The story is so interesting, but it is still a good one.

"Hahaha, this time it's really cool."

Zhang Hao laughed excitedly, and a deep ecstasy appeared on his face.

These three books can make him a top literary giant and a celebrity for all ages.

There is no doubt that he can make movies and TV shows.

There is no doubt that he will win various literary awards.

Even the civilization and various technological weapons described in it have high research value.

Perhaps, it is a real story, not fiction.

So, this is a real gain of fame and fortune.

It is what countless writers expect but cannot achieve.

He went out and started to set up a stall again.

With such a high number of failure points, of course he has to earn them quickly.

Moreover, while setting up a stall, you can also type on your phone, so you can type out these three books as soon as possible.

Then you can publish them in physical form.

"Fuck... why are you setting up a stall again?"

Jiang Baixue touched his forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"My book failed, won't I starve to death if I don't set up a stall?"

Zhang Hao said.

"You starved to death?"

Jiang Baixue shook his head, "The person who starved to death is next to you."

"Ding, the host failed to show off, failure points +1."


Zhang Hao was overjoyed.

He boasted again: "Brother, I have an inspiration, I want to write a world-class masterpiece."


Jiang Baixue burst out laughing.

Damn, you brag without thinking.

"Ding, the host failed to show off, failure points +1."

"Hehehe, it's very fulfilling to brush up failure points like this."

Zhang Hao laughed strangely in his heart.

"Brother, actually I am the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor..."

Zhang Hao said again.

"Are you having a brain problem today? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Jiang Baixue said with a dark face. "Ding, the host failed to brag, and the failure points are +0.00001." "Damn, the failure points for bragging are so low?" Zhang Hao was furious, and instantly lost interest in earning failure points by bragging. It was a complete waste of his words and time. So he asked: "Old Jiang, have you seen any super beauties during this period?" "I saw the beauty I told you about last time again, she is so beautiful. You will definitely have a nosebleed when you see her." Jiang Baixue's eyes lit up instantly. "Is it Nanhua or Beihua?" Zhang Hao asked. There are four campus beauties in Futan University, east, south, west and north. He has only confessed to Donghua and Xihua, and there are two others that he has not met. This is also the reason why Zhang Hao chose to set up a stall here. The two campus beauties will leave the school sooner or later. Moreover, this is a busy area, and there are other beauties passing by.

Now that the confession is rejected, even if it is not considered a failure, you can still get failure points.

Therefore, Zhang Hao is more interested in setting up a stall.

"No, no. I have also seen those two school beauties. They are pure and beautiful. They are no less than the Donghua and Xihua you have hooked up with. But this beauty has different characteristics. She is unparalleled sexy, coquettish and bright, and her S curve is so exaggerated that you will be stunned. Anyway, she is very special. You can describe her as a natural beauty and a disaster..."

Jiang Baixue said excitedly, "I know where she works... hehe."

"Tell me quickly..."

Zhang Hao was ecstatic.

"Where is the commission?"

Jiang Baixue made a gesture of counting money.

Zhang Hao scanned the QR code on his stall without hesitation.

Payed him 1,000 yuan.

This amount is not too much or too little.

Jiang Baixue has a strong self-esteem, otherwise he would not have asked any classmates for help.


Jiang Baixue was overjoyed and pointed to the building on the side and said, "I work at the Bank of China."


Zhang Hao was very excited. He had a feeling that he could get a huge benefit again.

He immediately went to a nearby flower shop and bought a bunch of red roses.

He hid it in his bag.

This confession prop is indispensable.

"You don't want to confess to that beauty again, do you?"

Jiang Baixue touched his forehead and had a splitting headache.

During the time when he and Zhang Hao were setting up a stall, he had seen Zhang Hao confess to several beauties.

None of them succeeded.

They were all ridiculed.

He also suffered a lot of strange looks.

"Yes, when you see a beautiful woman, you must bravely confess. This is a recognition of her beauty. It is also a way to hone your perseverance and tenacity."

Zhang Hao said seriously, and then touched a handful of ash on the ground and smeared it on the back of his hand

, on his face.

He also messed up his hair.

His clothes were wrinkled.

Of course he didn't wear a watch or anything.

He looked in the mirror.

A complete poor loser.

He was extremely miserable.

"I don't know you."

Jiang Baixue moved the bench away.

But it was useless, Zhang Hao pulled him back.

"Why do I have such a weird classmate?"

Jiang Baixue covered his face.

He was worth more than a billion, but he was happy to set up a stall.

He confessed his love to a beautiful woman when he saw one.

And he had to pretend to be a poor loser.

It was simply a sin.

"Brother, I'm writing the world's first masterpiece, you keep an eye on me, and remind me if any beautiful woman appears."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he began to type on his phone.

His fingers turned into countless afterimages.

The words also flowed down like a waterfall.

"Oh my god... did you really write this?"

Jiang Baixue tilted his head and couldn't move his eyes away, his face full of shock and disbelief.

"Nonsense, it wasn't me who wrote it, was it a ghost who wrote it?"

Zhang Hao glared at him unhappily.

"But how did you write so fast? And so literary? And so novel?"

Jiang Baixue questioned.

"I have been conceiving this story for more than 20 years, and it has taken shape in my mind. This is called careful consideration and writing like a god." Zhang Hao said while typing, "And, I conceived a trilogy, sister works."

"Then didn't you start conceiving in your mother's womb? No wonder you write so well!"




Jiang Baixue was reading on the side, just able to keep up with Zhang Hao's typing speed.

He kept patting his thigh, and the enthusiasm on his face was getting more and more.

"Go, go, set up your stall and keep an eye out for beauties. If you remind me that a beauty is coming, I'll pay you a thousand yuan as a reward." Zhang Hao said unhappily.


Jiang Baixue's eyes lit up.

"How could it be false?"

Zhang Hao glared at him.

Would a billionaire care about this little money?

"Hahaha, that's so cool."

Jiang Baixue was immediately ecstatic.

He stared wide-eyed and scanned everywhere.

He didn't let go of any passing beauty.

He reminded Zhang Hao whenever he saw one.

"Ding, the host confessed to a beauty and scared her away, failure points +10."

"Ding, the host confessed to a beauty and scared her away again, failure points +10."


In just one morning, Zhang Hao confessed to three beauties and got 30 failure points.

Adding the few he got from Jiang Baixue, his failure points reached 35 points.

Moreover, Zhang Hao typed 100,000 words in the morning.

Don't think, just type it out, how can it not be fast?

"Look, the super beauty working in the bank is coming out."

Jiang Baixue earned 4,000 yuan from Zhang Hao in the morning, and now he is in high spirits, his two eyes have evolved into eagle eyes and radar.

He saw the beauty as soon as she left the bank.

Quickly reminded Zhang Hao.

(Five chapters are sent, begging for five-star rating votes.)

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