The more you learn, the more you will learn.

"It's not difficult for us who study computer science to make money. How many big guys have become rich with computer technology? Boss Li of Qiandu, Penguin Mahuateng, Zhang Xiaolong of WeChat, Boss Zhang of Toutiao, and Robert, the owner of the hand speed website..." Guan Weiliang looked at Zhang Hao and said, "That's too far off topic. Let's talk about hand speed. Here is an article that I borrowed from the hand speed website... You practice at the fastest speed. If you can finish it within 10 minutes, it will be basically up to the requirements. If you can finish it in 8 minutes, it will be excellent. If you can finish it in 4 minutes, your hand speed can enter the top 10,000 in the world..."

The students were inexplicably excited. They opened the typing practice software and started typing frantically.


Ten fingers flew, and the sound continued.

It was like a violent storm.

Finally, everyone finished.

"Look at the time, who finished within ten minutes?"

The teacher said, "Raise your hands."

He looked around, "Not even half of them."

Then he asked, "Did anyone finish in eight minutes?"

No one said anything for a long time, and they all hung their heads.

"No one? Look at you. You don't pay enough attention to the basics, not even one person is excellent..."

The teacher had a dark face and was very dissatisfied.

"Teacher, don't be so absolute, maybe the senior brother is very fast?"

Liu Xiyu couldn't help saying.

This guy used her to bet, which made her very unhappy.

If there was a chance to make him look bad, of course he couldn't let it go.

So Guan Weiliang looked at Zhang Hao and asked, "How long did it take you?"

"Two minutes..."

Zhang Hao said.

He was also very surprised by this result.

But thinking back, he was relieved.

System strengthening not only strengthens the body, but also strengthens the nervous system.

With the improvement of reaction speed, the hand speed has also increased dramatically.

I have already felt it while typing these two days.

In fact, if the hand speed does not improve, the system will compensate ten thousand times if the test fails this time.

My hand speed is still the best in the world.

It is inevitable.

"What? Two minutes?"

All the classmates and Liu Xiyu were stunned, and then they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This is too much.

4 minutes can make the hand speed in the top 10,000 in the world.

Wouldn't two minutes be the best in the world?

"Zhang Hao, lying is not a good habit."

Guan Weiliang's face turned black.

I regretted asking Zhang Hao to come to class.

It's just a hopeless case. Zhang Hao has fallen a long time ago.

He confessed to Liu Xiyu and now he is bragging like this.

It's unbearable to watch.

"This is not a big deal, why would I lie?"

Zhang Hao was stunned.

"Then do you know how long it takes the world's top hand speed ranking? I'll tell you, it's 3 minutes 36 seconds 01. Could it be that you are much better than the world's top one?"

"The stall-setting senior brother is exaggerating."

"This is the sadness of the ignorant. It seems that the stall-setting senior brother is busy setting up the stall and doesn't know the world's top hand speed ranking at all."

"It's so funny..."


Many students looked at each other with contempt and ridicule.

Liu Xiyu also laughed so hard that her body shook.

"3 minutes 36 seconds 01? So amazing."

Zhang Hao couldn't help but say.

He was not even twice as fast as the other person.

He is the world's top tough guy.

"Now you admit that you lied?"

Guan Weiliang said coldly, "I had a good impression of you, but you really disappointed me."

"I just said that person was good, but he was not much slower than me. But I did take only two minutes." Zhang Hao said.


Guan Weiliang came over and looked at Zhang Hao's computer screen, and found that the time on the calculator was: 1 minute 58 seconds 22.

He frowned, "Cheating?"


"Then practice again!"

Guan Weiliang said, "Let's witness this great historical moment together."

There was a strong sense of sarcasm in his tone.

He was really irritated by Zhang Hao.

He was kind enough to help him and let him attend a class to give him inspiration to start a business again.

But he actually boasted.

His hand speed is nearly twice that of the world's number one?

How ridiculous is this?

Is he trying to show off in front of Liu Xiyu?

Is that a woman you can chase?

It's totally nonsense.


All the classmates gathered around to watch the fun jokingly.


Zhang Hao chuckled and his hands suddenly moved.

Rapidly typing on the keyboard.



It was like rain hitting banana leaves.


Too fast.

The ten fingers turned into countless afterimages that were hard to see.

The words on the screen flowed down like a waterfall.

Soon, the test was over.

There was an improvement this time: 1 minute 52 seconds 03.

The whole audience was silent.

You could hear a pin drop.

All the students, including Liu Xiyu, had dull eyes and their mouths opened to the limit.

What the hell.

It was actually true.

The stall-setting senior brother really finished it in more than a minute.

It took half the time of the world's number one.

You just laughed at him?

This is a slap in the face.

It hurts!

"Hahaha, great, Zhang Hao, you really didn't lie, your hand speed is the best in the world. Now, register on Robert's website, take the test, and get the first place in the world hand speed list, and get a bonus of 10 million Mi Jin. Let the world see how powerful we Chinese are. Let those who ridicule you see that you, Zhang Hao, are still the same Zhang Hao, and you rose overnight."

Guan Weiliang laughed.

"What? A reward of 10 million Mi Jin?"

All the classmates were stunned and envious.

"Beauty, I have a premonition. In a few days, you will happily accompany me to my ex-girlfriend's wedding."

Zhang Hao teased in Liu Xiyu's ear.

"You are dreaming..."

Liu Xiyu was furious.

I will happily accompany you to the wedding?

Isn't it just a bonus of 10 million Mi Jin?

What does that mean?

But she quickly counted on her fingers again.

10 million Mi Jin is 70 million RMB.

Use 20 million to buy luxury houses and cars, and deposit the remaining 50 million in the bank, with an annual interest of 2 to 3 million.

You can eat and drink delicious food for the rest of your life.

Zhang Hao clicked on the World Hand Speed ​​Network.

This was his first time visiting this website.

Although he had heard of this new website in the past, he didn't pay much attention to it.

He didn't pay attention to the prize money because he didn't think he could get it.

The website is clean and tidy.

There is a window for testing hand speed in front of you. To test, you must first register and turn on the camera to test it under the camera.

The most conspicuous position below is the world hand speed ranking list.

First place, Elby, the United States, hand speed: 3 minutes 36 seconds 01

Second place, Smith, the United Kingdom, hand speed: 3 minutes 41 seconds 02

Third place…

There is a banner on the right: Win the grand prize by taking the hand speed test, and millions of dollars are waiting for you.

Click it and you can see the description of the prize money.

If the first place is not surpassed in three days, a prize of one million meters will be awarded. If it can last longer, the prize will also increase.

Erby's record has not been surpassed for ten consecutive days.

Therefore, he got the highest prize of 3 million.

In addition, if someone can break the three-minute limit, the prize will be 3.5 million.

If the limit is broken in two minutes, another 3.5 million meters will be awarded.

All the prizes added up are really tens of millions of meters.

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