The food was very delicious.

"I just came back from the company after eating, I'm not hungry."

Liu Xiyu quickly received Zhang Hao's reply, and said to Xin Qianqian depressedly: "Look, this is not a steel straight man, what is it?"

"But I think he likes beautiful women very much..."

Xin Qianqian said cautiously.

I spent a day with Zhang Hao today, and of course I found that Zhang Hao's eyes were easily attracted by the beautiful women in the company, and even by myself.

How could he be a steel straight man?

It must be that Liu Xiyu opened it in the wrong way.

In the luxurious room, Zhang Hao sat on the bed, looking at the university classmates group with great interest.

Very lively.

"@Sha Zhengwen, have you got the upper hand?"

"@Sha Zhengwen, who is the alumnus?"

"Sha Zhengwen, you got the upper hand, so you ignore us?"

"@Qiao Na, did you succeed in your application for the position of secretary to the board?"


But neither Sha Zhengwen nor Qiao Na spoke out.

"@All classmates, it is said that Sha Zhengwen received millions of kickbacks during his work and was taken away by the police. As for Qiao Na, her application failed."

Zhang Hao spoke up and attached a photo of Sha Zhengwen being taken to a police car.


"How is this possible?"

"I was wondering why Sha Zi didn't speak, it turns out something happened."


The classmates were stunned by the news.

Then they lost interest and became bored.

They stopped discussing.

The group became dead silent.

"Hehehe, I am indeed a topic terminator."

Zhang Hao laughed evilly.

The next morning, he did not go to set up a stall, but went to work at the game company in high spirits.

He had to stay in charge for a few days to stabilize people's hearts and completely control the company.


After lunch, Xin Qianqian changed into beautiful clothes, went downstairs gracefully, and prepared to go to work.

The car to pick up Xin Qianqian has arrived.

A Mercedes-Benz.

The driver is a female driver.

"Hello, Secretary Xin."

The female driver said respectfully.


Xin Qianqian got in the car, inexplicably a little excited.

I should be considered to have set a record.

In the second year of college, I found a part-time job, and it was a senior company secretary - the company secretary.

There is a car to pick me up and drop me off at get off work.

It's all because of my senior brother Zhang Hao.

Thinking of Zhang Hao, her heart beat faster.

This is a man who is so outstanding that countless men are ashamed of themselves and makes countless beauties fall in love with him.

"So happy, Xin Qianqian went to work, there is a car to pick her up..."

"I heard she is the secretary of the board of directors, so pure, I guess she has fascinated the boss..."


Watching the car speeding away, many students were envious and jealous.

As soon as she arrived at the company, Xin Qianqian made tea and coffee for Zhang Hao.

After processing all the emails, she began to massage Zhang Hao's shoulders.

Zhang Hao signed several documents in the morning and typed tens of thousands of words in one breath.

But he was a little tired.

Enjoyed closing his eyes, "A little harder."


Xin Qianqian nodded obediently.

Then she said timidly: "Chairman, I... have a secret that I haven't told you."

"What secret?"

"I... am roommates with Liu Xiyu."

"It's nothing."

"I feel a little embarrassed. I'm afraid she'll be jealous."


Zhang Hao was stunned. "Why do you think so?"

"Because everyone will misunderstand. Aren't the chairman and the secretary very ambiguous?"

Xin Qianqian said with a blushing face.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Zhang Hao patted her hand.

Xin Qianqian seemed to have an electric shock and fell directly on Zhang Hao's back.

"Isn't this too sensitive?"

Zhang Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After a while, he said, "Let's go and take a look at the back of the company."

"What's there to see behind the company?"

Xin Qianqian was stunned.

"Lu Mingyan said there's a gambling stone shop behind. Let's try our luck."

Zhang Hao said.

He came over in the morning, and Lu Mingyan came to flatter him again.

Massage, leg pounding, and gossiping.

He accidentally mentioned that there was a gambling stone shop behind.

Zhang Hao was thinking about it.

Because the gambling stone shop was his bank.

"Okay, okay."

Xin Qianqian was very happy.

I have never gambled on stones before.

Of course I am willing to go with you to broaden my horizons.

So the two went downstairs.

"Hello, Chairman, hello, Secretary Xin."

The receptionist greeted with a smile.


What's your name?"

Zhang Hao asked.

"My name is Yan Yuting."

The receptionist said coquettishly.

"Come on, come on, let's go to the gambling stone shop and try our luck."

Zhang Hao invited.

It would be very impressive to take such a beautiful girl out for a walk.

"But isn't there no one on duty at the front desk?"

Yan Yuting was very excited.

"Lu Mingyan, you will take over the front desk for a while..."

Zhang Hao just saw Lu Mingyan, the deputy manager of the HR department, and a clerk walking downstairs, and gave the order.

"Chairman, where are you going?"

Lu Mingyan ran over with a strong fragrance and asked flatteringly.

"Go to the gambling stone shop you mentioned and try your luck. "

Zhang Hao said.

He didn't like Lu Mingyan.

He wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkey.

But there was a bigger chicken, Sha Zhengwen.

Plus, the company also needed a bad woman like Lu Mingyan to tell tales on them.

So he didn't let her go.

"Chairman, that place is a bit remote, shall I take you there?"

Lu Mingyan said, "Let the clerk replace the receptionist for a while."

"That's fine."

Zhang Hao said.

Three beauties surrounded Zhang Hao and walked out.

"Who did I offend? To replace the receptionist? Do you have no human rights just because you are ugly?"

The clerk's mind was full of black lines, and he was extremely depressed.

"Who is that? So showy? Taking three super beauties shopping? ”

On the way, pedestrians looked sideways.

Many people even glared at Zhang Hao.

The three beauties were really too attractive.

Especially Yan Yuting and Xin Qianqian, one was bright and the other was pure.

They were simply dazzlingly beautiful.

And Lu Mingyan was also coquettish and sexy.

She was also very suitable for some men.

But the three of them surrounded Zhang Hao intimately.

The way they looked at him was also very special.

It seemed like they were looking at a lover.


Zhang Hao asked about the receptionist.

22 years old, graduated from a relatively ordinary undergraduate college.

Studied computer science.

Applied for a job once, but was not hired.

It happened that the company was short of a receptionist at that time, 6,000 yuan a month, so she asked her if she was willing to do it?

She agreed.

So she has been working for more than three months.

“Keep working hard to learn computer knowledge, and you will soon not be a receptionist.”

Zhang Hao said.

“Yes, Chairman. ”

Yan Yuting was very excited.

This is the boss's promise, and the future is bright.

"I regret it so much..."

Lu Mingyan regretted it so much that her intestines turned green.

If she had rejected Sha Zhengwen and not become his girlfriend, she would still be single now.

With Zhang Hao's attitude, he likes beautiful women the most.

Then I will also get special care, right?

"You can graduate from college, which is very good. There are two twin sisters who are as beautiful as you. They came out to work after graduating from high school. They were bullied... and they actually asked them to apologize?"

Zhang Hao couldn't help but think of Jiang Xueqing and Jiang Xueyu.

In terms of appearance and figure, they can be stars, but it's a pity that their education is too low.

"What happened later?"

The three women were curious.

"I bought the hotel and fired the general manager." Zhang Hao said lightly, "Now they are still working as gold medal waiters, but no one dares to bully them. It's my territory, I'm the boss. ”


The three women were stunned.

This is too cool!

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