Yuan Shuai felt very distressed and reached out to wipe away Su Qiao's tears.

Her face was a little haggard and her eyes were a little swollen. This silly girl actually cried so hard that her eyes were swollen.

"Don't you have a girlfriend? What are you doing?" Su Qiao stopped crying and looked at Yuan Shuai and said.

Uh! This question is so difficult to answer.

Although Yuan Shuai is a bit of a scumbag, Zhao Wanqing is not the one-night stand he had before.

He will be responsible for Zhao Wanqing.

How should I answer this?

If I can't think of how to answer, then don't answer.

Yuan Shuai kissed her directly and answered Su Qiao's question with his actions.

He showed the word "scumbag" to the fullest.

To be honest, if Su Qiao hadn't left last night, Yuan Shuai would not have had that thing with Zhao Wanqing.

It's not that Yuan Shuai doesn't like Zhao Wanqing, it's just that he took that step ahead of time.

Although Yuan Shuai is a bit of a scumbag, he is definitely not a man who meets the same person again and again.

Since it has already happened, it means that Yuan Shuai will be responsible for her.

Alas! What a twist of fate...

If Su Qiao hadn't left, Yuan Shuai wouldn't be in a bad mood, wouldn't drink, and Zhao Wanqing wouldn't be drunk...

Su Qiao didn't resist, didn't struggle.

She was completely stunned...

Why is he like this?

How abominable, he actually kissed me.

But, this feeling is so wonderful.

Since when, she has also imagined such a scene.

This guy who made her think about it day and night for so long finally moved his mouth to me.

A few more tears slid across her face, with emotion, excitement, and happiness.

Su Qiao couldn't suppress the emotion of missing him for a long time anymore, she reached out and hugged Yuan Shuai's neck, and began to respond.

Why bother with him so much, it's so hard to meet again, why should I suppress my longing for him.

There was still a faint smell of tobacco in Yuan Shuai's mouth, Su Qiao didn't like this smell at first, but now she likes it.

If you like someone, you will accept everything about him and like everything about him. This is love.

Su Qiao responded awkwardly, with teeth chattering.

Yuan Shuai let go of Su Qiao, looked at her affectionately, and said softly: "Can I touch your hair for the rest of my life?"

Both of them were very ignorant when they were in school. The head teacher said that only boyfriends or husbands could touch girls' hair.

They believed it. After the head teacher explained it, one continued to touch and the other did not stop. Just like that, the two understood each other's feelings.

Some people would say that if that was the case, all bachelors would become barbers, so why would they worry about not having a wife.

It was indeed the case, but it was different for the two of them. That was their beginning and the little tacit understanding between the two of them.

Su Qiao looked at Yuan Shuai, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and then she nodded fiercely.

Yuan Shuai smiled, very happily, and hugged Su Qiao into his arms again.

The two hugged each other like this. With simple actions, they both felt very happy, but this happiness came a little late.

The two of them hugged each other quietly for a long time before letting go.

"Xiao Qiao, have you been doing well these years?"

Yuan Shuai began to try to understand Su Qiao's experience these years.

"Not well, not well at all..."

Su Qiao said, tears falling down, and she threw herself into Yuan Shuai's arms again, sobbing.

For so many years, she has endured silently and has not cried for a long time.

Not well?

What happened?

Yuan Shuai comforted Su Qiao, a little helpless.

Su Qiao stabilized her emotions and said: "After that, our family moved to Shenzhen. Unexpectedly, my father had a serious illness..."

Su Qiao began to talk, choking several times. Yuan Shuai didn't know how to comfort her at all, so he could only hold her in his arms.

It turned out that Su Qiao's parents were afraid that the incident would affect her, and for her study, so they moved to Shenzhen.

However, in the second year, his father got stomach cancer, not only spent all his savings, but also borrowed a lot of money.

But her father still passed away, leaving the mother and daughter to depend on each other.

Without the pillar of the family, the burden of life fell on her mother's shoulders.

Su Qiao was also very sensible. Whenever she had time during college, she would do odd jobs to supplement the family income.

After graduating from college, she got a job and the situation began to improve.

But her mother was not in good health because of years of fatigue.

No one knows a daughter better than her mother. Su Qiao's mother knew that she had always had an obsession in her heart and knew that she was still thinking about Yuan Shuai.

Therefore, she took the initiative to persuade Su Qiao to go back to her hometown to find Yuan Shuai.

At least, she could give her daughter a support before she left.

Speaking of that incident, Su's mother burst into tears and regretted her decision. If she hadn't left at that time, perhaps everything would be different.

Su Qiao did not go to XinxianYuan Shuai's family asked, after all, they didn't know what Yuan Shuai's situation was at the moment, and they didn't know his identity.

After learning that Yuan Shuai worked in Xingcheng, they came to Xingcheng. They didn't find Yuan Shuai for a while, so they participated in the Tianyu Media audition for female group members.

Yuan Shuai didn't expect that she had such a hard time these years, and his eyes were a little red.

"Silly, why didn't you come to me earlier?" Yuan Shuai stroked Su Qiao's hair distressedly.

"I, I know your family conditions are not very good, how can I add burden to you." Su Qiao said.

"Silly girl, I won't let you suffer anymore in the future." Yuan Shuai looked at Su Qiao affectionately and said.

"Okay!" Su Qiao finally smiled, with tears in her smile, and nodded heavily.

"It will be recorded in the afternoon, you have to prepare well." Yuan Shuai smiled.

Su Qiao was silent after hearing this.

After a moment of silence, she said, "I don't want to participate anymore."

Yuan Shuai was stunned when he heard this and asked, "Why?"

"I want to find a good job so that we can spend more time together, work hard together, and own our home together, okay?"

Su Qiao's face was full of longing, and her eyes were full of infinite yearning.

Is it really like this?

Yuan Shuai knew that Su Qiao liked music since she was a child, and she always had a musical dream.

She said this and did this, probably because she didn't want Yuan Shuai to distance her from her.

With Su Qiao's strength, even if Yuan Shuai didn't intervene, she would have a great chance of becoming a member of a girl group.

She probably didn't want to be a star herself, while Yuan Shuai was still an ordinary citizen.

In that case, they wouldn't be a good match.

Yuan Shuai instantly guessed Su Qiao's little thoughts, what a silly girl!

"Don't you want to be a star? I remember you always liked singing." Yuan Shuai asked with a smile.

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "I don't like it anymore, and I don't want to be a star either."

This little fool is still lying.

Yuan Shuai didn't say it out loud. If Su Qiao really didn't like it, that would be fine, but since she obviously liked it, she had to fulfill her dream.

"Do you work here? Which department?" Su Qiao asked again.

Yuan Shuai laughed and said, "I'm in the security department."

"Oh! So that's why, those people just now were also security guards, right? They were all tall and strong."

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