The two of them were very happy.

"Sisters, bless me."

Xin Qianqian dressed up more beautifully than ever before, carrying a shoulder bag to go out.

A super academic master, she is also very beautiful, just one level lower than the four campus beauties, and is the belle of the computer department.

She taught herself most of the university courses, and she doesn't want to have a boyfriend, so finding a part-time job is the most ideal.

She has great expectations for this interview.

"Qianqian, you will definitely succeed in the interview."

"You are such a well-behaved and obedient beauty, and you are also a university master, you will definitely succeed."

"Come on, our Qianqian is invincible."


The four roommates, including Wu Dongfei, said with a smile.

Arriving at Weijie Game Company, the receptionist looked her up and down and said, "Not bad, very pure, and with a very good figure... This is what a secretary to the board of directors should look like."

"Well, sorry, I'm here to apply for a job as a game designer."

Xin Qianqian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Not applying for a job as a secretary to the board of directors?"

The receptionist was stunned, and then sent her to another meeting room.

Soon, Xin Qianqian came out with her head drooping.

Because the interview failed.

My skills are still not good enough, if it is a full-time job, it is barely okay.

But part-time is not enough.

For part-time, you must be a top expert, too popular, so you work part-time in many companies.

But of course you have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

"Beauty, did you fail the interview?"

The receptionist has a good impression of Xin Qianqian. Such a pure and beautiful woman is too rare.

I couldn't help asking with concern.


Xin Qianqian said depressedly, "Your company's requirements are too high. I'm only a sophomore, so I'm not qualified to work part-time."

"Then how about applying for the position of secretary to the board of directors?"

The receptionist lowered her voice.

"How can I apply for it?"

Xin Qianqian was both amused and annoyed, because she was not a secretary major.

And it can only be a part-time job.

Have you heard of part-time secretaries?

"Secretaries to the board of directors don't have much to do, and part-time jobs are not impossible. As long as the chairman likes it, it's fine."

The receptionist continued to lobby, "It doesn't matter if you try, you're here."

"Is the salary high?"

Xin Qianqian asked in a low voice.

"At least 500,000 yuan a year."

The receptionist lowered her voice and revealed the secret.

If Xin Qianqian applies for the position of secretary to the board of directors, it means she will have a powerful friend.

And this is one of the hidden benefits of being a receptionist.

You can be the first to make friends with the company's top management.

"So high? Then give it a try..."

Xin Qianqian was shocked and happily agreed.

Soon, she was arranged to another meeting room, waiting for the interview with the secretary of the board of directors.

But she soon became a little unconfident.

Because the meeting room was full of beauties.

One was more beautiful than the other, and one was more coquettish than the other.

The only thing she could surpass them was age.

After all, she was only 20 years old.

She couldn't help but say in the dormitory group: "Sisters, I failed to apply for a part-time game design staff. Now I am applying for the secretary of the board of directors instead. Please pray for me..."


"Secretary of the board of directors? Qianqian, are you going to use your beauty?"

"How can you be a secretary of the board of directors part-time..."


The four roommates were stunned and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The interview has begun.

One by one, the beauties were called into the chairman's office.

Yes, Zhang Hao interviewed in his own office.

And it was very convenient and suitable.

An area of ​​200 square meters.

There is a small meeting room, a coffee table and a sofa for drinking tea.

There is also a small cubicle for the secretary to work.

There is even a lounge with three bedrooms and one living room in the back.

It was decorated extraordinarily luxuriously.

It was used for the chairman and the secretary to rest.

The interviewers were of course Zhang Hao and the HR manager Xi Qianyan.

Xi Qianyan was just an assistant, asking about the beauty's education, work experience, etc.

Zhang Hao didn't talk much, and often asked only a few questions.

Any flirtatious, sexually suggestive, or experienced women were immediately abandoned by him. Anyone with a boyfriend was also secretly crossed out by him.

He was a germaphobe in this regard.

His secretary must be pure.

If she was secretly influenced by another man during work.

It was very uncomfortable to think about it.

So, after a round of interviews, there were more than a dozen, and none of them met Zhang Hao's requirements.

"Chairman, your requirements are too high."

Xi Qianyan said, "But the next one is very

Not bad. She has never had a boyfriend in three years since she graduated from college, and she is also very pretty. And she is your schoolmate. "


Zhang Hao became interested.

A woman with a very good appearance who has never had a boyfriend in three years since she graduated from college is either lying or she thinks too highly of herself and looks down on any man around her. Of course, there is another possibility, that is Lily.

The second one is worth looking forward to.

Knock, knock, knock...

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in..."

The door was pushed open.

Qiao Na walked in with an elegant step.

But she was soon shocked.

Because the chairman and Zhang Hao are too similar, it's like they were cast from the same mold.

However, the clothes are different, and the temperament seems to be different.

More confident, more proud.

There is also a Patek Philippe watch on the wrist.

"It's not Zhang Hao, just the same appearance. The world is so big, there are still people who look exactly the same. "Qiao Na also started to play the ostrich like Sha Zhengwen.

That is, self-deception.

And there are sufficient reasons.

That day at Aomen, Zhang Hao said that he had earned 1 billion in two years.

But the chairman in front of him had 80 billion.

It was not comparable to Zhang Hao at all.

So, she quickly calmed down and sat down opposite Zhang Hao and Xi Qianyan.

She sat in a very dignified posture.

She also had a very good temperament.

"Isn't the world too small?"

Zhang Hao had a strange expression on his face. Qiao Na actually came to interview the secretary of the board?

And this woman didn't seem to recognize herself?

And dared to sit down calmly?

Could it be that, like Sha Zhengwen, she was playing the ostrich?

"Isn't it the wrong person?"

Zhang Hao's eyes moved to Xi Qianyan's face.

"This is her resume. "

Xi Qianyan handed it over and said, "There are also photos..."

Zhang Hao took it and looked at it jokingly.

Except for the fact that her academic qualifications were not fake, her work experience was also more or less fake.

The emotional experience was even more fake.

She actually said that she had never had a boyfriend?

Yes, this is difficult to confirm.

It is completely possible to lie to people, so it is much easier to apply for a job, especially the position of secretary to the board of directors.

"You are not suitable, you can leave."

Zhang Hao didn't want to talk to Qiao Na at all.

He no longer had any feelings for this woman.

He even felt a little disgusted when he saw her.

Why did he find such a girlfriend in the past?

Except for her appearance, she is useless.

Especially her character, which is very bad.

"Why is it not suitable? I feel that I am very suitable. I studied computer software engineering. The majors match. And we are alumni. You are a super rich man. What's wrong with taking care of alumni when you become rich? ”

Qiao Na was very unwilling to be eliminated without asking any questions.

“You have many advantages, but you lied about your feelings.”

Zhang Hao said coldly.

“I didn’t lie, I really didn’t lie, I have always been single…”

Qiao Na gritted her teeth and looked sincere.

She knew that if she admitted it, she would have no chance at all.

“How is Wan Kuang now?”

Zhang Hao’s face showed a hint of sneer.

“You… know Wan Kuang?”

Qiao Na was shocked.

“I know him, I went to your wedding.”

Zhang Hao said lightly, “The wedding was very lively, especially eating pumpkin, which was very impressive.”

“You… you… are you Zhang Hao?”

Qiao Na was awakened from her ostrich act, with a face full of fear and shock, stuttering, and trembling all over.

It was as if she suddenly fell ill and had the shiver.

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