it failed.

Arriving at Haitian Building, Zhang Hao's mood improved.

Because the local tyrant investment company will definitely lose money.

100% sure.

Even if it loses 10%, it will still be 1 billion.

System compensation is 10 trillion.

Is 10 trillion enough?

I can't spend it all in my lifetime.

So, it is important to have a stock god who can back me up.

All the way to the general manager's office.

Deng Xiaoli is studying.

The table is piled with books on stock trading.

She is reading with great interest, taking notes while reading.

"Mr. Deng, can you open your account so I can check the situation?"

Zhang Hao said.

"What are you looking at? Didn't you say you would check it in three months?"

Stock god Deng Xiaoli is very unhappy.

She is so impatient.

How can you be so impatient when trading stocks?

You can't bear it in one month?

If it were me, I wouldn't be impatient even if I didn't check it for a year.

So, I am the stock god.

Zhang Hao is a leek.

There is a huge difference.

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