After Xin Qianqian finally finished the formalities and returned to the chairman's office.

Then she was stunned.

Because there were more than a dozen employees standing inside.

They were crowding behind Zhang Hao with enthusiastic faces.

And Zhang Hao was writing software left and right.

Pa pa pa pa...

Both hands were tapping quickly, turning into countless afterimages.

It was hard to see clearly.

The program on the screen also flowed up like a waterfall.

Zhang Hao was doing this on the original basis.

Modifying and improving the firewall.

Patching up the loopholes one by one.

"Oh my god, this is too scary, isn't it?"

"So the chairman is Zhang Hao, the master of hand speed, and the world's number one in computer technology."

"I just want to kneel down and worship you."

"Me too."


"Chairman, I also admire you to the extreme..."

Xin Qianqian also had a look of admiration on her face.

It's so cool to be Zhang Hao's secretary.

Not only can I serve a handsome guy every day, it's great.

But I can also ask him for advice on computer technology.

How can I not make rapid progress?

"Okay, you guys study and learn well, and master the technology I show as soon as possible."

Zhang Hao finally stopped and said lightly.

"Yes, Chairman."

All the staff in the computer department agreed respectfully and enthusiastically.

"Chairman, your computer technology is so amazing that we can only worship you."

"Chairman, you are indeed the world's number one computer expert, no one can surpass you..."


Immediately, they began to flatter him enthusiastically again.

"Chairman, Manager Xi has taken me to all departments just now. Now I can start working."

Xin Qianqian also said in a clear voice.

"Isn't this secretary too innocent?"

The computer department staff all muttered secretly.

But they all retreated quickly and closed the door.

"This is my email address. Now you send an email in the name of the chairman and another email in the name of the secretary. Ask them to email us if they have important matters in the future... And, you have to read my emails on time in the future. If there is anything that needs my attention, remind me. "

Zhang Hao said.

"Yeah. "

Xin Qianqian sat down at her seat and quickly registered her email.

Then she sent two emails in her own name and Zhang Hao's name.

Quick and good.

This is her specialty.

Zhang Hao was very satisfied.

This is the most qualified secretary to the board of directors.

She has never had a boyfriend and is smart and capable.

She is pure and well-behaved.

She also admires me very much.

The other women interviewed today are not simple, most of them are extremely coquettish.

They all have deep emotional experiences.

If I become a secretary to the board of directors, I will be unable to sleep and eat.

"Let's go, let's pick a place."

Zhang Hao picked up his laptop.

"Pick a place? What do you mean?"

Xin Qianqian was confused.

Are we going to other game companies to mess things up?

"Go to the design department and let them see how powerful our brothers and sisters are. If we don't scare those technical masters, it will be difficult to carry out work in the future. "

Zhang Hao said.

Just now, I only stunned the people in the computer department.

It is different from the staff in the development department and the technical department.

The former is responsible for network maintenance, and the latter is responsible for game programming.

"Chairman, this is all up to you. My technology is not as good as theirs. But I will learn and ask you for advice, and I will definitely surpass them as soon as possible."

Xin Qianqian said.

The development and design departments are in the same hall.

Separated by a screen.

There are hundreds of people.

"Hello, Chairman, hello, Secretary Xin."

Listening to the respectful greetings of many employees.

Zhang Hao just nodded lightly.

But Xin Qianqian's pretty face was slightly red, and she was extremely excited and excited.

Oh my God, this is the prestige of being a secretary to the chairman?

It's so cool.

Is this considered a step to heaven?

"Everyone stop working and come to the meeting. The chairman has something to say to you. "

Xin Qianqian said crisply.

When all the staff came over, Zhang Hao said calmly: "I am here to solve your technical problems. You can ask me any questions. I will give you ideas and solutions on the spot. Let's get started."


Everyone was confused.

How many problems did they encounter in the process of developing the game?

Many of them could not be solved and could only be bypassed.

How dare the chairman brag like this?

"You can't solve the problem, but you can't solve it for me.

To the chairman, it is nothing. ”

Xin Qianqian urged, “Ask quickly, the chairman’s time is precious.”

“Chairman, I have a question…”

A messy-haired employee took Zhang Hao to his seat without thinking twice, pointed out the difficulties he encountered in his design, and asked expectantly.

“Technical madman Sun Buye, are you crazy? You actually believe that the chairman has superb technology? Asking such a difficult question? Isn’t this embarrassing for the chairman?”

Many employees touched their foreheads, laughing and crying.

They all discussed the design problem, but there was no good way to solve it.

They were even ready to give up, that is, to lower the design requirements.

“This problem is so difficult…”

Xin Qianqian also frowned, “I wonder if the chairman can solve it?”

“It’s very simple! There is no need to explain, just watch me do it..."

Zhang Hao said nonchalantly.

His hands began to type on the keyboard.


Like a violent storm, like rain hitting banana leaves.

The afterimages of his hands made it hard to see clearly.

It took less than three minutes.

Zhang Hao stopped, stood up and walked away.

He looked calm.

But everyone was still staring at the computer screen in amazement.

Because the design problem was solved perfectly.

This was a top problem that gave so many super experts a headache and they had no way to solve it.

The chairman only took three minutes to solve it?

Oh my god, what a terrifying technology this is?

It's simply beyond the sky.

"It's amazing, so amazing, I want to kneel down and worship it. "

Xin Qianqian was also shocked.

Immediately, many computer experts began to ask questions frantically.

Zhang Hao put forward ideas and thoughts with an indifferent face, which basically solved the problem.

Sometimes he was too lazy to explain and rolled up his sleeves to type on the keyboard.

It was done in a few minutes.

It took only two hours to solve all their accumulated problems.

It was simply overwhelming and unstoppable.

There was no obstacle.

Then he took Xin Qianqian away in a chic manner.

There was no boasting or pride.

As if this was not a great thing.

"Oh my God, how can there be such a versatile person like the chairman in the world? Knowing everything? Being good at everything? Being able to solve any problem?"

"It turns out that the chairman is the hand speed master Zhang Hao. He said that his computer technology is the best in the world. I think it is more than that. It should be the best in the Milky Way."

"Too awesome, too amazing, I have never been convinced by anyone, but today I admire him with all my heart. ”

“Oh my god, today is an eye-opener. If we can all understand, technology will skyrocket.”

“With a chairman who is the best computer expert in the galaxy, how can the company not rise quickly?”


Many employees were excited and talked about it.

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