Xiao Bei arrived outside the president's office of Hangzhou University. It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Standing outside the president's office, Xiao Bei took a deep breath.

Then he knocked on the door.

Dong Dong Dong~!

"Come in!"

Xiao Bei had just knocked on the door when he heard an elegant voice from inside.

Xiao Bei heard it and turned the door open directly.

When he walked in, he saw three people.

One of them was about 50 years old and was wearing a Zhongshan suit. He was the president, Xue Wen!

The other two were about the same age, but Xiao Bei didn't know them.

After Xiao Bei came into the room.

He said to the president: "Principal Xue, I'm Xiao Bei!"

"Hello, teachers, I'm Xiao Bei, sorry to bother you!"

Xue Wen greeted Xiao Bei and introduced himself, looking at Xiao Bei with a smile on his face.

The other two old men also looked at Xiao Bei with satisfaction.

Xue Wen smiled at Xiao Bei and said, "Are you Xiao Bei?"

"Yes, principal, I am Xiao Bei!"

"Hahaha, great, young and promising, young and promising!"

Xue Wen came to Xiao Bei and patted Xiao Bei on the shoulder.

Xiao Bei scratched his head when he heard this.

"Principal, you are too kind!"

"Hahaha, Xiao Bei, come, let me introduce you!"

The principal pulled Xiao Bei and came to the two old men.

"Xiao Bei, this is a national academician, Mr. Di Qiulong, who focuses on chip research!"

"Hello, Mr. Di!"

"Hahaha, hello, young man!"

"This is Academician Ni Guangnan, from Ningcheng, and also an academician engaged in the semiconductor industry!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bei took a breath of cold air.

This person was very famous in his previous life. He was a real big shot!

The founder of "Xia Guoxin"!

If it weren't for Liu Meiguo, Xiaguo would have had its own chips long ago. It can be said that Liu Meiguo almost ruined Academician Ni's life.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bei was immediately in awe.

"Academician Ni, hello, Xiao Bei, I have long heard of your name!"

For such an old man who serves the country and the people, Xiao Bei, there is no reason not to respect him.

Because they are the backbone of the motherland!

Academician Ni looked at Xiao Bei and said with a smile: "Do you know me, my friend?"

"Academician Ni, of course I know you. People like you who fight for the motherland's chips are my role models!"

After hearing Xiao Bei's words, the three of them laughed.

At this time, Xue Wen motioned Xiao Bei to sit down.

Then he looked at Xiao Bei and said: "Student Xiao, do you know why I am looking for you?"

"Principal, I am a dull student, please explain!"

Xiao Bei said modestly.

Xue Wen and the two old men looked at each other and laughed.

"Student Xiao, first of all, I congratulate you on your achievements!"

"Secondly, the school will be proud of you, a talented business person like you!"

After hearing the principal's words, Xiao Bei touched his head and said embarrassedly:

"Principal, students are proud of the school!"

"Okay, old man, no more polite words!"

Xiao Bei knew that it was time to get down to business.

In fact, Xiao Bei didn't really know why the principal wanted to find him at first.

But now that he saw the two academicians, Xiao Bei knew a little bit.

"Student Xiao, do you have any ideas about Xiaguo chips?"

Hearing this, Xiao Bei knew that it was about chips.

"Principal, two academicians, then the student will talk about his own ideas superficially!"

After hearing Xiao Bei's words, the three of them looked at Xiao Bei with interest.

Xiao Bei combined some information from his previous life and then said:

"Xiaguo must develop its own chip industry, there is no doubt about that!"

"Oh, why do you have such an idea? You know, Xiaguo's chips are not a little different from those of foreign countries!"

Academician Ni asked directly after hearing this.

"Yes, there is a difference between us and foreign countries. Even our treasure island has chip manufacturers like TSMC!"

"But we also need to develop our own chips. First of all, domestic chip design is not a problem, but the equipment for making chips!"

"Maybe you will ask why we should develop our own chips."

"That is, with the rapid economic development of Xiaguo in recent years, it has become the world's second largest economy!"

"Western countries will not let us develop, and they will definitely strangle us in key technologies."

"If my guess is correct, the West will definitely suppress Huawei in the next one or two years!"

After hearing Xiao Bei's words, the three frowned, and their hearts were in turmoil. Academician Ni immediately asked:

"Why suppress Huawei, not others?"His company? "

"First of all, no matter what other mobile phone brands are, in fact, to put it bluntly, they are all assembled and have no foundation of their own, but Huawei is different!"

"According to my information, Huawei has already started to research 5G technology, which is something Western countries don't want to see!"

"Because Huawei is essentially laying its own foundation and competing with the West for the market!"

"This is not allowed by the West. They will only allow good development on their foundation because they have the ability to sanction at any time!"

"But once Huawei completes its own foundation, it can no longer be controlled, just like Alstom at that time!"

"So, the chip business must be localized! "

After hearing Xiao Bei's analysis, the three of them looked at each other.

Xue Wen looked at Xiao Bei with a surprised look.

You know, at first Xue Wen just thought Xiao Bei was a business genius.

But now it's different. He is not a business genius. He is a person with strategic vision. Such a person, judging from his words, is also very patriotic.

If such a person does not go wrong in the future, he must be a famous entrepreneur in Xia Country.

Rich people and entrepreneurs are completely different concepts.

"Student Xiao Bei, your analysis is very good. I was thinking about how to explain it to you!"

"In fact, I asked you to come here today, and I was a little selfish!"

Xue Wen looked at the other two academicians and said directly.

"President, you said that as long as the students can do it, they will not refuse!"

"Well, you are worthy of being a student of Hangzhou University!"

Xue Wen praised with a smile.

Then he said: "Student Xiao Bei, I know your company is a venture capital. Now Academician Ni wants to set up a chip research institute. What do you think? "

Hearing this, Xiao Bei was excited.

Academician Ni, isn't that the future Xiaxin International?

Thinking of this, Xiao Bei said directly: "How much investment is needed?"

"It's relatively small in the early stage, but you also know the chip industry!"

"Besides me, what other companies have entered?"

Xiao Bei asked directly, he knew that he must be just one of them.

"There are currently three companies in negotiation!"

Academician Ni looked at Xiao Bei and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Bei said directly: "Well, Academician Ni, you don't have to talk anymore, I can do it alone, is 2 billion enough in the early stage?"

Hearing this, the three of them opened their eyes wide!

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