The old man was very angry.

"Qiao Na, you actually applied for the position of secretary to the board of directors of my company? Why didn't you tell me?"

Sha Zhengwen was distressed and depressed.

He already had a girlfriend and they were in a good relationship. If Qiao Na came to work, would he still be at peace?

That was the goddess he had loved before.

Moreover, the goddess came to his company to apply for a job, most likely for him.

After all, she was single again now.

"Why should I tell you? Can you still help? That's the new chairman."

Qiao Na sneered.

He just found some suitable companies to submit his resume.

He didn't expect that there were former classmates in this company.

Moreover, is it so easy to apply for the position of secretary to the board of directors?

He studied computer science, not secretary.

Just relying on her outstanding appearance, she just tried it.

The chairman can decide whether the secretary of the board of directors can be appointed. It is useless to use backdoor connections or tell Sha Zhengwen.

But if the chairman is an alumnus, the possibility of success will be greatly increased.

"I can give you a tip-off, for example, how much salary do you propose? I know everything."

"How much salary? Tell me quickly."

"The annual salary of the secretaries of the board of directors in our company is about 500,000. If you can seize the opportunity to get promoted, you will be promoted directly. The previous secretary of the board of directors has now married the former chairman and immigrated abroad together."

"An annual salary of 500,000? Seize the opportunity to get promoted? Are all the secretaries of the board of directors like this now?"

Qiao Na's face was flushed.

She began to dress up carefully.

She put on the most beautiful clothes.

She sprayed the most expensive perfume.

Then she drove out to Weijie Game Company.

Her face was full of expectations.

Perhaps, this is a turning point in her life.

Humph, Zhang Hao, wait until I succeed in getting promoted and become the boss lady with a net worth of nearly 100 billion, and then I will humiliate you!

Wan Kuang, you'd better die in Aomen and never come back. I don't want to see you, an incompetent idiot, being ruined and destroyed by Zhang Hao.

You've embarrassed me too.


A cool Koenigsegg came speeding from the other side of the road.

The driver was of course the high-spirited Zhang Hao.

"Here it comes, it must be the chairman's car."

The senior executives of Weijie Company were excited and nervous.

They stood straight, and they all looked extraordinary.

Sha Zhengwen was also standing in a conspicuous position, with eager eyes and expectation on his face.

Lu Mingyan was a little nervous and panicked.

It was really hard to figure out the character and temper of the new chairman.

With a swish, the car stopped at the door.

A young man with a dignified demeanor walked down.

He was wearing a set of designer clothes and a Patek Philippe watch on his wrist.

It seemed to be the most precious one.

He exuded a strong sense of wealth.

"Oh my god, he is too rich. He drives a Koenigsegg worth 100 million yuan, and his watch is worth more than 70 million yuan? He is like a mobile vault. Isn't it dangerous to go out like this?"

Some high-level executives with good eyes were secretly shocked.

"What's going on? He looks a bit like Zhang Hao?"

Sha Zhengwen was shocked, but he shuddered secretly.

His heart was pounding.

It shouldn't be Zhang Hao, no, definitely not.

Zhang Hao graduated only three years ago, and he went bankrupt two years ago.

It's the best to make 1 billion.

He can also buy a game company with 80 billion?

They look alike, they must look alike.

Aren't there several people who look exactly like Ma?

But in fact, they are not related by blood.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

"Hello, Chairman."

Everyone saluted respectfully.

Sha Zhengwen shouted even louder.


Zhang Hao glanced around meaningfully, his eyes lingering on Sha Zhengwen's face for a few seconds. He walked into the company gate surrounded by senior executives.

It is very spacious, covering an area of ​​about 500 acres.

It is surrounded by a two-meter-high wall.

There are three office buildings and dozens of employee dormitories.

Because the company's business is not only to develop games, but also to produce some gaming equipment.

For example, gaming keyboards and gaming mice.

In other words, both software and hardware are involved.

So, there are more than 5,000 employees.

The company's greening work is very good, with grass like carpets, green trees and flower beds everywhere.

There are even several basketball courts and a football field.

"Not bad, not bad, I like it very much."

Zhang Hao was very happy.

Such a spacious and beautiful company belongs to me?


More than a thousand employees will have to rely on themselves to pay their salaries in the future?

This is more face-saving than buying a six-star hotel.

This is your own independent kingdom.

Everything is decided by you as the boss.

However, how to run the company needs to be carefully considered.

Should it be allowed to make losses and get system compensation?

Or should it be allowed to make profits? To save face?

With the increase of industries, profitable companies must exist, otherwise, all your industries will be loss-making, how bad would it sound to say that?

Came to the top floor of the office building and entered a conference room.

Many senior executives began to introduce themselves.

General Manager Deng Zhixue, male, PhD, 36 years old, has been in office for three years.

Two vice presidents, one surnamed Liu and the other surnamed Zhao, are also male and have high academic qualifications. They are both in their thirties and are responsible for the production department and the game development department respectively.

Human Resources Manager Xi Qianyan, 28 years old, has a high appearance, at least 85 points.

Finance Manager Kong Xihua, 80 points in appearance, but should be around 30 years old.

Then there was the design manager, the production manager...

"Chairman, the company's financial situation is as follows..."

General Manager Deng Zhixue began to report.

The company is in good operating condition, with an annual profit of about 10 billion.

No debt.

It is simply a golden hen that lays eggs.

Moreover, a game is about to be publicly tested recently.

Once it becomes popular, the company will get a lot of cash flow.

Profits can be greatly increased.

"Annual profit of 10 billion? Not bad. It's hard for such a company to lose money. I can only let it continue to make profits and use it to earn face for myself."

Zhang Hao carefully looked at the report and made a decision in his heart.

He started from scratch and has a net worth of over 100 million.

Now there is a system as the background, of course, he is not panicked at all.

Calm and confident.

"Chairman, this is Sha Zhengwen, deputy manager of the design department, with good skills."

Vice President Zhao found that Zhang Hao's eyes fell on Sha Zhengwen's face several times, so he introduced him specifically.

"Hello, Chairman. I heard that you graduated from Futan University? Me too..."

Sha Zhengwen looked at Zhang Hao with the same eyes as a pug looking at his master.

"Nonsense, didn't we meet on Saturday?"

Zhang Hao said.

"Saturday? Have we met? Why don't I remember?"

Sha Zhengwen was confused.

"Damn, has this idiot got amnesia? Did he have a problem eating pumpkin?"

Zhang Hao had a strange expression on his face and said coldly: "Then let me remind you, I asked you to eat pumpkin on Saturday, remember?"

"Eat pumpkin? You... are Zhang Hao?"

Sha Zhengwen's eyes widened, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

His face was full of fear and disbelief.

"You still haven't recognized me?"

Zhang Hao said, "Are you pretending to be an ostrich, or is there something wrong with your brain?"

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