The results are valid. Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Hao for being ranked first in the world hand speed list. I believe that it is very difficult to surpass such a result. Therefore, the bonus of 10 million yuan will be paid in advance..." Stephen took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Hao. "I really got the 10 million yuan!" Everyone was so envious that their eyes turned red. The principal and teachers all smiled brightly and applauded vigorously. Wu Dongfei smiled like a flower. Liu Xiyu had a complicated expression on her face. A street vendor could actually be ranked first in the world hand speed list? Get a bonus of 10 million yuan? He will become a rich man in the future. He can own a luxury house and a luxury car, and still have 50 million left to deposit in the bank to earn interest.

He can live comfortably without working for his whole life.

I'm so envious!

"Elby, eat shit."

"Elby, you lost, eat shit."

"Zhang Hao is amazing, Elby eats shit..."

The forum of the hand speed website was also in an uproar.

"How is it possible?"

Elby sat in front of the computer, looking lonely and shocked.

It's not cheating?

He lost?

Eat shit?

How can he eat this?

Zhang Hao stuffed the check into his trouser pocket nonchalantly, "Mr. Stephen, the test just now is not enough, I want to test it with both hands to see how fast my hand is? I can guarantee that it must be a record that no one can break."

"Can you control different keyboards with your left and right hands at the same time?"

Stephen's eyes lit up, and his face was filled with excitement and excitement.

"As the world's number one computer expert, isn't it normal to be able to shoot with both hands? Let's put it this way. I challenge the world's top computer experts. Anyone who can reach half of my speed will be rewarded with 10 million yuan." Zhang Hao said calmly. "Oh my god, crazy, reaching half of his speed?" "Fuck, is he really the world's number one computer expert?" "Oh my god, I finally met a madman today..." "..." All those who can understand English are stunned and shocked. Liu Xiyu is completely confused. You are the world's number one hand speed vendor, and you get 10 million yuan in gold. Not satisfied, you actually say you are the world's number one computer expert? You also want to test the left and right bows and challenge computer experts all over the world? How crazy are you? If you are so crazy, why do you go to the street stall? "The world's number one computer expert?" At Shenwan Hotel, Wu Qian's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light. His face flushed with excitement.

He looked eager to try.

"Then let's give it a try."

Countless super awesome hackers, top computer experts.

Immediately start preparing for the challenge.

Stephen immediately called his boss for instructions.

Robert, the owner of the hand speed website, was also watching the live broadcast. How could he not agree?

Such a gimmick is of great benefit to the hand speed website.

The computer experts of the hand speed website quickly modified the program and made a test window that could shoot left and right in just ten minutes.

At the scene, two laptops were also ready, both connected to mechanical keyboards.

Stephen announced excitedly: "We have opened a new list of double-sided shooters on our website. The name may not be determined yet. The specific rules are still waiting to be perfected, but the prize money is the same, the highest is 10 million yuan. If Zhang Hao can dominate the first throne, he will be awarded another 10 million yuan."

"Oh my God, Zhang Hao is so proud, he is going to get another 10 million yuan bonus? Isn't it 20 million? 140 million yuan?"

"Oh my god, Zhang Hao is so awesome, he made a new list and got another 10 million yuan bonus?"

"Zhang Hao got rich..."


Countless classmates and teachers were extremely excited.

Many reporters were shaking with excitement, and ecstasy appeared on their faces.

I didn't expect that today's interview would have such a climax?

"Hahaha, today's decisive battle is on the top of Huashan Mountain, it's so exciting. Who in the world can fight with me, Zhang Hao?"

Zhang Hao laughed, "Key up!"

"Fuck, this guy is so pretentious."

"Hahaha, it's so funny."

"So cool, this is a real man."

"It makes my blood boil, we Chinese are so awesome."

"Brother Hao is mighty."

"Brother Hao is invincible."

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao, I love you..."


On the Internet, in the live broadcast room, countless people are excited and excited.

It's totally possible

With that, netizens all over the world were moved by Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao clicked the start button with both hands.

Different texts were generated on the two computer screens.

The left-handed shooting test began!

Zhang Hao's two hands moved suddenly, tapping the keyboard like light and electricity.

It turned into countless afterimages that were hard to see.


The sound was as dense as rain hitting banana leaves.

The text on the two screens was generated rapidly, flowing down like a waterfall.

"Fuck, I can really shoot with both hands and type different texts, and there are no mistakes. How is this possible?"

"Oh my God, is this the magical ability that top hackers have?"

"So awesome, so magical, incredible."

"Oh my God, this is too cool, too cool, too domineering."


Countless people were shocked to the extreme, their eyes were eager.

"So fast, so strong..."

Countless computer experts and top hackers around the world were full of fear on their faces.

The results haven't been seen yet, but they feel that they may be more than twice as fast as them.

It's not easy to get the 10 million yuan bonus that Zhang Hao personally gave.

Finally, Zhang Hao's two hands completed typing one after another.

The test is effective.

Left hand speed: 1 minute 48 seconds 12

Right hand speed: 1 minute 46 seconds 31

"Oh my God, this is too scary, right?"

The people at the scene, all those watching the live broadcast, were all stunned.


Can you type with one hand in less than two minutes?

Is this really something that people can do?

You know, the former world No. 1, Elby, typed with both hands at a speed of 3 minutes 36 seconds 01.

Smith, the former second place, typed with both hands at a speed of 3 minutes 41 seconds 02.

In other words, even if Zhang Hao typed with both hands, his typing results would be far better than their typing results with both hands.

The time difference is almost two minutes.

This is an infinitely far gap.

No one can catch up.

Even half of the score is difficult.

Not to mention half of Zhang Hao's score in both hands.

"Monster, it's just a terrifying monster, is it an alien?"

"Awesome, too awesome, I'm not as good as him."


The top computer experts and hacker experts in the world are like defeated roosters.

They drooped their heads.

It seems that Zhang Hao was not bragging when he said he was the world's number one computer expert.

"Zhang Hao, your score in both hands can be within two points. Even if you are the current world number one, I believe that you will not be surpassed for a long time. Therefore, according to the regulations, another 10 million meters of gold will be awarded."

Stephen wrote another check on the spot and handed it to Zhang Hao.

He was very happy.

Because Zhang Hao brought huge traffic to and created a huge topic. More importantly, he created another list.

Make the hand speed test of more interesting.

The benefits brought are more than 20 million meters of gold?

Zhang Hao is definitely the lucky star of their hand speed network.

7 `�R)s�0

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